
第43章 Sarah Bernhardt to Victorien Sardou(2)

第三十六章 Henri Poincaré and Marie Curie’s Recommendation Letter for Albert Einstein


Herr Einstein is one of the most original minds that we have ever met. In spite of his youth he already occupies a very honorable position among the foremost savants of his time. What we marvel at him, above all, is the ease1 with which he adjusts himself to new conceptions and draws all possible deductions from them. He does not cling to classical principles, but sees all conceivable possibilities when he is confronted with a physical problem. In his mind this becomes transformed into an anticipation of new phenomena that may some day be verified in actual experience.... The future will give more and more proofs of the merits of Herr Einstein, and the University that succeeds in2 attaching him to itself may be certain that it will derive honor from its connection with the young master.

Henri Poincaré

Marie Curie

Herr [德语] 先生 (= Mr.)

savant n. 博学之士

conception n. 构思

cling to 依附

confront v. 遇到,面对

conceivable adj. 可预测到的

anticipation n. 期待

verified adj. 得到证实

中译 普旺加莱与居里夫人为爱因斯坦写的推荐书






物理学家爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein, 1879-1955)对人类最伟大的贡献是他创立的狭义相对论和广义相对论(The Special and General Theories of Relativity)。他在三十岁时已在国际学术界有一定地位,却仍未获聘大学教席。法国数学家普旺加莱(Henri Poincaré, 1854-1912)与镭(radium)元素的发现者居里夫人(Marie Curie, 1869-1934)联名向瑞士苏黎世联邦技术学院(Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich)写了本推荐信后,爱因斯坦于1912年获该学院聘任。


妙笔生花 信中内容铺排,层次分明,先后有序:

1. 介绍爱因斯坦的才华:one of the most original minds ...

2. 他在学术界的地位:honourable position

3. 他的优异特质:adjusts to new conceptions... / sees all conceivable

possibilities / anticipation of new phenomena...

4. 对其未来贡献极有信心:The future will give proofs of the merits 其中也有赞赏的语句,包括one of the most original minds / foremost savants / adjusts...at ease / the University...will derive honour 等。


1 ...the ease with which he adjusts himself to new conceptions...

句式 ease 解作“从容,轻松,容易”,常见于介词短语,如 at ease; with ease:

The ballistic officer detonated the bomb with ease. 那拆弹专家从容地引爆炸弹。

I feel at ease with him. 我跟他相处得很自然轻松。

句式 with which he... 是个定语从句,修饰名词 the ease,with 是介词。下面的两组例句与 with which 属于同一类型,句中的介词 (to, on) 可以放在关系代词 (which, who) 之前,也可以放在定语从句之后:

This is the dictionary to which the teacher often refers.

This is the dictionary (which) the teacher often refers to.


You are the person on whom we pin all our hopes.

You are the person (whom) we pin all our hopes on.


2 the university that succeeds in attaching him...

句式 succeed in + n. / v-ing 解作“(在某方面)得到成功”。注意 succeed 不能后接不定式:

He succeeds in developing good relations with his clients. 他成功地跟客户建立起良好关系。

She succeeds in human relations. 她在人际关系方面取得成功。

句式 注意名词 success 的拼写和用法:success in + n. / v-ing

His success in developing good relationship with clients brings him equal success in business. 他在与客户建立良好关系的成功带来事业上同样的成功。

I wish you every success. 我祝你事事成功。