
第16章 Foreign Cultures 谈论外国文化(1)

Greek Mythology



Realize the Greek Mythology



Most Greek myths or legends are from ancient Greek literature, including Iliad and Odyssey in Homeric Epic, Hesiod’s Work and Days, Austria Vader’s The Metamorphosis and other classics, as well as the opera of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides。 Myths are about the origin of the gods and the world, competition for the highest position and the God Zeus’ final victory of the struggle, as well as the love and quarrel, impaction of Gods’ adventure and power on the normal world, including storms or other natural phenomena and the relationship between places of worship and ritual。

The most famous Greek myths are the Trojan War and Odysseus’s travels, Jason find the Golden Fleece, Hercules’ achievements, Theseus’ adventure and Edipusri’s tragedy。

Most Greek myths or legends are from the ancient Greek civilization, like China’s Shang and Zhou civilization。 They are the ancestors of Western civilization, with excellent nature and extraordinary imagination。 In that primitive era, they felt mysterious and obscure of natural phenomena, human life and death。 So they kept dreaming, kept meditating。 In their imagination, all things have life in the world。 However, after the Dorians invaded the Aegean civilization, because Greek peninsula is overpopulational, they had to expand living space。 In that time they worship heroes, thus creating many national hero stories。 The people, the God, the story material created, quenched by the time, are called as “Greek Mythology” according to the historians。

The Greeks were polytheistic in their religious beliefs。 Polytheistic means they believed in and worshiped many different gods。 In Greek mythology, the gods often represented different forms of nature。 Their religion had no formal structure with the exception of various festivals held in honor of the gods。 There was no sacred book or code of conduct to live by。 The most powerful Greek gods were known as the Olympians。 The Greeks believed the Olympians lived on the highest mountain in Greece, Mount Olympus。 The Olympian gods included: Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hades, Hermes, Hephaestus, Poseidon and Hestia or later she was replaced in some lists by Dionysus。


宙斯Zeus-King of the Gods

赫拉Hera-Queen of Zeus

阿芙洛狄忒Aphrodite-goddess of love and beauty阿波罗Apollo-god of light, truth, healing, archery,music, poetry

阿瑞斯Ares-god of war

阿尔忒弥斯Artemis-goddess of hunt, moon, children andgood citizenship

德墨忒尔Demeter-goddess of grain, agriculture, fertility狄俄尼索斯Dionysus-god of wine, vegetation, and theater哈迪斯Hades-god of the underworld

赫淮斯托斯Hephaestus-god of forge and fire赫斯提亚Hestia-goddess of the hearth and home波塞冬Poseidon-god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses希腊神话寄托了人们的很多愿望,当人从现实生活中得不到时,就会希望神的帮助来实现梦想。它是古代劳动人民的信仰。随着时间的推移,一些神话被流传下来,无论那个神话可信还是不可信,重要的是我们都能找到自己所寄予的那一段就行了。

Key words & Sentences


Greek mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings。


The Greek mythology is an important part of the ancient culture which has vast and deep influence on the whole western culture。


Its great influence upon the English language and literature is beyond description。 A great number of words and idioms in the English language come from the Greek mythology。


In the beginning, the universe is a cosmos evolving from Chaos。 Chaos and Gaea (the earth) generate everything that exists, including seas, mountains, gods and monsters。 Then Gaea’s mating with her son Uranus (the sky), which produces 12 Titans with Gronus as their leader。


Advised and helped by his mother, Grouns beats his father Uranus, and severs the link between sky and earth。 Then he becomes the new king of the cosmos。 Gronus copulates with his sister, Rhea to bring about Zeus and siblings, the future of older Olympians。


In Greek mythology, Prometheus brought fire to mankind and as a result enraged the king of the gods。


In Greek mythology, the gods often represented different forms of nature。


The most powerful Greek gods were known as the Olympians。


Myths exist in almost every ancient culture。 You can find myths not only from Ancient Greece and Rome, but from Africa, Native American, Egypt, Japan, China and many more cultures。


The Greeks used mythology to explain what they did not understand。


The 5th-century-BC Greek historian Herodotus remarked that Homer and Hesiod gave to the Olympian gods their familiar characteristics。


Famous events in epics, such as the Trojan War, were generally regarded as having really happened, and heroes and heroines were believed to have actually lived。


Let’s Talk!


Lily: Long time no see, where are you going?


Tom: I am going to the library to borrow some books now。


Lily: What books do you like to read?


Tom: I like a lot of books, ah, but my favorite books are about Greek mythology。


Lily: I also like to read those books。 I think that the things in the books are amazing。


Tom: Yes, people inside have different spells, I feel myself as a man of spells while I am reading。


Lily: It is interesting, indeed。 When I read these stories, I leave all things behind my head。


Tom: Which is your favorite god in the book?
