
第6章 说明文

If you have great talents, industry will improve them;if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.

I Have a Dream

There have been six teachers among my relatives. So when I was a child, I dreamed of being a teacher. But I didn t know the meaning of choosing an occupation at that time, for being a child, how could I?

Upon my graduating from the senior middle school, I want to choose a teachers training class for my further education. My classmates were all surprised at my choice and asked me, “Will you regret what you have done now in the future?”On hearing it, I told them how my decision had been made.

Once I read a report in a newspaper, which said that in a small town in the south of China, there has been no student graduating from a junior middle school since the liberation. The school there was only a hut which seemed to collapse at any time. The only things for teaching were an abacus with balls missing and a globe which couldn t turn. Out of 100 pupils, only 10 of them were able to pass both Chinese and maths examinations every year. I was deeply shocked by the news.

China is a developing country, so education is even more important. Teaching is the brightest career in the sun. More teachers are needed. I know clearly the real meaning of my choosing to be a teacher. As a teacher, it means to offering. Teaching is an holy and glorious career. “Burn yourself but give others light.”This is the motto held by the teacher. I would be proud of being a teacher.

My dream is noble, but to turn the dream into reality is not easy. Now I am being trained as a teacher. Years later, I will teach others. My teacher, Ms Yu Hua, often says to us, “In the school you must learn as much knowledge as possibly by heart and strictly train yourselves, so that you can be a good teacher at your future position.”I will try my best to do what she has told us.


(1)句中有时间状语 since the liberation, 应用动词完成时。

(2)graduate 在句中作定语,与 student 是主动关系,用现在分词。

(3)动词mean 后面可接不定式或动名词,但意义不同:接不定式表示主语的打算、意图,如:I mean to finish the work before 10. 接动名词则表示主语的含义,如:Shall we have to start at six?That means getting up at half past five. 根据上下文,文中的 mean 应后接动名词。

How I Improve My English Writing

I began to practise English writing several years ago. Though I m very glad to say that I have made some progress, I still have a long way to go. Some penfriends and my classmates asked me how I improved my writing. Here I d like to tell you my story.

When I began to learn English writing, I made many mistakes in grammar and also with idioms. I often thought in Chinese and just translated what I had in my mind into English. My English teacher, Mr Xu, helped me. He pointed out my mistakes and told me that I should try to think in English, not in Chinese, pay more attention to English grammar and idioms, and use simple sentences whenever I could. I did as he said. When I finished writing, I read it very carefully. As soon as I found out mistakes, I corrected them at once. I have kept on doing this and found that I am making fewer mistakes than before. My teacher says I have improved my writing a lot and he encourages me to continue practising.

No pains, no gains. Through years of practice, my English writing has considerably improved. I m very lucky that two of my short English compositions have been carried on the newspapers. I have become even more interested in English writing.

I m an ordinary girl and I m not very bright. But I know it is very important to keep on practising. Practice makes perfect. So I think three things are important in learning English writing:First, we must be sure of ourselves;second, we should pay attention to English grammar and idioms;third, we must keep on practising and be more careful in writing.


Our Red Cap Team

Everyone in our class likes physical exercises. There is a football team in my class. We all call it“Red Cap”, because every player of the team wears a small red cap. The “Red Cap”plays very well and has won a lot of prizes for our class and our grade too. We are all proud of the team.

Every afternoon, the“Red Cap”team go to the playground after class and play football. Some of them are members of the school team. They are working very hard for the team.

The players like famous sports stars very much and it is their dream to become one some day. Sometimes they collect photos of the football stars and put them on the walls. They always try to find time to on TV football matches held at home and abroad, because they can learn something from them.

Our“Red Cap”team often participate in matches at the grade and school levels. The “Red Cap”is always the champion in our grade. And the school team is the city s champion, too.

Although football is a physical exercise mainly for boys but we girls also enjoy it very much. Whenever a football match is going on, we are always there to cheer our players up.

The players of the “Red Cap”team are not only good at football, but also study very hard. Some of them are the best students in our grade. For example, the team leader Liu Liang always takes the first place in exams.

I hope their dreams will come true in the near future:some of them become football stars, even China s Maradona, the best football player in the world, to win glories for our country.



(2)在 go to the playground 中,有时根据汉语习惯会写有 go out to...另外,team 作为集合名词,可表示单数,也可表示复数。但这里由于动词 go 的缘故,另外下文 play, 还有代词 some of them(=the team)都提示把 team 当作复数看待更好。

(3)由于上文没有指明哪些 football stars, 所以,注意前面不能加 the。

(4)football matches 是复数,代词应该用 them。

(5)although 一般不与 but 连用。在语法题中出这类错误很少,但在口语和作文中会不自觉地出错,需特别注意。

My Eyes

It was nine o clock at night, and I had studied for just half an hour, I wanted to go on but my eyes didn t allow me to do so. My eyes got tired and saw the words with difficulty. I had to relax them though it seemed useless.

