
第8章 Social Life社会生活(8)

Electric cords should be checked before they are plugged into the wall outlet. The insulation should not be worn thin or broken. All electric cords should be in sight and not covered by rugs or heavy furniture. Electric equipment should always be turned off when not being used. Stay away from electric poles or boxes. Never go near a fallen or hanging wire.

Vocabulary 词汇

lightning ["laitni?] n. 闪电;

adj. 闪电般的、快速的

spark [spɑ:k] n. 火花、火星、丝毫;

vi. 发出火星、发出闪光;

vt. 使大感兴趣

kite [kait] n. 风筝

electron [i"lektr?n] n. 电子

proton ["pr?ut?n] n. 质子

neutral ["nju:tr?l] adj. 中立的、不偏不倚的、暗淡的、不带电的;

n. 中立人士、中立国

electrode [i"lektr?ud] n. 电极

electrolyte [i"lektr?ulait] n. 电解、电解液

battery ["b?t?ri] n. (蓄)电池(组)、排炮、炮组、一套

conductor [k?n"d?kt?] n. (乐队)指挥、售票员、列车长、〈电〉导体

copper ["k?p?] n. 铜、铜币

aluminum ["?lju:"minj?m] n. 〈美〉铝

insulator ["insjuleit?] n. 绝缘、隔热或隔音等的物质或装置

rubber ["r?b?] n. (合成)橡胶、橡皮、黑板擦、橡胶套鞋

circuit ["s?:kit] n. 电路、线路、环行道

cord [k?:d] n. (细)绳、灯心绒裤

fuse [fju:z] vt. & vi. 熔化、融合、合并;

n. 保险丝、熔丝、导火线、引信

faucet ["f?:sit] n. 〈美〉水龙头

route [ru:t] n. 路、路线、路程

outlet ["autlet] n. 出口、出路、发泄的途径、经销店

rug [r?ɡ] n. 小块地毯


Write true or false.

1.Protons are found in the center of the atom.

2.Only protons can travel out of an atom.

3.All objects are made up of atoms.

4.When an atom has an equal number of negative and positive charges, it is neutral.

5.When an object has more protons than electrons, the object is neutral.

6.Franklin’s experiment was a very dangerous one.

7.Scientists do not know all about electricity.

Match these items.

1.Ben Franklin 2.circuit

3.switch 4.Volta

5.insulation 6.conductor

a.electricity that flows b.covering

c.circuit breaker d.copper wire

e.discovered battery f.lightning and electricity




























1.本杰明·富兰克林 a.流动的电

2.电流 b.覆盖物

3.开关 c.断路器

4.伏特 d.铜线

5.绝缘体 e.发明电池

6.导体 f.闪电和电


1.true     2.false     3.true

4.true     5.false     6.true



1→f      2→a      3→c

4→e      5→b      6→d

10 Choose Snacks 教你怎么吃零食

Snack is food eaten between main meals; it serves different functions in our daily diet. For instance, healthy nutritious snacks can help people with low dietary intake, poor appetite or who are underweight to replenish the deficiency in main meals, and to increase their nutritional intakes. For healthy people, try to choose healthy snacks with appropriate portions, so that appetite for the next main meals would not be affected and additional weight gain would be minimized.

Here are some tips for choosing snacks:

1. Avoid high fat snacks

Since high fat snacks may lead to overweight easily, and snacks containing high saturated fat like coconut oil, butter and animal fat etc. may increase blood cholesterol level, therefore, it is discouraged to eat those high fat snacks. Examples of high saturated fat snacks include cookies, wafer biscuits, cakes, egg tart etc.; oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries.

2. Cut down high sugar content snacks

Sugar increases the energy of foods. Choosing snacks with lower sugar content would reduce caloric intake and play an important role in body weight management. High sugar content snacks include dessert soup, cakes, chocolate, soft drinks, sweetened juices and tinned fruit etc.

3. Avoid high sodium snacks

Eating high sodium foods over a period of time may increase blood pressure, so choose more often snacks with lower sodium content, and avoid choosing snacks added with salty seasonings and containing preserved meat. High sodium snacks include chili and salty chicken wing, sausage, bacon, luncheon meat, nuts added with salt and preserved plum etc.

4. Choose more often high fiber snacks

Dietary fiber has different functions in our body; it would benefit overweight people as it gives the sense of satiety, and in turn lower their food intakes. Dietary fiber would also benefit people with hypercholesterolemia because of its possible lipid lowering effect. Apart from this, fiber helps to relieve constipation and to lower the incidence of certain types of intestinal diseases.

Examples of high fiber snacks include all kinds of fruits like apple, banana, orange, cherry tomato, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, whole wheat biscuit, and beans like red bean or kidney bean etc.

5. Have appropriate portions of snacks and snack time

Portion sizes of snacks should be appropriate and not in excess. Snack time can be arranged between two main meals in order not to affect the appetite. It is discouraged to have snacks just before going to bed; otherwise indigestion and weight gain may be resulted.

Vocabulary 词汇

nutritious[nju:"tri??s] adj. 有营养的,滋养的

minimize["minimaiz] v. 使减少,极度轻视;

adj. 最小化的,使达到最低限度的

saturated ["s?t??reitid] adj. 饱和的,深颜色的;

v. 使渗透,使饱和(saturate的过去式)

biscuits ["biskits] n. 饼干,小面包(biscuit的复数形式)

dietary ["dai?t?ri] n. 规定的食物,饮食的规定;

adj. 饮食的,饭食的