
第10章 密西西比州(6)

23.Blazon-Flexible Flyer,Inc.in West Point is proclaimed to make the very best snow sled in the United States,which became an American tradition.It is called The Flexible Flyer.

24.Friendship Cemetery in Columbus has been called Where Flowers Healed a Nation.It was April 25,1866,and the Civil War had been over for a year when the ladies of Columbus decided to decorate both Confederate and Union soldiers’graves with beautiful bouquets(花束)and garlands(花环)of flowers.As a direct result of this kind gesture,Americans celebrate what has come to be called Memorial Day each year,an annual observance of recognition of war dead.

25.The largest Bible-binding plant in the nation is Norris Bookbinding(装订)Company in Greenwood.

26.After the Civil War,famed hat maker John B.Stetson learned and practiced his trade at Dunn’s Falls near Meridian.

27.In 1834Captain Isaac Ross,whose plantation was in Lorman,freed his slaves and arranged for them to be sent to Africa,where they founded the country of Liberia.Recently,representatives of Liberia visited Lorman and placed a stone at the Captain’s gravesite in honor of his kindness.

28.The world’s largest cottonwood([植]三叶杨,棉白杨)tree plantation is in Issaquena County.

29.David Harrison of Columbus owns the patent on the Soft Toilet Seat.Over 1,000,000are sold every year.

30.The first football player on a Wheaties box was Walter Payton of Columbia.

31.Greenwood is the home of Cotton Row,which is the second largest cotton exchange in the nation and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

32.The oldest game in America is stickball(〈美〉棍子球(孩子们在街巷内玩的一种类似棒球的)游戏).The Choctaw Indians of Mississippi played the game.Demonstrations can be seen every July at the Choctaw Indian Fair in Philadelphia.

33.The International Checkers Hall of Fame is in Petal.

34.Natchez was settled by the French in 1716and is the oldest permanent settlement on the Mississippi River.Natchez once had 500millionaires,more than any other city except New York City.

35.Natchez now has more than 500buildings that are on the National Register of Historic Places.

36.The Natchez Trace Parkway,named an All American Road by the federal government,extends from Natchez to just south of Nashville,Tennessee.The Trace began as an Indian trail more than 8,000years ago.

37.The Vicksburg National Cemetery is the second largest national cemetery in the country.Arlington National Cemetery is the largest.

38.D’Lo was featured in“Life Magazine”for sending proportionally(按比例地,相配合地)more men to serve in World War II than any other town of its size.38percent of the men who lived in D’Lo served.

39.Mississippi suffered the largest percentage of people who died in the Civil War of any Confederate State.78,000Mississippians entered the Confederate military.By the end of the war 59,000were either dead or wounded.

40.Pine Sol was invented in 1929by Jackson native Harry A.Cole,Sr.

41.The world’s largest pecan nursery is in Lumberton.

42.Greenwood is called the Cotton Capital of the World.

43.Belzoni is called the Catfish Capital of the World.

44.Vardaman is called the Sweet Potato Capital of the World.

45.Greenville is called the Towboat Capital of the World.

46.Root beer was invented in Biloxi in 1898by Edward Adolf Barq,Sr.

47.Of Mississippi’s 82counties,Yazoo County is the largest and Alcorn County is the smallest.

48.The Mississippi River is the largest in the United States and is the nation’s chief waterway.Its nickname is Old Man River.

49.At Vicksburg,the United States Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station is the world’s largest hydraulic(水力的,水压的)research laboratory.

50.At Pascagoula the Ingalls Division of Litton Industries uses leading-edge construction techniques to build the United State Navy’s most sophisticated ships.At the state’s eight research centers programs are under way in acoustics(声学),polymer(聚合体)science,electricity,microelectronics([电子]微电子学),hydrodynamics(流体力学,水动力学),and oceanography(海洋学).

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梅尔维尔,(Herman Melvill 1819—1891),小说家、诗人。1819年8月1日生于纽约,15岁离开学校,做过银行小职员、皮货店店员和教师。1839年在一条去英国利物浦的商船上充当服务员,接触海洋,对他以后的创作产生了影响。1841年他22岁时再度航海,在捕鲸船“阿古希耐”号上充当水手,航行于南太平洋一带。他后来的杰作《白鲸》取材于这次海上生活。1842年7月离船,曾为南太平洋马克萨斯群岛有食人生番之称的泰皮族所俘虏。脱逃后于当年8月在一条澳大利亚商船上做水手,因违犯纪律,被囚在塔希提岛。越狱后在当地各岛漫游,所闻所见后来写进他的《欧穆》一书中。11月,他到一艘捕鲸船上做投叉手。1843年8月又在一艘军舰上做水手,1844年10月在波士顿退伍。后开始写作。






狄更生,(Emily Dickenson 1830—1886),女诗人。1830年12月10日出生于麻萨诸塞州阿默斯特镇一个律师家庭。祖上是当地望族,父亲一度出任国会议员,家庭以保守的传统自居。她从小受到正统的宗教教育,青少年时代的生活单调平静,很少外出,仅作过一次旅行。20岁开始写诗,早期的诗大都已散失。1858年后闭门不出,70年代后几乎不光房门,文学史上称她为“阿默斯特的女尼”。研究者至今仍不明白她长期隐居的原因。