Looking back to my past, I m full of regret. I came to this world with two bright eyes. I thought this was something natural. I enjoyed reading books even under dim light. I watched TV for more than three hours without a break. Also, I used to read in bed. Whenever my father warned me against the wrong use of my eyes, I always replied, “It doesn t matter. My eyes are the best.”

However, one day, I began to find I couldn t see clearly the words on the blackboard within five metres. The doctor told me I became nearsighted. “It is impossible,”I cried. “But this is the fact. Your bad habit cost you your normal eyesight.”

Now I am trying many ways to regain my good sight. But you can see they have little effect. Something that was lost is usually not so easy to recover. One who has good eyes has great wealth, I believe. I must learn a lesson from my own experience.


Books and Me

It s hard to imagine what our lives would be like if there were no books. Books are of benefit to us.

Mother remembers that I loved books very much when I was a child. And now, I think nothing can let me love them any less, for they have become an important part of my life.

When I could read some words and know how to look up a word in dictionary, I began to read Aesop s Fables, and The Arabian Nights. They taught me a lot of things, such as“Treat your friends as they deserve to be treated,”“Judge things by their true value,”and so on. I ll never forget them.

One day, when my mother came back from work she found me crying. She was surprised at first, for I was usually so “heart strong”that nothing seemed to be able to make me weep even after being punished by my parents. “Why are you crying?Did your teacher punish you at school?”she asked. “No, Mum.”At last I was able to look up with tearful eyes and said:“JiangJie was killed by the enemy.”Then Mother noticed that there was a book in my hands.

As time goes on, books have accompanied me for sixteen years. I have lived very happily with them.

Now when I am free, I often go to bookstores to buy some new books that I want very much. I have learned a lot of things from them.

Books have become good friends of mine and I will never part with them.

文章用举例法介绍了自己如何与书成了亲密的朋友。英国著名哲学家 Bacon (培根)曾这样写过:“Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.”历来,有所作为的人都把读书作为人生的一件大事。本文作者能从小养成读书习惯,实在是值得同龄人效仿的。

The Source of My Happiness

Last July, my best friend Chen moved to Shanghai. I began to write to her. Ever since then, I have become fond of writing letters. I wrote and wrote, never feeling tired of writing, not only to Chen but to other friends as well. During the summer holidays, I was just like a hungry girl, consuming a large amount of paper and plenty of envelopes by writing letters.

I don t know why I am so fascinated with letters. I just enjoy the feeling of sharing my life with others. But the most boring thing is waiting for replies. “What will she feel after reading my letters?”I often ask myself. Fortunately, my pen pals have the same idea as mine, for they always answer my letters as soon as possible.

The more letters I have written, the more important I find communication is. A person can t live in isolation, can he?In letters, I can “see”people;I can get to know what he is thinking about, what s his trouble and what he needs. Each letter gives you a new feeling, for different people write just in difficult ways. That s what I call a magic.

Maybe you are eager to know how I write a letter. It couldn t be easier:just pick up a pen and put your thoughts or feelings to words. That s it!In this way, you ll find the world smaller, and you ll find your friends closer to you.

I ve written various kinds of letters, some in Chinese, some in English;some of them are just for greeting, some of them are for sharing. Though it s easy to keep in touch with friends in our modern world by telephone, I still find the ancient way of communication——writing letters more enjoyable.

I remember someone once said, “Pen is a special tool;with the help of it you can create wonders.”I think it is right.

Oh, my great piles of letters are the source, the endless fountain of my happiness.


Thank You, Sir

Thank you, sir!

Never can I forget the night you brought me to your home to help me make up the lessons I had missed. You said I had just recovered from illness and bought me a big piece of watermelon. You were so patient and careful during the lessons that I understood you quite well. I soon caught up with other students.

Remember, sir?I was once in an awkward predicament and couldn t free myself from it. It was you, my beloved teacher, who came to me and had a hearttoheart talk with me. What you said was so reasonable and moving that I was convinced. I was myself again—merry and smiling. You said you wished I would always be a little angel. Thank you, sir!

Remember, sir?That time I took the lead in English contest. It was you who were the first one to come and say, filled with excitement and happiness. “Excellent,Congratulations!”

Remember, sir?Once I failed in an exam. I was so sad that I lay on the grass with my face downward, crying. You softly wiped away my tears, like Father to me, saying, “Be more careful next time, and you are sure to succeed.”I looked up and found a look of expectancy and trust. I cheered up again.

Remember, sir?...I ll always remember what you have done for me. I don t know what would have happened without you. Thank you, sir!

It s Teachers Day again. I wish you, my dear teacher and friend, everything great and wonderful, not only on this day, but during all your life. I wish you would always be as happy, healthy, and wonderful as you have been so far.

Thank you, sir!

