
第16章 出生是人生的起点(8)


Miaoyu returned to the nunnery, and the old deaconess waiting for her there closed the gate. She satdown for a while to chant the sutra for the day, and after supper burned incense and worshiped Buddha.

This done, she dismissed the deaconess for the night. As her couch and back-rest were ready, she quietlylet down the curtain and sat cross-legged to meditate, banishing all frivolous thoughts to concentrate on thetruth. Some time after midnight, she heard a thud of tile on the roof. Suspecting a thief, she left her couchand went out to the veranda. She stood there alone for a while by the balustrade till a sudden caterwaulingbroke out on the roof. Abruptly recalling Baoyu’s remarks that day, Miaoyu’s heart started beating faster andher face burned. Hastily suppressing her feelings, she returned to her cell and sat down again on the couch.

But her fancy, now running as wild as galloping horses made her imagine that the couch was rocking and shewas no longer in the nunnery. Many young lordlings had come to ask for her hand and, against her wishes,go-betweens were tugging and pushing her into a carriage. Then brigands kidnapped her and threatenedher with swords and clubs, so that she screamed for help. This aroused the novices and deaconess, whocame with torches to see what was the matter. Finding Miaoyu with outflung arms, frothing at the mouth,they hastily woke her up. They sent for doctors then. But the doctors could not reach agreement. Later theycalled in another doctor who after examining the patient asked,“Did she practice yoga?”“Yes, everynight,”answered the deaconess.“Was this a sudden fit last night?”“That’s right.”“Then it came onbecause evil thoughts crossed her mind and kindled a hot humour.”The doctor prescribed some medicineto alleviate the hot humour in her heart, and after taking it Miaoyu felt some relief. One day, Xichun wassitting quietly when Caiping came in to ask,“Do you know, miss, what happened to Sister Miaoyu?”“No.

What?”“The night after she went back from playing chess with you, some evil spirit took possession ofher, and she started raving that bandits had come to kidnap her! Even now she hasn’t recovered. Isn’t thatextraordinary?”Xichun remained silent, thinking,“Though Miaoyu is so chaste, she’s not severed allearthly ties yet.”This is why that night after Miaoyu went back from playing chess with Xichun, some evilspirit took possession of her.


The thieves were set on kidnapping Miaoyu, knowing that there were only weak women in the nunnery.

By the third watch when all was still, armed with daggers and narcotic incense they climbed on to the highwall. One of them slithered down and hid himself beside it. He waited till the fourth watch, when there wasonly one lamp left burning inside, and saw Miaoyu on her hassock sitting cross-legged in meditation. Aftera while she sighed,“I came from Xuanmu to the capital hoping to make a name; but then I was invitedhere and couldn’t go anywhere else. Yesterday out of kindness I called on Xichun only to be abused by thatlout, and during the night I had another bad fright. Coming back today I still feel on tenterhooks, unable toconcentrate.”As a rule she meditated in solitude and she was therefore reluctant to call in someone todayto keep her company. But by the fifth watch, shivering with cold, she sat there and smelt a whiff of scentwhich seemed to seep into her brain; and a numbness overcame her, making her unable to move or utter asound. Panic-stricken then, she saw a man climb in with a gleaming dagger. Although still conscious shecould not stir and, thinking that he must be going to kill her, she resigned herself to her fate and her fear lefther. However, the intruder tucked his knife in the back of his belt to free his hands, then quietly took her inhis arms and trifled with her a while. He then picked her up and slung her on to his back. Miaoyu felt as ifdrunk or deranged. So, alas, this pure-minded girl was drugged by the robber and ravished! Whether Miaoyulived on in shame after being kidnapped, or whether she resisted and was killed we cannot venture to say, notknowing the sequel. Just as the verse in the First Register of Twelve Beauties of Jinling reads:

Chastity is her wish,Seclusion her desire;Alas, though fine as gold or jade,She sinks at last in the mire.


