
第26章 The Youngest Hosted

Franklin Roosevelt

Before proceedings, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt, the only head of state, would preside at1the first formal session. Everything was so relaxed it did not seem possible that the conference was about to make decisions involving the fortunes of millions of people. There was nothing of the strain so frequently found on great occasions.

Roosevelt’s first words were in a light vein.2 As the youngest of the three, he said, he welcomed his elders. Churchill was the most eloquent, saying, “In our hands we have the future of mankind.” As host, Stalin welcomed his guests and then added: “Now let us get down to business.”

— Charles Bohlen

proceedings n.(会议的)议程

preside v. 主持

formal adj. 正式的

session n. 会议

strain n. 极度紧张

eloquent adj. 能言善辩的

中译 主持会议(富兰克林·罗斯福)





Franklin Delano Roosevelt(富兰克林·罗斯福,1882-1945),美国第32任总统,在第二次世界大战中,他对建立反法西斯(fascism)同盟作出重大贡献。

本篇描述1943年德黑兰会议(Tehran Conference)的情况。当时苏联和英国的元首分别是最高苏维埃主席和君主。斯大林(Joseph Stalin)是苏联共产党总书记、苏联部长会议主席。丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)是英国首相,二人都不是一国元首,只有罗斯福是一国元首(the only head of state)。

本文作者Charles Bohlen(波伦,1904-1974),美国外交家,第二次世界大战期间多次陪同罗斯福出席重要会议。


1 ...would preside at the first formal session

句式 preside at / over 表示“主持”:

The vice-chairman of the board will preside at today’s meeting.


He has presided over a seminar for social psychologists. 他主持过一次社会心理学家的讨论会。

Who is it that presides over this new radio programme? 是谁主持这套新的广播节目?


2 in a light vein

vein = mood(情绪):

We hoped the conversation would not continue in such a pessimistic vein. 我们希望谈话不会在这样悲观情绪中继续下去。

vein 也可解作“气质”或“风格”:

She has a noble vein in her character. 她性格中有高尚的成分。

The story is written in a comic vein. 这短篇小说以喜剧意味写成。

本篇有关情绪的词语还有 relaxed(adj. 轻松的);strain(n. 压力)。谈“压力”或“焦虑”还有 pressure、stress、anxiety 等:

She felt relaxed in the countryside when all the strains and stresses of city life had gone. 她在乡间感到轻松,这时城市生活的紧张和压力全都消失了。


A conservative is a man with

two perfectly good legs who, however,

has never learned to walk forward.

— Franklin Roosevelt