本文为庆祝教师节所作,作者结合自己的亲身经历,以火一样的感情,诗一样的语言赞美了她的老师。文章以两个“Thank you, sir”开头与结尾,并以四个“Remember, sir?”作为主干,与老师面对面地倾吐自己的心声。全文情真意切,且用词准确,实为一篇佳作。

I Love Music

If you inquire the best form of entertainment, I ll recommend music to you because I love music.

Listening to music, we ll find ourselves mysteriously led out of the concrete surroundings, while softly being conquered by the atmosphere it produces. It is the music language, consisting of melody, beats, as well as what is produced by background instruments, that plays such a magic. Classical pieces, which are relatively more gentle, contain the cream of human history and culture reflecting forerunners views towards art and life. Modern music, however, stands out in sharp relief. It is more exciting, arousing us from dull life. Absorbed in music, we ll be pleased to see the world is so richly vivid. And we are ready to face life with a freshened mind.

Playing music ourselves is supposed to be of equal fun, though most of us students can not play musical instruments or compose our own music. We can demonstrate our unique tastes in singing, which is enough to express ourselves in an understandable way. Music is a sort of communication which can enliven in our minds something that will never die.

Students lives are bound up with monotony to a great extent. Many a time, I struggle to stretch out my arms in desire for a change in life and find music is among the very few forms of entertainment available. Fortunately we have it within our reach while many other distractions do not belong to our world at all. So music appears to be outstandingly precious.

I love music. I love its artistic conception and the resonance it sets up. I appreciate it as some real art. Don t you feel like it either?


I Want to Grow Up

I am a girl of sixteen, and of course, I have a lot of dreams. One of them is that I want to grow up!Sixteen is neither old nor young. Children who are only six call me aunt. But old people of sixty look on me as a child!I often wonder:am I still a child?Sometimes I am exactly like a child:I like playing and enjoy eating. At school, I often forget to do my homework because of playing and I have to receive criticisms from my teachers. And in those cases I seldom forget to make faces. The teachers and my parents often say, “Look at that silly girl. She will never grow up!”It seems that you will do fewer silly things when you grow older. Then, what will I do when I grow up?

I will get rid of a lot of bad habits. Then, all the people have to accept the fact that the little girl has grown up!After I have finished college study, I will find a good job for myself. I want to be a lawyer and own a lawyer s office. I will do things for all people. I also want to be a writer and I will write novels and fairy tales for all children and make them happy. If I earn a lot of money, I will buy many things. Most of them are for my parents to show my thanks for their bring me up over so many years. With this sum of money, I can do a lot of other things that I like. Of course I will not forget to study. I must learn English well. I will read many great books from which I think I can learn a lot.

I know, however, that the way to success is not smooth. In order to make my future life better, I must learn harder and harder from now on. I want to grow up!I want to grow to be successful.


(1)receive criticisms from...意指“接受某人的批评”。look on...as... 意指“把……看成……”。

(2)前面用了动词 receive, 后面介词用 from 搭配较好。


China is in the east of Asia. Its neighbours in the landmass are twelve countries , such as Russia, India, Vietanam, etc. It faces the Pacific Ocean. It covers more than 9.6 million square kilometres. There are many large rivers in China. Among them the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the longest and most important. China has the largest population in the world. The Chinese nation is made up of 56 nationalities. Among them Han is the largest, making up 94% of the whole. It has a long history of more than 5 000 years. China is a developing country.


The Oriental Pearl TV Tower

Walk along the beach, and we can see the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower standing like a giant on the other side of the Huangpu River. It s visited by thousands of people from different parts of the country and the world every day.

The Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which can be seen from far away, is 468 metres tall. It s the tallest TV tower in Asia and the third tallest in the world. From the TV tower, we can get a clear view of the whole city. Its construction was started in 1991 and completed in 1994. Soon after that, it was opened to the public. Now it has become the centre of the culture, entertainment and tourism in the city of Shanghai.

The Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the symbol of the rapid development of Pudong in recent years. We are all proud of it.


How to Get to the Science Palace

Dear Mr Hunter,

There will be a lecture on pollution given by Professor Wang from Nankai University in the Science Palace at 8 tomorrow morning. If you are interested in the lecture, please get to the Science Palace before 8 o clock.

The Science Palace is not far from your hotel. You may talk there. When you go out of the hotel, turn left and walk down the street until you come to traffic lights. Take a right turn there, walk two crossings, and you will see a post office on your right. The Science Palace is next to it.


An Introduction of a Robot

I m sure nobody enjoys doing housework at home. Then why not get a helper from our company?Here s your best choice.

We ve made a special robot that can do most of your housework. What you have to do is to turn on a switch and press a key, then the robot will work for you. It s easy to operate, since everything is controlled by a computer. Just imagine reading a newspaper for twenty minutes and your washing is done and your meal is ready!Can you think of anything else more wonderful?Besides, the robot is not expensive at all. Most people can afford it. You can pay us during the coming 12 months after you start using it. If there is anything wrong with the machine, you just make a phone call and we ll come to fix it for you right away. Please think it over and make your decision.