Wang Xifeng: Wang Xifeng was born into a rich and noble family—just the family as it’s said inthe“Official’s Protective Charm”that“if the Dragon King wants a white jade of bed, he applies to theWangs of JinLing”.“She was educated like a boy.”“She had the almond-shaped eyes of a phoenix,slanting eye-brows as long and drooping as willow leaves. Her figure was slender and her manner vivacious.

The springtime charm of her powdered face gave no hint of her latent formidability. And before her crimsonlips parted, her laughter rang out.”“She’ll give you sweet talk when there’s hatred in her heart, she’s sodouble-faced and tricky. All the time she’s smiling she tries to trip you up, making a show of great warmthwhile she stabs you in the back. That’s the way she is”.“She’s extremely good-looking and a clever talker,so resourceful and astute that not a man in ten thousand is a match for her.”


She was married off to a relative Jia Lian, the nephew of her aunt Lady Wang’s husband Jia Zheng. JiaLian has bought the rank of a sub-prefect, takes no interest in books but is a smooth man of the world; sothey live with their uncle Jia Zheng and aunt Lady Wang afer their marriage and help them to manage theirdomestic affairs. Since their marriage Jia Lian has been thrown into the shade by his wife Xifeng, who ispraised by everybody high and low. The more praised, the bolder Xifeng becomes. She sets a vicious trap fora lover Jia Rui, who dies of the trap at last.


After Qin Keqing’s death, Jia Zhen went to ask Xifeng to take charge of the inner apartments.“She’syoung and inexperienced in these matters,”said Lady Wang.“If she handled things badly people wouldlaugh. You’d better find someone else.”Jia Zhen smilingly replied:“Ever since she was a child at playCousin Xifeng has known her own mind, and by managing the other house since her marriage she’s gainedexperience. I’ve been thinking this over for some days and there’s no one else so competent.”“Now Xifengloved nothing better than displaying her administrative ability. Although she ran the household competently,as she had never been entrusted with grand affairs like weddings or funerals she was afraid others were notyet fully convinced of her efficiency and she was longing for a chance like this.”Jia Zhen made a low bowand, before Xifeng could return it, produced the Ning Mansion tally from his sleeve and asked Baoyu tohand it to her.“You will have a free hand, cousin,”he promised.“Just use this to requisition whateveryou want, there’s no need to consult me. I’ve only two requests to make. First, please don’t try to spare meexpense, as I want everything done handsomely. And secondly, treat the servants here as you would your own,don’t be afraid they may resent it. Apart from these two provisions, nothing else worries me.”From then onXifeng manages the domestic affairs of the Jia Mansions. She abuses her power at Iron Threshold Temple.

She’s made the Zhang and Li families“lose both girl and money”—the Zhang’s daughter learned that herengagement had been broken she found a rope and quietly hanged herself; and the Li’s son was so much inlove that he drowned himself when he heard of her suicide, showing that he was worthy of his good fiancée.

Only Xifeng has become the gainer by three thousand taels from the Zhang’s family,”and she said to theabbess:“I’ve never believed all that talk about Hell and retribution. I do what I please and am always as goodas my word.”Besides accepting bribes, she practices usury as well.“My mistress got this month’s allowancesome time ago but has loaned it out. She’ll distribute it as soon as she’s collected the interest”.“These lastfew years she’s been lending out this money for the monthly allowances together with her own. The interestshe gets on these loans comes to more than a thousand taels of silver a year.”


Xifeng is good at flattery and cajolery. She took Daiyu’s hand and carefully inspected her from head tofoot, then led her back to her seat by the Lady Dowager.“Well,”she cried with a laugh,“this is the firsttime I’ve set eyes on such a ravishing beauty. Her whole air is so distinguished! She doesn’t take after herfather, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like a Jia. No wonder our old Ancestress couldn’tput you out of her mind and was for ever talking or thinking about you. But poor ill-fated little cousin, losingyour mother so young!”With that she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. Xifeng is also good at watching aperson’s expressions and weighing his words carefully so as to sail with the wind. For instance,“I’ve only justdried my tears. Do you want to start me off again ?”said the old lady playfully.“Your young cousin’s had along journey and she’s delicate. We’ve just got her to stop crying. So don’t reopen that subject.”She switchedat once from grief to merriment.“Of course,”she cried.“I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight ofmy little cousin, I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.”



