
第14章 肯塔基州(3)

Governor Ernie Fletcher has led a remarkable(不平常的,非凡的)life-as an Air Force fighter pilot,engineer,family doctor,lay minister,state legislator,and United States Congressman.He was born in Mt.Sterling and is a longtime resident of Lexington.He received his B.S.degree from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering in 1974and later graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Governor Fletcher’s service to our nation began in the United States Air Force,where he served as an F-4E Aircraft Commander and NORAD Alert Force Commander.As a fighter pilot,he led flights that intercepted(截取)Soviet military aircraft during the Cold War[冷战(国与国之间在军事以外的外交上、经济上和心理上的斗争)].

Governor Fletcher served his community as a family practice physician in Lexington for 12years,including two years as CEO(abbr.Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁)of the Saint Joseph Medical Foundation.

Governor Fletcher’s legislative career began in 1995as a State Representative for Kentucky’s 78th District,during which time he served on the Kentucky Commission on Poverty and the Task Force on Higher Education.

Governor Fletcher’s public service continued when he was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1998from Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District.In Congress,he served as a member of the House Committees on Energy and Commerce and was selected to chair the Policy Subcommittee(小组委员会)on Health.

Governor Fletcher is married to his high school sweetheart,Glenna Foster.Their daughter Rachael and her husband,Daniel,have four children:Callie,Hannah,Joshua and Mason.Their son Ben is an associate with the law firm of Greenebaum,Doll &McDonald in Louisville,Kentucky.Ben’s wife,Kara,is also an attorney(〈美〉律师).

State Bird州鸟


The cardinal became the state bird of the Commonwealth during the legislative session in 1926.

The Cardinal(Cardinalis cardinalis)is a type of finch that can be found in gardens,streamside(河边地带)thickets(灌木丛),mesquite[(=mesquit)豆科灌木]patches,and woodlands throughout the east and southwest sections of the United States.

Kentucky’s state bird,the cardinal,is shared by six other states.But Kentucky was the first to adopt it.The northern cardinal is also the state bird for six other states.These are Illinois,Indiana,North Carolina,Ohio,Virginia,and West Virginia.

The cardinal was named by early American settlers,after Catholic cardinals who dress in bright red robes.These birds are strongly territorial and have a loud,whistling song.

Their distinctive color(scarlet for males,buffy brown and red for females),pronounced crest,heavy bill,and easily recognizable(可认识的,可辨认的)song make cardinals(Cardinalis cardinalis)some of the most readily identified birds in the state.

Cardinals build their nests in bushes.Their nests are usually about 1.5meters(4to 5ft.)above the ground.The eggs are laid between the middle of April and the middle of August.Cardinals usually lay several clutches(一次产的或孵的蛋)of eggs each season.Each clutch consists of between two and five whitish eggs with dark streaks and spots on them.

Cardinals usually feed on the ground or in low bushes.They eat a wide variety of insects,grains,wild fruits,and seeds.They are common birds around bird feeders.

State Flower州花


The golden plumes of this wildflower line Kentucky’s roadsides in the fall.Native to all of Kentucky,30of nearly 100species of this herb are found here.

The state flower is the Goldenrod.The Goldenrod is a beautiful and hearty plant is happy to move to a decorative(装饰的)place no other plants want to be.It is often blamed for allergies([医]敏感症)in Kentucky,but the Goldenrod is actually harmless(无害的).The allergic reactions Kentuckians experience are due to the Ragweed([植]豚草属)which blooms at the same time and grows in the same areas.

The large number of species and variations(变种)make this genus very difficult resolve to the species.The Goldenrods as a group are well known and very common turning fallow fields and meadows yellow every fall.Goldenrods are mostly an American genus(种,类)with the greatest number of species found in the Southeastern U.S.

Plant Type:This is a Native herbaceous plant(草本植物)perennial forb.Ususlly erect and often tall.

Leaves:The leaves are alternate.Most leaves are toothed(锯齿状的)but a few species have entire leaves.

Flowers:Blooms July—October.The flowers have numerous parts.They are yellow sometimes white.Blooms first appear in mid summer and continue into mid fall.The center and rays are yellow.The rays are few,seldom more than ten.Groups of flowers are often clustered(丛生)on the top edge of branches near or at the top of the plant.


Range:Most all of North America

State Flag州旗


Kentucky’s State Flag was authorized by an Act of the General Assembly in 1918,but the design of the flag was not approved until 1928.

It took ten years of decision for an official design to be obtained.In 1918it was a matter of record that Kentucky should have a State Flag,but specifications could not be met to the satisfaction of all concerned until 1928.The General Assembly gave its final approval then,and incorporated a drawing of the flag into the Statutes(法令,条例)—the first time an illustration became part of Kentucky’s laws.The flag should be made of silk or poplin(府绸),navy blue in color,imprinted(留下烙印)in gold.The imprint in the center of the flag is a reproduction of the state seal.Dimensions of the flag were not specified.