How to Plant Tomatoes

One day father came home with tomato plants. He said, “Tomatoes are your favorite. But do you know how to grow tomatoes?I have some tomato plants here. Go and plant them.”

I got some soil and put it in a box. I dug some holes in the soil and got the plants in. I put some soil over the roots and then pressed it tight. Finally I watered the plants before leaving them on the window sill.

Bathed in the sun, the plants were growing. I kept watering them every day, but I didn t know why they suddenly stopped growing. Father says, “Everyone needs nutrition. So do the plants.”I bought some chemical fertilizer and put it in the soil. Now the plants are growing tall and strong.

It is no easy job growing tomatoes. You have to know about their nature and give them plenty of nutrition. It is just like raising children. A good way of education will bring them up to be useful person to the society, while a bad way of education will lead them astray.


The Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It s celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in honor of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of more than 2 000 years ago.

At that time, wars often broke out between kingdoms. As a minister of the kingdom of Chu, Qu Yuan loved his own country very much. To make his country stronger, he made a lot of suggestions to the king, but the king wouldn t listen. At last, the kingdom Chu was defeated by the kingdom of Qin. Hearing the news, Qu Yuan was so sad that he killed himself by jumping into the river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

At his death, people set out to search for his body in the river. Many boats were made in the shape of dragon. Thus, the dragon boat race started.


Blowing Ballon

Blowing ballon is a new and interesting game. You may have some idea of it. It is of great value to your health, especially to those who are fat.

People usually make an airless balloon half airfilled, put it on the hand, then blow hard. Shortly after it flies up, his companions will blow it to the opposite side. The other team will blow it back. It floats from one side to the other and if it falls to the ground of your side, you will lose the game.

How to deal with a balloon which is falling to the ground?Don t blow it straight. You may lie on your back and blow it up. You must be good at controlling the balloon at a right position, then blow it together. It will fly directly to the opposite side. Then you may win.


Helping Mr. Brown Find His Way

Mr. Brown had just arrived in the city for a three day s sightseeing, but he knew little about the city. Now he was standing outside the gate of Bank of China, looking for someone to help him. Here came Wang Qiang, a student of No. 18 Foreign Languages Middle School. Wang Qiang saw a foreigner standing there, a little puzzled. He walked up and said, “How do you do?I m Wang Qiang.”Mr. Brown hears someone speaking to him in English, he is very happy and answers, “How do you do?I m Brown, Can you help me find a hotel?”“Surely. Go down the street to the first crossing. After you pass it, you ll find No. 7 Middle School on your left. Walk on, and you ll find the cityfamous hotel near the school.”“Thank you very much, but where can I buy some daily necessities?”“After you register at the hotel, return back to the street, go down the street for a few minutes, and you ll find a bridge. Cross the bridge, walk on, and turn right at the first crossing. You ll find the largest shopping center in the city on the left. You can get all you need there.”“It is very nice of you. I m sure I won t miss it. But where is the nearest post office?”“After you finish shopping, please go up Zhongshan Road, and take the first turning on the right. Walk along the street and cross the bridge. Turn left, and walk on for ten minutes. Take the first turning on the right, and walk on. Take the second turning on the left, and you ll find the post office on the left. After you get out of it, walk down the road, and turn right at the third turning. Walk along the street for several minutes, and you ll find your hotel on the left.”“Thank you very much!”“Byebye!”“Byebye!”

作者先对 Mr. Brown及王强进行了简单的介绍,然后采用了对话的方式说明了王强是怎样给Mr. Brown 指明路线的。文章语言地道,内容连贯。

A Television Weather Report

Here is the weather report for the next twentyfour hours.

Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It will be cloudy at times. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huaihe River. The day after tomorrow it will be sunny. The temperature will fall 5 to 10℃.

In the Northeast it will be fine. The temperature will stay above zero in the day time, but at night it will fall below zero again. In the Northwest, there will be snow in the night. The snow will be very heavy in some places. Tomorrow morning there will be a very strong wind, and it will become clear.

Here are the weather conditions of some large cities. Beijing will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9℃. Tianjin will be cloudy and the temperature will be 0 to 9℃. Shanghai will be cloudy and the temperature will be 12 to 18℃. Guangzhou will be rainy and the temperature will be 18 to 22℃.

That s all. Thank you for your listening.


An Introduction to the City Library

The City Library is a good place for us to study. It is quiet and there are a lot of books for us to refer to, which is helpful to our study.

When you enter the library, the first thing to catch your eye is the card catalog where you can locate the books you want to borrow. The cards are arranged alphabetically, based on the subject and author.

At the far righthand corner stand the newspaper stacks, on which are located daily newspapers. In front of the newspaper stacks are two tables with chairs. The periodicals are placed on the right of the tables along the wall.

