
第23章 His Powerful Physique


Like every strong man, he once saved his own life. An assassin...had fired one shot at him and was about to1 fire a second, this time at closer range. It would have been fatal, had not Bismarck seized the man’s right hand and hurled the weapon to the ground. On another occasion, when he was younger, he had plunged into the water after a man who was drowning — and for the rest of his life, among all the insignia of honor which “go with the make-up of a minister,” he took pride only in2the medal commemorating this rescue. Again, he saved Prussia, when the king was about to1 yield to3 popular pressure and to abdicate, by taking hold of the king’s scabbard and literally shaking him into a mood of self-defence.

None of these three equally important acts would have been possible without4 the assistance of his powerful physique. Wherever he went, he was the biggest man present. ...Emperors of the French and of the Russians, kings, princes, and princesses — all were impressed to see him stoop as he came through the door and then draw himself up again to his full height. Generals and politicians, most of them his opponents for one reason or another, were often astounded, and even terrified, by his build.

— E. Ludwig

assassin n. 行刺者

fatal adj. 致命的

insignia n.〔复〕勋章

commemorate v. 纪念

Prussia 普鲁士,德国的前身

abdicate v. 退位

scabbard n. 剑鞘

literally adv. 真正地

stoop v. 俯身

astound v. 使震惊

build n. 体形

中译 体魄魁梧(俾斯麦)





Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck(俾斯麦,1815-1898),普鲁士政治活动家,为德意志帝国于1870年成立后的第一任宰相。他宣称德国的问题必须以“血和铁”(“blood and iron”)解决,故有“铁血宰相”之称。普鲁士(Prussia)在当时是德意志帝国的主要成员。俾斯麦曾经是普鲁士驻俄国(1859-1862)和法国(1862)的使节。


1 was about to fire... / was about to yield...

be about to-v. 表示即将发生的动作:

We were about to leave when it started to rain. 我们刚要走,这时却下起雨来了。

He was about to rob the bank when he saw a police-car coming.


2 he took pride only in the medal...

句式 to take pride in sth / doing sth 或 to pride oneself on sth / doing sth 表示“为……而自豪”:

He takes great pride in his work. 他为自己的工作感到很自豪。

She prides herself on her cooking. 她为自己的烹调技术而自豪。

3 yield to popular pressure...

yield to 表示“屈服”“让步”,也可以说成,bow to 或 bend to,或 give in to:The government yielded to public opinion. 政府屈从于舆论。

He tried to force me to bend to his will. 他试图强迫我顺从他的意愿。

She bowed to these demands. 她接受了这些要求。

He gave in to the wish of the majority. 他听从了多数人的意愿。

4 None...would have been possible without the assistance of his powerful physique

句式 虚拟条件句,常带有 if 引导的从句。这里用了 without 介词短语代替 if 从句 (if it had not been for his powerful physique):

Without solar radiation, animals and plants would die. ( = If there were no solar radiation, ...) 如果没有太阳的辐射,动植物就会死亡。

Without steel, there would be no industry. ( = If there were no steel, ...) 没有钢铁,就不可能有工业。


To youth I have but three words of counsel

— work, work, and work. — Bismarck
