
第60章 Healthy Living 健康生活(12)

Liven up dull meals with fruit and veggies, and you’ll also be much closer to meeting your five a day! Try adding strawberries to breakfast, or peppers to your sandwich。 I take a sliced apple to work with me, to stop me snacking and to increase how much fruit I eat。 Check out 50 healthiest foods: an ultimate grocery shopping list for losing weight … to see which fruit and veggies to get next time you are in the store。


diet pill减肥药丸

slimming drugs; weight loss pills减肥药

dietic tea beauty-slimming tea 减肥茶

weight reducing exercise减肥运动

on diet节食


antiobesity diet; metercal减肥膳食

diet food; weight-reducing food减肥食品reducing weight with acupuncture针灸减肥


massage to lose weight按摩减肥


traditional Chinese medicine to lose weight中药减肥practice yoga to lose weight瑜伽减肥


Key words & Sentences


Stress not only results in unhealthy binge eating and poor nutritional choices, but actually has physiological impacts on your body that often result in craving foods that can result in greater weight gain such as sugars, starches and carbohydrates。


The society is struggling with record levels of obesity on the one hand, and a severe “thin” image problem held by popular celebrities on the other。


Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time。 —Mark Twain习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下楼。 ——马克?吐温Let’s be honest: Losing weight isn’t the easiest thing in the world。 All our best intentions end up doing nothing。


American women are more concerned about losing weight than they are about suffering from cancer, heart disease or diabetes, a survey showed。


Losing weight is not only good for the waistline, it is good for the brain。


Scientists say substantial weight loss improves cognitive functions like memory and concentration。


In some tests, including memory exams, almost a quarter of the overweight participants scored low enough to be considered learning disabled。


Many of them had additional health problems, such as high blood pressure, type two diabetes and sleep apnea。


The obese subjects tended to have damage to a particular substance that surrounds and insulates nerve fibres in the brain, suggesting that substance is needed for optimal cognitive function。


The key is to figure out an eating pattern than will work for you for the rest of your life。


Exercise is important。 You have to do it。 It has wonderful benefits。


But if your focus is on weight loss, the most important factor is what you eat。


Don’t ignore exercise, by any means, but if you focus on exercise and think you can eat whatever you want, you’re wrong。


You have to focus on nutrition (what you eat) and use exercise as a way to supplement the calorie burn and to get your body looking how you want it to look (not to mention as a key way to get healthy and feel great)。


You can change how many calories you take in to a much greater degree than you can change how many calories you burn。


Lose the fries, and you’ve done in a few seconds what would take 30 minutes of exercise to accomplish。


Learn to listen to your body, and be aware of your hunger when it’s in its early stages。 This is a key skill to weight loss。


A good habit to build is to eat slowly…and take pauses, so you can think about whether you’re really still hungry…and drink lots of water during those pauses。


Let’s Talk!


Todd: OK, Devon, I’ve been putting on a few pounds and you’re quite a lean fit guy。


Devon: Well, thank you。


Todd: What do you recommend? What can I do to lose weight?


Devon: Well, I exercise a lot。 I go running at least three times a week。 But more than that I enjoy playing sports and so different sports use different muscles and all of it helps to lose that weight that you might have gained。


Todd: Yeah, well, actually, one of the problems is that I actually exercise a lot。


Devon: Do ya?


Todd: Yeah, so maybe it’s my diet。


Devon: It could be and so in that case you might want to eat something perhaps more nutritious or maybe even less of what you do eat。 Maybe, I eat three meals a day and I try not to snack in between。 No potato chips。 No popcorn。 No candy bars。


Todd: That’s pretty tough!


Devon: It is tough but…Well, I must admit that I cheat every once in awhile but… Ok, I’ll give it a try…but actually, you see my problem is that I like junk food。 So I have to choose: either I eat less or I eat a better diet。


Todd: What do you think is more important?


Devon: I think that if you are exercising then you should just eat what you want and eat less。


Todd: Eat less。 OK。 This is going to be tough。


Devon: Well, I have no doubt that you will do the best that you can。


Todd: Alright! Thanks a lot。 Devon。


The Body Parts Needed Attention