Xifeng has a delicate constitution, however, and as a girl has never looked after her health. In herpassion to shine she has overtaxed her strength, with the result that her miscarriage has left her very weak. Amonth after it she is still losing blood. She has to stop running the household and two or three doctors attendher every day. Lady Wang feels as if she lost her right arm, and simply has not the energy to cope. She hasdecided important matters herself, entrusting lesser domestic affairs to Li Wan and Tanchun for the timebeing. Under such circumstances, Xifeng says to her favorite maid Ping’er:“From a selfish point of view,I’ve made myself so unpopular that it’s time for me to back down and look about me; because if I go on beingso strict I shall get myself thoroughly hated, and everybody’s smiles will hide daggers! You and I have onlyfour eyes and two brains between us: if they once catch us off guard they can do for us. We must make themost of this chance. So long as Li Wan and Tanchun are in charge, they’ll forget their past grudges againstus for the time being.”But when she came to know that Jia Lian had taken a concubine Second Sister Youin secret, as she is very jealous, though she has not completely recovered her health, how can she let SecondSister You off ? Thus, she kills her rival by proxy.“Xifeng, though hating Qiu Tong, was eager to use her firstto rid herself of Second Sister by‘killing with a borrowed sword’and‘watching from a hilltop while twotigers fought.’For once Qiu Tong had killed Second Sister, she could do this new concubine in.”However,she gets the opposite of what she wants. She dies young before Qiu Tong. It’s true that“Too much cunningin plotting and scheming is the cause of her own undoing.”“This bird appears when the world falls on eviltimes; None but admires her talents and her skill; First she complies, then commands. then is dismissed,Departing in tears to Jinling more wretched still.”


Li Wan: Li Wan was born of a notable official family of Jinling, whose father Li Shouzhong serves as aLibationer in the Imperial College. All the sons and daughters of his clan have been devoted to the study ofthe classics. When he became head of the family, however, in the belief that“an unaccomplished womanis a virtuous woman”, instead of making his daughter study hard he simply has her taught enough to reada few books such as The Four Books for Girls, Biographies of Martyred Women, and Lives of ExemplaryLadies so that she might remember the deeds of worthy women of earlier dynasties while devoting her mainattention to weaving and household tasks. That’s why he gave her the name Li Wan (it means plain silk) andthe courtesy name Gong Cai (it means a tailoress of Imperial Palace). She was married off to Jia Zhu, the firstson of Jia Zheng and Lady Wang. She and Jia Zhu have a son named Jia Lan. But unfortunately Jia Zhu fellill, and died before he was twenty.



Although Li Wan is a young widow and living in the lap of luxury, she is no better off than witheredwood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world. Apart from waiting on her elders and looking afterher son, all she does is to accompany the girls at their embroidery or reading. When Xifeng had a miscarriageand couldn’t run the household for a month, Lady Wang decided important matters herself, entrustinglesser domestic affairs to Li Wan for the time being. But Li Wan, being one of those people who have morevirtue than ability, inevitably let the servants have their own way; so Lady Wang told Tanchun to help herout for a month, until Xifeng was well enough to take over again. As Li Wan is too kind-hearted to punishanyone, always living a simple and peaceful life and holding herself aloof from the world, she intentionallylets Tanchun deal with the domestic affairs and she herself strictly observes the three obediences (in ancientChina a woman was required to obey her father before marriage life and her husband during married life andher sons in widowhood) and the four virtues(fidelity, physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency inneedle work)—wifely submission and virtue. Consequently, she has become a model of the feudal women’svirtue. Li Wan’s life is just like the summary in the First Register of Twelve Beauties of Jinling. It reads:

Peach and plum in spring winds finish seeding,Who can bloom like the orchid at last?

Pure as ice and water she arouses envy,Vain the groundless taunts that are cast.