
第49章 2005-2009年等级考试真题作文及模拟作文(1)




说明:假定你是王明(中国籍), 去海口旅游度假, 于2005年6月10日入住白云宾馆3002房间,6月20日离店。临走时填写了一份问卷调查表。







Words for reference:

总体(的)overall 商业的 commercial 班车 shuttle bus 相关公司 related company



To improve the quality of our service, we would be grateful if you"d complete the following questionnaire.

Name: Wang Ming Nationality: China Room number: 3002

Check-in Date: June 10, 2005Check-out Date: June 20, 2005

Did you receive polite and efficient service when you arrived? Yes

Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel? Yes

What"s your opinion of our health facilities? Good

Please give your impression of our restaurant service. Overall good

Have you any other comments to help us make your stay more enjoyable?

There are two suggestions for you:

First, because of the seaside location, traffic is not so convenient, and commercial facilities around the restaurant are less than satisfied. My suggestion is to provide free shuttle buses for us passengers spending holidays on the seaside to go downtown to buy what we need. Second, carrenting service is preferred, which can be realized if the restaurant contacts the related companies.

Baiyun Hotel General Manager



发件人:John Smith(js456@vip.163.com) 。

收件人:假日酒店(电子邮箱marketing@expedia.com )。



(1) 因行程改变,取消12月5号以John Smith的名义在贵酒店预订的12月12日到15日的两人单人房间。

(2) 表示歉意,并询问是否需支付违约金。

(3) 要求回信确认。

Words for reference

违约金 cancellation penalty假日酒店 holiday inn以...的名义 in the name of确认 confirm


Email Message

To: Holiday Inn (marketing@expedia.com)

From: John Smith (js456@vip.163.com)

Date: 10 December

Subject: Cancellation of Hotel Booking

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that due to the change of the schedule, I have to cancel the booking of two single rooms from 12th to 15th of December, which was made in the name of John Smith on the 5th of December. I am very sorry for the inconvenience thus caused and I want to know if the cancellation penalty should be paid.

I am looking forward to your reply and confirmation.

Yours faithfully,John Smith


说明:假定你是销售部经理John Green,请以John Green的名义按照下面的格式和内容给本公司其他各部门经理写一个内部通知。

主题:讨论2006年度第三季度(the 3 rd quarter)销售计划。



Words for reference

告知 notify 提前 in advance




DATE: June 16, 2006

TO: Manager of all every departments

FROM: John Green,manager of the Sales Department

SUBJECT:Talk about the sales plan for the 3rd quarter of 2006.

This department has made a sales plan for the 3rd quarter of 2006. A meeting to discuss it is to be held in the company"s conference room at 1:00 p.m. on June 19th. We hope the director or manager of every department will attend the meeting. If you cannot be present, please notify our secretary in advance. Thank you.





(2) 来访时间:12月20日上午10点。

(3)被访客人:Mr. John Smith,住假日酒店422房间。

(4)事由:李华来酒店与Mr. John Smith商谈工作,Mr. John Smith外出。

(5)留言:李华约Mr. John Smith明天去PKK公司洽谈业务。李华明天上午9:00驾车来酒店接他,下午安排Mr. John Smith参观公司一条新建成的生产线。

Words for reference:

驾车接人to pick somebody up 生产线assembly line 总经理助理Assistant to General Manager


Holiday Inn

Visitor"s Message

Mr. / Ms. (1)Mr. John Smith Room No. (2)422

While you were out

Mr. / Ms. (3)Mr. Li Hua, assistant to General Manager

of (4)PKK Company came to see you at 10 a.m., Dec. 20th

Telephone (5)65734363

□ Telephoned□ Came to see you

□ Will call again □ Will come again

□ Asked you to call back


(6)He would like to invite you to discuss business in PKK Company tomorrow and would pick you up at the Inn around 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. He would arrange for you to visit the newlybuilt assembly line in the afternoon. Please contact him at his phone No. 65734363.

Clerk (7)LindaDate (8)Dec. 20thTime (9)10:00 a.m.






(3)发件人电子邮件地址:wangjun 11007@hotmail.com。

(4)收件人电子邮件地址:anna 11008@hotmail.com。

(5)事由:王军在网站www.ebay.com.cn上卖出了一本书,书名《电子商务导论》。买家是美国客户Anna Brown。







Words for reference:

反馈意见feedback 电子商务导论Introduction to Ecommerce



Email Message

From: wangjun11007@hotmail.com

To: anna11008@hotmail.com

Subject: Feedback of the transaction

Dear Miss Anna Brown,

Thank you for your purchase of the book “Introduction to ECommerce” through Internet. I have sent out the book and it is expected to arrive in a week. I hope you could leave some feedback on the Website after receiving it. I"ll appreciate it very much if you can recommend it to other customers if you are satisfied. Recently, there will be new books on sale. We can offer you some discounts for second purchase. Thank you.

Sincerely, Wang Jun




Words for reference:

招聘 recruit身份证 ID card实验室技术员 laboratory technician

B级证书 the certificate of PET (Level B)



Dong Fang Electronics Co. Ltd. is a joint venture, which mainly produces electronic products. The company will hold a recruit meeting in the Students Club of our school on Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007. The positions include secretary, sales people, and laboratory technician.

Any students who are interested in it could go to the second meeting room at 1:30 p.m. on the same day. Please remember to bring your ID card, resume, the certificate of PET(Level B) and the certificate of NCRE.

The Students" Union


说明:假设你是公司职员刘斌,给经理Mr. Johnson写一张请假条。








To: Mr. Johnson

From: Liu Bin

Date: Thursday June 19th, 2008

Subject: Leave of Absence