On the left of catalog are seven rows of open stacks in which are books, magazines, and journals. In front of the stacks are four study tables for students and teachers to read and write.

In front of the study table at the far lefthand corner stands a photocopy machine where you can photocopy the materials you need. Near the door on the left is the circulation desk where the librarians check the books you borrow and return.

If you like reading, you will certainly be able to make good use of the library.


Mending a Puncture

The other day I found the front tyre of my bicycle was flat. There was a puncture in the tyre. I always insist on doing everything on my own, so I decided to repair the puncture by myself.

First, I got my bicycle puncturerepair kit, and found what I wanted:a tube of glue, some chalk and some rubber patches. In addition, I got a bucket full of water. Second, I took the wheel off the bicycle, leveled off the tyre and took the inner tube. Thirdly, I partly pumped up the inner tube and then submerged it, section by section, in the water to see where the puncture was. When a stream of bubbles were rising, I knew where the puncture was. Fourth, I dried and cleaned the surface of the inner tube. Then marked the hole with the chalk, applied some glue to the surface of the inner tube and to one of the rubber patches, and pressed the rubber patch firmly over the hole. Finally, I pushed the inner tube back inside the tyre of the bicycle wheel, and pumped up the tyre until it was hard.

That was the whole repairing process.


三段式文意结构运用广泛,可见于说明文、描写文、记叙文及议论文等各种文体中。所谓的三段,即引言段、推展段和结论段。第一,引言段用以指出文章的主题,使推展段有所遵循。通常引言段有4个功能:1. 指出文章的主题;2. 介绍一定的背景;3. 给出文章的梗概;4. 引起读者的注意和兴趣。第二,推展段用来支持或说明引言段中所提出的问题,其功能就是用说明、描写或论证式阐述的写作方法来支持主导思想,使读者能正确地理解和获取写作者所有企图表达的信息。第三,结论段,是用来结束文章的段落,是文章的最后部分。当然并非每篇文章都要有结论段,但是有了结论段,就可以重复强调主题,便于读者对篇章进一步的了解。

Exploring the UFOs

The 21st century will be a period of advanced scientific achievements. And the exploration of UFO will surely make some breakthroughs.

“UFO”is short for “Unidentified Flying Object”. The search for these objects began in 1947. An American pilot named Kent Arnold saw nine bright objects that looked like plates when he was flying in the sky. That was how the myth of the “UFO”came about.

People at that time couldn t explain them. So they believed that they were from other galaxies. But a recent report shows that the nearest intellectual celestial body is at least 4 000 light years from us. In other words, if they want to call on us, they must travel 4 000 light years for a oneway trip. So it was said to be impossible.

Some scientists suppose that UFO comes from the depth of the sea. Some fantastic stories about Pyramids under the sea and cities on the seabed, etc. seem to suggest that the sea still has advanced living beings.

Another imagination is that they are from the flying machines of time and space of our posterities. According to the “theory of relativity”of Einstein, if they outstrip the speed of light, time can fly backwards. Maybe then the journey of time and space can be achieved.

Besides these, there are still many other odd and interesting opinions, but all of them have a common weakness—lacking enough evidence to prove. So it is hoped that “The Study of UFOs”will become a real science one day, and more and more people can join in it.


What Will You Do When You Meet Trouble

When you meet trouble, perhaps your heart sinks at once of you feel it s so unfair to you in the world. But you shouldn t think so. Other living things have more trouble than you. If you don t believe this, please look at the little grass.

When he just comes up, groups of naughty boys play football on him. They break his body, but he doesn t mind. He grows up even faster. When he is growing, people place a lot of rubbish on his head. He tries his best to grow up to look for sunlight. After a few days, you will find the green grass has grown a lot and each blade is pointing toward the sun and laughing.

Look!The little ant is pulling some very“big”food. It is so hard for him to carry it, but he is still moving with the heavy food and finally he gets home.

The river runs bravely forever. She rushes over the large stones on her way. She goes through the hills, the forests, not caring the difficult journey, and going farther and farther. At last, she gets to the sea.

Dear friends, don t be afraid or sad when you meet trouble. You should try your best to overcome it.


文章思路清晰,通俗易懂,有极强的感染力;语句规范,层次分明,语言生动有力。文章中用的词语、句型有:at once, in the world, more...than, grow up, a lot of, a lot, look for, try one s to do sth. , go through, at last 等都使用得恰到好处。此外,文章还运用了并列复合句、宾语从句以及时间状语从句。这些句子自然、顺当而达意,值得初学写作者学习。

There Should Be No“Little Emperors”

This afternoon on my way home I saw lots of people standing at the gate of the primary school. I didn t know what they were doing there at first. Then a group of pupils came out of the school. Those people outside the gate went close to the pupils and called out names like“Lingling,”“Fangfang,”“XiaoHua”, etc. Now I knew they had come to meet their children.

