
第38章 Food and Life 饮食男女(10)

Most wine festivals are targeted at the wealthy and consist of hours of lectures, seminars and structured “blind tastings” whereby participants build skills at identifying wines by smell, coloration, and taste。


The three main categories which are to be examined during the wine tasting are appearance, its aroma, and the taste。 It is important that you need to look into the wine, smell it and then in turn taste。


Brandy uses fruit as raw materials, through fermentation, distillation, and become distilled liquor because of storage aging。


The French cognac brandy enjoys the reputation of the world’s largest and highest Production 。


The first step in the wine tasting is the visual appearance, it is important that you do use a long stemmed wine glass without any scenic patterns on it which distract its appearance。


The next step is to smell the wine, hold the glass near your nose and in turn register the smell。


The next is the best part of sipping the aromatic wine on to your mouth wherein it is important that you do not swallow the wine directly, but roll the wine directly on to mouth and in turn feel the various flavors which are present in the wine。 Thus the simple process of wine tasting gets over with the three steps of look, smell and sip。


Whiskies are very special and characteristic, with the eye-catching golden yellow color, the “woody” or “smoky” hint in it’s aroma, and the fruity sweetness and pleasant bitterness of its taste。


Barley is the main essential ingredient in the creation of Malt Whisky。


Vodka’s an alcoholic beverage that’s supposed to be relatively flavorless。


Grape wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast。 Yeast consumes the sugars in the grapes and converts them into alcohol。


Wines made from other fruits, such as apples and berries, are normally named after the fruit from which they are produced (for example, apple wine or berry wine) and are generically called fruit wine。


France has various appellation systems based on the concept of terroir。 Wines from outside of the traditional wine growing regions of Europe tend to be classified by grape rather than by terroir or region of origin。


Let’s Talk!


Mary: I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers。

玛丽: 我记得你说过你喜欢中国因为它有便宜的啤酒。

Tom: Yes, unbelievably cheap。 Carlsberg is less than $1。

汤姆: 是的,难以置信地便宜。嘉士伯少于1美元。

Mary: Why do you drink? I mean, where does drinking get you?

Mary: 你为什么要喝酒?我是指,喝酒能带给你什么?

Tom: It’s fashionable。

汤姆: 喝酒很时尚。

Mary: fashionable?

玛丽: 时尚?

Tom: There are a lot of pubs in America。 People go there to chat, to make friends and to relax。 I enjoy in drinking。 It’s like when you get off of work。 You’re so tired。 You need to get relaxed。 You can’t just turn on the TV and keep watch the programs until you fall asleep。 You need to make your after work time more fun。

汤姆: 在美国有很多酒吧。人们去酒吧聊天、交友、放松。我享受喝酒。就像你下班时,你觉得非常累,你需要放松。你不能只是打开电视机,然后一直看节目直到你睡着。你要把你的下班时间变得更有趣。

Mary: By drinking? To relax?


Tom: Drinking is just part of it。 I mean, you have a bunch of friends coming by and having fun。 You drink and talk。 And the more you drink, the more you talk。 It makes me so relaxed。

汤姆: 喝酒只是一部分。我是指,你有一大群朋友过来玩。你们喝酒,聊天。你喝得越多,说得越多。这让我很轻松。

Mary: I see。 But if you were drunk, wouldn’t it influence your next day’s work?

玛丽: 我明白了。那样喝醉了不会对第二天的工作有影响吗?

Tom: No, I’m not an alcoholic。 I get drunk only on Fridays。

汤姆: 不,我不是个酒鬼,我只在周五的时候喝醉。

Mary: It is possible a good way to relax。

玛丽: 也许真是个放松的好方式。

Tom: Yeah, it is。 We can go to the pub together this Friday。

汤姆: 真是,我们可以周五一起去酒吧。




Realize Coffee Origin and Culture



One popular story about the discovery of coffee long ago is about Kaldi, a keeper of goats Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethiopia where coffee trees have grown for centuries。 He noticed that his goats became very excited and active after eating small fruits from a tree。

Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of religious workers。 When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they could stay awake for long hours of prayer。 This knowledge about coffee soon spread all over the world。

You might enjoy a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop。 But coffee is part of an international industry。 Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee。 Some people drink coffee for its rich smell and taste。 Others like the awakening effect of caffeine, a chemical in coffee。 But not everyone may know the story of coffee and how it is produced。

Coffee trees are native to eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula。 Coffee was first grown and traded in the fifteenth century。 Most coffee came from what is now Yemen。 Soon, coffee was in high demand all over the Middle East。 By the seventeenth century coffee had been introduced to Europe。 European traders started bringing coffee plants to other parts of the world。 The Dutch brought coffee to the islands of Indonesia。 And by the twentieth century, most of the world’s production came from Central and South America。 Today, Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world。