
第2章 PREFACE(2)

Forced by the Watergate scandal to leave the presidency in disgrace in 1974,Nixon was unable to move toward the full resumption of SinoAmerican diplomatic relations he had once contemplated.He did, however,continue to serve as an unofficial adviser on China policy,his efforts particularly notable in the aftermath of the crisis of June 1989,when Nixon sought to serve as an honest broker between officials in both the United States and China,expounding to top Chinese leaders the shock and horror their actions had generated within the United States,but urging American politicians to moderate their initial harsh response in the interests of encouraging the remaining liberal forces within China. For Nixon,his opening to China remained a centerpiece of his presidential achievements,a diplomatic initiative whose value he emphasized repeatedly in his own prolific post-resignation writings,one of whose major functions was to regild his tarnished image and raise his fallen political stature.After leaving the presidency,the quest to rehabilitate his own reputation became Nixon"s greatest and most enduring preoccupation,an enterprise in which recalling and reinforcing—through his writings,visits to China,and other means—the memories of his accomplishments on China policy played a crucial role.

Dr. He Hui"s stimulating study is the first book by any scholar of whatever nationality to provide a comprehensive overview of Nixon"s policies toward China throughout his adult life. It is based upon extensive research in archival materials,including the holdings of the Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan Presidential Libraries and the United States National Archives,other newly declassified government documents,private papers,newspapers,and the voluminous writings of Richard Nixon himself and his associates,especially Henry Kissinger,together with the extensive and ever growing secondary literature on Nixon and his presidency. Dr. He is to be congratulated on the assiduity and tenacity she has shown in tracking down information and the skill with which she has woven her assorted data into a fascinating story,tracing the evolving views and actions toward China of one of the twentieth century"s most controversial and influential politicians.

Priscilla Roberts

Department of History

University of Hong Kong