These children and other children like them are so happy that they are all like “little emperors.”It s not good at all to be like “little emperors”. Children will be the builders of our country in the future. There are so many things for them to learn. Later many things will be done by them. This means that they shouldn t be “little emperors”.

On the contrary they should depend on themselves. And they should do everything they can without their parents help!

Our country s future will be held in the hands of today s children, and they will be its masters. So they should learn their parents good habits and get rid of their own bad ones. Their parents can t look after them forever.

这篇文章主题鲜明,重点突出。儿童是祖国的花朵,是人民的希望。儿童不要做“小皇帝”,要好好学习,学会独立生活,准备肩负起未来的重任。文中遣词造句,时态和语言都使用得规范、自然,并且对已学的句型也能正确运用,如:so...that..., this means that..., do everything...can,...get rid of...等。

Life in the City and in the Country

I have lived in this city for two years, but before that I lived with my family in a village about a hundred miles away from here. Life is very different in the two places, but there are things that I like about each of them.

In the country it is quiet and beautiful since there are not many people. The air is clean, and there is beautiful scenery all around. The people who lived in the country seem friendly and helpful to their neighbors. The cost of living is low there, because food is usually cheap. I like living in the city, too. In the city, there are interesting things to do all the time. People have many choice of activities. There is a wide selection of movies, and most of the theatres are good. Everything is convenient here, since in the city you live close to grocery stores and school. Traffic is efficient with regular schedules, so it is easy to get from one place to another.

I was happy in the country, but there are good chances for work and study in the city, so I will probably stay here for a period of time and there for another period of time.

本文从两种事物各自的优点出发作比较,认为农村、城市各有优势,所以作者对两种生活环境都喜欢。文章在第一段提出主题,第二段前半部分写农村生活的优点,后半部分写城市生活的好处。该段的段落主题句是出现在中间的“I like living in the city, too.”。在对比分析的说明文中,如果对比的两种事物容纳在一个段落中时,经常采用段中主题句。文章的第三段又重复了文章的主题“I like living in the country as well as in the city.”。所以,全文的每个段落在重复同一主题,但却用的是不同的表达方式和句法。

文中用了好多描写城乡不同情况的形容词,如“quiet, beautiful, clean, friendly, helpful, cheap;wide, good, convenient, close, effieint, regular, easy, happy”等。这样做可以使表达的内容具体、生动。

English Dictionaries

Most English dictionaries will tell you a number of things about the language.

There are three important things:spelling, pronunciation and meanings.

The first is the spelling of the words. If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. The words are always given in alphabetical order.

The second thing is pronunciation. Most dictionaries give the pronunciation of a word in a special kind of alphabet, which is called phonetics.

The third thing a dictionary will tell you is the meaning of words. Many words have more than one meaning, and a good dictionary will explain all of the word s meanings.

These are some of the important facts that you can learn from dictionaries.


I Am a Dog

I have a tail and four legs. I have sharp teeth and run very fast.

I belong to the family of the wolf and the fox. But they remain wild while I have been tamed and trained to do many things, including keeping watch, hunting, shepherding and searching for travelers lost in the snow.

I am truthful to men and like to be a friend of men. I can defend my master at the cost of my own life.

Of course you can easily guess what I am:I am a dog.

本文充分地写出了狗的习性、特点。语言朴实、自然,句式丰富多变而富有感染力。如 including 后面的一长串动词组成的排比句为文章增色不少。结尾的点题也显得生动有趣。


Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purpose. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as unchanged in colour today as the day it was minted twentythree centuries ago.

Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications.

The most recent use of gold is in astronaut s suits. Astronauts wear goldplated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty, but also for its utility.

例证法在本文中得到了最充分的应用。在谈到黄金不易腐蚀这一特点时,文章举出了2 300年前马其顿帝国货币的例子;在提及黄金在工业中的作用时,文章列举了宇航员的隔热服。事实胜于雄辩——两个例子使我们对黄金的两大作用有了直观而又深刻的认识。

My Favorite Program

Nowadays radios and TVs play a more and more important role in our daily life. There are many programs shown every day. Some of them are very good. My favorite program is called“The Animal World”, which is broadcast by CCTV every Sunday night.

The program provides us with natural scenes, the life of all kinds of wild animals and the wonderful explanation about it. We also acquire some knowledge about animals, even some plants. So in my opinion, it is an interesting as well as an instructive program. Besides, the pictures are very beautiful.

It s really a great joy to watch it. If you don t believe it, just watch it yourself.


How to Use Your Dictionary

Open your dictionary at any page. At the top of the page you will see two words printed in heavy type. These are known as guide words. The one on the lefthand side of the page tells you what the first word on the page is. The one on the righthand side of the page tells you what the last word on the page is. So if you are looking for a word in the dictionary, you first look at the guide words at the head of the pages. Then you will be able to tell whether or not the word you want is on the page you are looking at.

