
第86章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(18)

In the early sixties, the vast majority of all children had at least one sibling (if not more) and lived with both parents, one of whom was typically a stay-at-home mom。


We now live in a world where only children with single parents are both common and accepted。


Deciding whether to have “one and be done” or to have multiple children is a tough decision for many families。


The country’s family planning policy of the late 1970s restricted urban families from having more than one child to control population growth。


However, a new survey by the Beijing Administrative Institute shows 52 percent of those now-grown-up single children, who are allowed two offspring; do not want a second child。


Many cited economic pressures as a factor。


Beijing has roughly 2 million only-child adults。


Beijing has maintained a super low birth rate—less than 1。3 children in a family in average—for nearly 20 years, posing increasing pressure on the country’s aging population。


The top four factors that determined people’s intentions to have children are “income, child care, housing and policy conditions”。


For the only child of post-1980s, the practical problem of “two supporting four” (a couple from a one-child families supporting four parents) is arising for the young。


Beijing already allows couples to have more than one child if both of them are only children。 One proposal is to widen that to allow two children if just one of the parents is an only child。


If you are an only child, it is likely that you will have the advantage of getting more attention from your parents than you would otherwise do。


On the other hand, when you are older, particularly when you a teenager, you may find that having all your parents’ attention concentrated on you is a distinct disadvantage。


On advantage of being an only child is that you are likely to have a more affluent upbringing than you would if you had brothers and sisters。


One of the major disadvantages of being an only child is that you can be a bit lonely。


Most children of the “China one” generation lack independence as they have become so reliant on their families for support。 Some parents even hired a maid for their children when they go to college。


Other unfavorable characteristics include: bad communication skills, rudeness, ungratefulness and self-centeredness。


The term “China one” refers to the child who was born after the 1980s, when China launched the one-child policy。

China one指的是20世纪80年代中国实行计划生育政策以后出生的独生子女。

Not only are they the family’s only child, but they are also the family’s center of attention。


Their parents and grandparents would spare no efforts in taking care of them, and would give them anything and everything, as if they were the “emperor” of the family。


In 1980, China feared an explosion of people it could not feed, so it took drastic steps to limit births with its controversial “one child” policy。


Whether because of the one child policy, or in spite of it, China’s birth rate has fallen sharply, and increasing numbers of families say they do not want more than one child。


Let’s Talk!


Abby: Hi, Natasha, how’s life?


Natasha: Great。 My family came to visit me。


Abby: Oh, you must be very happy。 How many people are there in your family?


Natasha: My immediate family is very large。 It’s my mother, my father, my two older brothers, my younger sister and me。


Abby: I have a small family。 They are my parents, my younger brother and me。


Natasha: I thought you were the only child in the family。 Didn’t China practice the only-child policy in the early 1980s?


Abby: Yes, it did。 But my parents are ethnic minority people。 It’s a preferential policy for an ethnic minority family to have two children。


Natasha: Interesting。 What do you think about families with only one child?


Abby: The child must feel very lonely。 My younger brother is 10 years younger than me。 Before he was born, I used to be the only child and always dreamed that I would have a younger sister or brother one day。


Natasha: Do you get along well with each other?


Abby: Yes, we are very close。 He is 12 years old and very smart。 He always makes us laugh a lot。


Natasha: You are very lucky to have such a nice family。


Abby: Thank you。


Generation Gap



Realize the Increasingly Wide Generation Gap认识日益扩大的代沟


The generational gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and their parent’s generation。