
第36章 应用文写作(1)



Date(April 18, 2008)

Salutation(Dear Mary,)

I am very glad to...

If you can come to my birthday party, I"ll...



关于便笺的格式需要注意四点。首先是日期的位置和写法。日期应该写在右上角。便笺的日期既可以写年月日,也可以是星期几,或是具体的时刻。英文中时间的表达方法有很多,例如,April 18, 2008, 18 April, 2008, 18th April 2008, April 18th, 2008,但是,通常的写法是April 18, 2007。其次是称呼要顶格写。而具体的称谓则要根据关系的亲疏。例如,Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Amy, Dear Mr. Ryman, Dear Prof.Mackay, Dear Dean。第三是正文第一行应该缩进四个字母,第二行则顶格写。但是,绝对不能像汉语一样第一个词是Hello(你好!)。最后便是落款。落款署名应该是在右下角,并且是右对齐。谦语在署名之上,但是应该与正文空一至两行。谦语在使用时也应该根据关系的亲密程度来选择,例如:

Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully,通常用于对方是长辈或地位官阶较高的人,表示尊敬。

Yours truly/Truthfully yours,通常用于对方是不太熟悉的人,表示客气。

Affectionately yours/Yours cordially,通常用于对方是亲属或亲密的朋友。

Yours lovingly/Devotedly yours,通常用于最亲密的人之间。


首先,尽量采用委婉的问句形式,并且尽量避免使用祈使句。“Would you please/like...”,“Is there any possibility for you to...”和“Do you care to come to...”,语气就会显得更加委婉。

第二,使用would,should,might等情态动词,会使语气客气婉转。例如,“It would/could be fine if you will...”,“Perhaps you might like to...”.“You might as well do...”,“If I may,I will...”。

第三,将来进行时比一般将来时听起来更加礼貌委婉。例如,“I shall be waiting for your reply”就比“I will wait for your reply”显得更加婉转。同样,现在进行时比一般现在时更为委婉。试比较“I am looking forward to the opportunity to work in your company”,“I hope to work in your company”这两个句子,差异是显而易见的。

最后,“请”字在英语中多样化的表达。我们使用最多的“请”就是“please”,但在英语中还有许多单词或词组表示同样的含义,例如,“Would you kindly pass me the salt?”“Would you be kind enough/would you have the kindness to pass me the salt?”



由于某种原因,如生病或特殊情况,不能亲自请假,才会采用写假条的形式告假。请假条(Note of Asking for Leave)多为事假条和病假条。请假条的主要内容包括对请假原因的说明、请假的期限以及可能的补救措施等。


Write a note of about 80 words based on the following situation:

You ask for a threeday leave because your mother called and you learned that your dear little brother will get married this weekend. You hope your boss, Mr. Spears will permit and you promise that you will try your best to make up for the missing work during your absence.

March 10

Dear Mr.Spears,

I"m sorry to apply for three days" leave from March 14 to 16. (提出请假要求并说明请假的期限) For my mother called me just now, and she said that my dear little brother would get married this weekend. So I need to go back to celebrate with him on this special occasion. (说明请假的原因) As concerning the missed work during my absence, l promise l will do my best to make them up after I come back to the company. Wish for your permission. (提出补救方法)



Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

You have got a serious stomachache and can"t go to Mrs. Ricardo"s class this morning. Write a note to her and ask for leave.

November 11

Dear Mrs. Ricardo,

I"m so sorry that I shall be unable to attend the two periods of National Economics due to a serious stomachache. (请假的原因) Enclosed is a diagnosis from the doctor who said I must have a physical check-up. I will go back to school as soon as possible after recovery.

Respectfully yours,



◆ I am sorry to apply for ten days"leave from... to....

◆ I am terribly sorry for not being able to attend the meeting held....

◆ I feel a great regret for not being able to...

◆ I beg to apply for a sevenday leave from ... to....

◆ I should be obliged if you would grant me my application.

◆ Please excuse my absence from class.

◆ Wish your allowance.

◆ Enclosed is doctor"s certificate of advice.

◆ I will do my best to make up for them as soon as I come back.

◆ I will try my best to catch up with them....

◆ I will make up for what I have missed during my absence as soon as possible.


邀请函(note of invitation)是一种非常实用的便笺,在工作和生活中都会经常用到。邀请函一般由三部分组成,首先表达邀请的缘由、时间和地点三大要素,第二提出邀请,最后要求对方答复,最好注明最后时限。有的邀请函比较正式,例如,写给长辈、老师、上司或者客户的,还有就是写给同学、朋友等的非正式邀请,两者对语言和措辞的要求不同。试比较下面两条邀请函,请注意语言和措辞的差异。


October 27, 2007

Dear Prof. Rochester,

We will hold a Masquerade in the College Entertainment Center to celebrate Halloween at 6:00 P.m. this Friday. We would be very delighted to have our teacher with us on this special occasion. If possible, please let us know whether you can come at your convenience.

Respectfully yours,

Zhang Fang


October 27, 2007

Dear Cathy,

We"ll hold a Masquerade at 6 p.m.this Friday in the College Entertainment Center. Do you like to come and join us? I promise we"ll have a wonderful time on that night. Call me at any time if you want to come.



通过对这两封邀请函的比较,不难看出,二者虽然在格式和内容上是一样的,但是在语言表达上则完全不同。第一封邀请函是写给教授的,所以在措辞上更加礼貌正式,例如,“Will it be possible that you come to be a guest teacher in this competition?”“If possible, please let us know whether you can come at your convenience.”而第二封邀请函是写给同学或朋友的,所以语气相对来说随便了很多,诸如“Do you like to come and join us?”的使用都可以体现这一点。现将邀请函常用的句型归两类列出。


◆ We kindly request your presence at the Midautumn Soiree to be held....

◆ May we have the honor to invite you to the Midautumn Soiree?

◆ We"d like to invite you to our Midautumn Soiree....

◆ Would it be possible for you to join our Midautumn Soiree?

◆ We would be so happy to have you come to Midautumn Soiree with us....

◆ Will you please tell me what time will be convenient for us to get together?

◆ I shall be very grateful if you can come to my place at your earliest convenience.

◆ We are anxious/awaiting to receive your early reply.

◆ We thank you now for your courtesy of your early reply.

◆ Please favor us with your reply as early as possible.

◆ May we request the favor of an early reply?

◆ Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

◆ As the matter is urgent,an early reply will obliged.


◆ We"d like to have you come to our dinner tonight.

◆ Do you want/like to join our party?

◆ Are you interested to come with us?

◆ Do you care to come with me to the school prom?

◆ Please reply as soon as possible.

◆ Please let me know your decision ASAP.

◆ Please call me if you"ve decided to come.

◆ We look forward to your coming.

◆ Write me an Email/Send me a text message ASAP.


Write a note of about 50~60 words based on the following situation:

You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra. Write a note to your friend Hilda/Mike, describing briefly what it is and invite her/him to come with you.