
第19章 篇章的写作(The Whole Composition)(4)

本文是一篇集人物、地点和环境描写于一体的文章,主题是描写海边美景。文章描写遵循从整体(家中远望)描写,由近到远的描写顺序,写景(the beach...,the reefs...,the setting sun)写人(swimmer, poor boys)自然融合。此外,文中的细节描写也非常成功,动(small crabs)静(bamboo baskets)结合,呈现出一派天、人合一的自然美景,让人赏心悦目。



记叙文(narration)的定义是 “an orderly description of events”(Longman Modern English Dictionary), 也就是说,它是一种以叙述手法描写事件的文体,其描写的事情可真实,可虚伪,或二者合一,通常按发生的先后次序进行。记叙文在日常生活中用得非常广泛,体裁灵活,方法多样,可长可短,能较真实记录一个人的感受、经历、态度、想象、见闻、回忆等,尽管其情节可以虚构和想象,但必须忠于现实生活,而且须情节完整,情节之间有内在联系。通常它可以分两类:第一是事实记叙,对事件进行写实性叙述,如新闻报道、传记、访问、游记等,其描述的是事件发生的过程,都是真人真事;第二是想象记叙。如小说、散文、故事、戏剧、寓言等,其主要通过讲述一个故事、一段经历来表达作者自己的感受或阐述某一观点。



背景指的是人物行为或者事件发生的环境,其中涵盖了时间、地点、人物、事件主题等。写作前,可以自己问 “five W questions, one How”从而获得写作的启示。

What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen?

Who was involved in? Why did it happen? How did it happen?


要讲清楚事情是怎么发展的,关键要把时间顺序交代清楚,采用顺序(in sequence of time:按事情发展的经过及先后顺序来叙述,特别要注意人和环境的描写)、倒叙(flashback:先讲述事件的结尾或高潮,然后再根据事件的经过情形叙述出来)、插叙(narration interspersed with flashback:指在文章原来的叙述中,插入某些跟文章有关的情节,然后再回到原来的线索)等方法,一般在开头交代背景,中间介绍事件的经过。故事结束了,结果也清楚。但是如果需要,也可以在结尾加一两个自然段来阐述自己对事件的看法或者故事的意义。






如话题①:The teacher I Admire Most

分析:从话题上看,这是记一位我最尊敬的老师,显然应写成记叙文,且题目中的关键词为“admire”,所写的材料重点应放在对老师的尊敬上。具体可以从两个方面考虑:a. 采用顺序法:who is the teacher (including appearance, psychology description, his(her)hobby, his(her)achievements in teaching job, his(her)attitude to job and people etc)? Why do I admire him (her) most? And how did he (she) influence most? b.采用倒序法:first: the result (The teacher I admire most); second: typical examples; third: reasons

话题②:My First Day in College

分析:话题的关键词为first, college,构思的时候要突出自己的心理变化。第一,要写出上大学前自己内心既兴奋又紧张的心理,特别是既渴望了解大学的老师、师兄师姐,又觉得他们遥远而不可及。第二,通过到大学后,亲身接触了这些人、事来忖托自己内心的变化。第三,最后写感想或自然结尾均可。

话题③:Ask for the Debt


As the Spring Festival was approaching, every family was busy preparing for the New Year. The coming of the Spring Festival was also the time for my parents to get the accounts squared. One person still owed money to the family, and this debt was past due. I volunteered to try and collect it, thinking it was a pretty good chance to prove my ability to my parents. In addition, my mother promised me that if I succeeded, I could get 10 percent of the sum. Encouraged by such a big tentation, I didn"t hesititate to grab my coat and rushed out to carry out this task.

It was still snowing outside, more heavily than the last few days. Even worse, the chilly winter wind, like a fierce beast, was roaring and tearing everything into pieces. Though wearing a heavy coat, I couldn"t prevent the wind from cutting through it and piercing into my bones. When walking on the icy road carefully and fighting against the strong wind, I began to regret being so eager to do this job. However, I had no choice but to keep heading toward my destination against the damn wind.

Finally I arrived. I knocked at the door, a woman opened the door and I went in. Hardly did I get into the room when I couldn"t help saying to myself, “What a cold room!” It was a dark and poky room with little furniture. Several pictures were hanging on the dingy wall. On the bed, a man with his legs bent was sleeping without any blanket. Then I saw his face, a weathered and worried face. I was so startled that all words I had thought on the way failed my tongue. Not until the woman spoke did I remember my intention and told her to pay off her debt. She said nothing and went to the sleeping man and pushed him, trying to wake him up. But she did it in vain since the man only shifted his body and kept sleeping. The woman got a little angry, telling him what happened. But the man just grunted something, and seemed only to be concerned with nothing more than getting his sleep. This time the woman"s face darkened with anger, “What else do you know except sleep?”

Then she turned back. “Being short of money, we haven"t bought anything for the new year.” She said with an air of sadness, “We know our debt has been overdue, but we really can"t pay.”

“Well, I can understand. However, these years business hasn"t gone very well so life is hard for everyone.” I said.

Our three children are studying, which is a big burden of the family.“She wiped her tears.

What could I say? I was not a person without feelings. I knew what having no money meant. After a short time of deep thought, I took out all the money I had, just 100yuan and gave it to her, saying they could repay the debt when they had money. And I was sure my parents would be proud of what I had done.

The woman thanked me again and again. Then I said goodbye to her and returned home with a light heart. Even though the 100 yuan would help only a little, I had tried my best.

It was 3 years later they came to return their debt and brought many gifts. Clearly they had become comfortably welloff. They thanked for our help. “What you gave was not only 100 yuan but also our hopes in the new year.”

From then on, I have learnt to give our love to those in trouble. As long as we sow the seeds of love, we can harvest the fragrance of it.