You will notice that a dictionary very often gives several meanings for one word. How could you decide which of these meanings is the one you need?First, you must know what part of speech the word is in the sentence. Is it a noun or a verb?Is it an adjective or an adverb?A word can be used in a different way in a sentence, and so may have a different sense. Next, you must see which of the meaning will fit into the sentence. It is important to study the rest of the sentence carefully in order to find out the meaning of the word.


How to Make Friends

Everyone needs friends, so how to make friends is very important.

To make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

When you don t agree with someone, don t quarrel but discuss with him. Finally never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

文章开头即点题,引出下文。全文语言简练,富有条理。句式多变换,除了 You should...You must...句型外,还运用了祈使句。另外第二段第二句 Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. 一句相当于 If you smile at others, you are sure to get a smile in return.

The First Snow

The First snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living and on the graves of the dead!All was white except the river that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape, and the leafless trees, which were against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow!Everything was muffled, and every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels!Only the chiming of sleighbell, beating as swiftly and merrily as the hearts of children.


My Hobby

I have been collecting stamps for years. Stampcollecting is my favorite afterschool activity.

I like stampcollecting because it s very interesting. I ve learnt a great deal more than how to collect stamps. From the pictures, scenery and historical monuments on the stamps, I ve got a good knowledge of those countries, famous places and important events in the world. I ve found out something about their history, geography and customs. Those stamps with portraits on them have told me a lot of stories about great inventors, artists, thinkers, leaders and other wellknown people in history. Moreover, whenever I open my album and look at the colourful stamps, I feel as if I were visiting an art museum. I can enjoy the most beautiful paintings, designs, architecture and scenery on the earth. Besides, collecting stamps takes patience, carefulness and perseverance, which I need in doing my work. It s really good for my character training.

Therefore, I enjoy stampcollecting very much.

本文第一段开门见山,点出了作者的爱好是集邮。第二段第一句为总述:It s very interesting. 接着作者详细阐述了集邮的乐趣——可以了解世界,获得知识。在第二段的结尾,作者又用 besides 一词引出另一个原因——可以培养人的耐心、细致及坚持不懈的性格。第二段为文章的重点段落。作者表述得有详有略,结构清晰。

Birth Control—Key to China s Development

Since the Chinese government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978, the country has adopted various measure and achieved great success in birth control. The total bright rate has been decreasing gradually.

However, at present China s population is still growing very rapidly. It is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million and China is encountering a birth peak during the 1990s. It is obvious that China s economic development and the improvement of people s living standards have been and will be greatly affected by the population.

Therefore, to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country s reforms and economic development. We should realize the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective actions.

这是一篇归纳性说明文。第一段概括说明国家实行计划生育政策后人口得到控制。第二段以 However 为转折,分析人口增长严重阻碍经济发展和人民生活水平的提高。第三段连词 therefore 承上启下。强调今后仍要严格控制人口增长,保证改革开放的重大成果。

既然是说明文,作者使用的词语含义单一,没有强烈的感情色彩,保证其用词的准确性。为了把问题说得透彻,作者还使用了大量长句,有 Since 引导的原因状语从句,有It 作形式主语的被动句和主动句,有不定式充当的主语以及由 and 连接的并列宾语和谓语。

Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Fake commodities are quite common in society today. In order to seek high profits, some factories or companies produce fake commodities even at the risk of being discovered. On the other hand, the laws of prohibiting fake commodities are not strictly enforced, I think this is another reason for this occurences.

Fake commodities do harm to people in many ways. They can bring about great loss in both state properties and lives. A case in point is that if a consumer buys some fake medicines, he will suffer much pain inevitably. The fake medicine will even cost him his life. What s more, the production of fake commodities is a great danger to the society. So everyone of us has the duty to fight against fake commodities for our society and for ourselves.

本文开头第一句就十分简洁地概述伪劣商品这一现象,接着重点分析产生这一现象的两个原因,中间用“on the other hand”连接过渡。第二段指出伪劣商品造成的危害,以伪劣药品为例具体说明危害的可怕程度,事例典型,说服力强。最后文章下结论要与伪劣产品作斗 争。

用词准确是说明文的基本要求,本篇作文在这一方面尤为突出。第二段第二句使用了“seek high profits”,这比使用“look for, money, make, benefit”都准确得多,第三句又使用 了“prohibit, strictly enforced”,这些词语再次显示了文章的这一特色。其他段落就不一一赘述了。



Do you believe that everyone is born to a certain fate that he cannot change?Or do you think, as I do, that each person makes his own fate?

Many people believe that they are fated, or destined to a certain life. For example, if they are very poor or very ill, they say that is because they were born to be poor or ill and there is nothing they can do about it. In my opinion, people have more control than that over their lives. Maybe they didn t work hard enough to make money or didn t take proper care of themselves. By blaming their condition on fate, they are avoiding responsibility for their behavior.

