
第41章 The Greatest Writers 文学大师(6)

In politics Goethe was conservative。 At the time of the French Revolution, he thought the enthusiasm of the students and professors to be a perversion of their energy and remained skeptical of the ability of the masses to govern。 Likewise, he “did not oppose the War of Liberation waged by the German states against Napoleon, but remained aloof from the patriotic efforts to unite the various parts of Germany into one nation; he advocated instead the maintenance of small principalities ruled by benevolent despots”。

Goethe’s influence spread across Europe, and for the next century his works were a major source of inspiration in music, drama, poetry and philosophy。 Early in his career, however, he wondered whether painting might be his true vocation;[citation needed] late in his life, he expressed the expectation that he would ultimately be remembered above all for his work on colour。



Key words & Sentences


It was Goethe who said this。


For Goethe, dreams had the power to heal。


Schubert set many of Goethe’s poems to music。


Goethe was once strolling on a narrow path in a park in Weimar。


Schiller is the second milestone only next to Goethe in the German classic literature。


Goethe said: “Read a book good book, like many noble people in the same conversation。”


The various examinations of the Goethe-Institut are worldwide approved。


And because Goethe was a trustworthy person, you can rely on the second part of his promise following automatically。


Goethe (German dramatist and poet ): He is the happiest, be he King or peasant, who finds peace in his home。


Goethe met with a critic who was hostile to him。


The sketch was based on Goethe’s “Faust” where the hero, famously frustrated by the limits to his learning, makes a pact with the devil。


The Western world from the eighteenth century to the later of the Goethe Cultural celebrities such as Charlie Chaplin, shadow arts of China have been given high marks。


Beijing bookstores would be wise to stock up on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe。


Intellectual greats from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Walter Pater to Sigmund Freud have all tried to capture the character of the quintessential Renaissance man。


Let’s Talk!


Mike: Have you read Faust·


Daisy: No, who writes it·


Mike: Goethe。


Daisy: Are you reading it·


Mike: Yes, I just read the beginning。


Daisy: Let me see。 Do you like it·


Mike: I do not know, it’s not the kind of book I usually like。


Daisy: Then why do you read it·


Mike: I heard it’s the best book by Goethe, and I have read all the books I like。


Daisy: I think it’s good to read other kinds of books, you like detective stories too much。


Mike: That’s what I thought。


Daisy: Goethe is a great writer; I hope you will like it。


Victor Hugo



About Hugo


Victor-Marie Hugo was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and exponent of the Romantic movement in France。

Hugo was the third illegitimate son of Joseph Léopold Sigisbert Hugo (1774–1828) and Sophie Trébuchet (1772–1821); his brothers were Abel Joseph Hugo (1798–1855) and Eugène Hugo (1800–1837)。 He was born in 1802 in Besan·on (in the region of Franche-Comté) and lived in France for the majority of his life。 However, he went into exile as a result of Napoleon III’s Coup d’état at the end of 1851。 Hugo lived briefly in Brussels (1851) then moved to the Channel Islands, firstly to Jersey (1852–1855) and then to the smaller island of Guernsey (1855–1870)。 Although a general amnesty was proclaimed by Napoleon III in 1859; Hugo stayed in exile, only ending it when Napoleon III was forced from power as a result of the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War。 Hugo returned again to Guernsey (1872–1873), after suffering through the Siege of Paris, before finally returning to France for the remainder of his life。

In France, Hugo’s literary fame comes first from his poetry but also rests upon his novels and his dramatic achievements。 Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplations and La Légende des siècles stand particularly high in critical esteem, and Hugo is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet。 Outside France, his best-known works are the novels Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris (also known in English as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)。

Though a committed royalist when he was young, Hugo’s views changed as the decades passed; he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, and his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and artistic trends of his time。 He is buried in the Panthéon。