I think that for the most part each person makes his own fate. If you are not satisfied with your life, don t accept it by blaming it on fate. Change it!If you really want to do it, you can. Set your goal and work toward it. Don t wait for fate to bring you success because it won t happen. Fate is in your own hands. Go out and make yourself successful, rich and happy. Then you can be proud of your accomplishments. If you are a failure, or poor. Or unhappy, then you have only yourself to blame for it.

Most people do not seem to realize how much inner strength and ability they have. They don t think that they can change their lives all by themselves. But if they really have the desire and the ambition, then nothing is impossible.


Campus Tour

At the beginning of each school year, the freshmen are always eager to get acquainted with school surroundings. They want to visit the classroom buildings, offices, the sites that they will be visiting frequently or that might interest them. Therefore, a campus tour is organized to meet his demand.

The purpose of such a campus tour, of course, is not only to help new students learn how to get around. The more important thing is that students can learn something of the history and traditions of the campus and its organizations, which will be beneficial to their future academic study.

This year I am chosen to be part of the campus tour committee and I will be responsible for some of the locations to be visited. To make myself ready for this task, I will have to do some investigation first. I will try to be thoroughly familiar with the places. I ll show to new students, I do hope I will be of much help to them in their first campus tour.


全文紧紧围绕提纲,线条清晰,明快。campus tour 是本文的中心词。这一词的重复使用使文章读起来非常连贯。结构也很紧凑。

The Telephone in Our Daily Lives

The telephone has many advantages. In the first place, it enables people to communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them. We can even talk to friends or family members who are far away in foreign countries, which was impossible in the past. Aside from this, much business is done over the telephone. Businessmen need not meet face to face;instead, they can deal with each other on the phone.

Despite all its advantages, however, the telephone has its drawbacks. Some people have come to depend too much on the telephone. At the same time, they forget that telephones cannot take the place of meetings and letters. Without facetoface meetings, interpersonal relationships gradually become worse. Like everything, telephones should be used in moderation.


文中过渡性词语用得比较好,如 in the first place, aside from this, however, at the same time, 语句衔接自然。

Fast Food

Less than twenty years ago, we knew little about the phrase fast food. But in recent years fast food has become more and more popular in China. Millions of people are used to having fast food, and many restaurants, especially those near the railway stations, airports or the market areas specialize in fast food, which is served at the counter ready to be taken out.

Fast food has some advantages. We all know that people are very busy nowadays and they often feel very tired because of hard work. Therefore they don t want to waste much time for a meal, but prefer the most convenient food at hand. In this way they can save some time, so that they can have a good rest. Apart from the convenience, fast food is cheaper. It costs people less money in buying fast food than eating in a restaurant.

Today, fast food is developing very fast. Many kinds of food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, rice and noodles, can be make into fast food. The variety and quality of fast food should be further improved to meet the needs of most people.


A New Friend

I have known a new friend on the Internet. She is fourteen years old, just like me. There are four people in her family. They are her father, her mother, her sister and herself. She likes math and her sister is good at art. They study at the same school in London. Their school is not as big as mine and there are 24 students in each class. Every day they have only three classes.

In spare time she often plays the guitar and her sister often draws in the garden. In the evening they watch TV with their parents.

Her family like sailing and hiking. Every year they have a trip of sail to other places.

Such is my friend, Betty.

本文第一句提出本文主题:I have known a new friend on the Internet.正文部分介绍了这位朋友的有关情况。结尾部分用Such is my friend, Betty. 回应前文,总结全篇。

Panda, a National Treasure of China

Panda looks like a bear but smaller than it. It has short tail and thick fur.

Panda in China lives in the mountain areas in the western and northern parts of Sichuan Province. The biggest panda park is in Sichuan Province. Panda likes to eat bamboo shoots, bamboo leaves and small animals.

Panda is one of the rare animals in the world. It is a national treasure of China. Two pandas were sent to the U.S.A. as gifts. They are in an American National Park now.

Now the number of pandas is increasing every year, because many specialists are living in our National Park and they are taking good care of pandas.

People hope that panda will be set free from the National Park and return to the wild one day.


My Friend s Flat

My friend lives in a flat on the first floor. It consists of four rooms: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. When you enter her flat you find yourself in an open area. On your left there are two doors. The first one leads into the bathroom and the second leads into the bedroom. Right in front of you is a small kitchen. On your right is the living room. It occupies all the right hand half of the flat. There is a door at the end of the living room which opens onto a small courtyard. The kitchen and bedroom also face onto this courtyard.

The flat is not very large, however is enough for her. As can be seen from her happy looking, actually she enjoys living her pleasant private life in this comfortable flat.


The Earth

The Earth has a history of 4.6 billion years. It rotates continuously and finishes a circle every twentyfour hours. During the rotation, the half facing to the sun is in the daytime and the opposite half is night. It also moves around the sun at the same time and it takes one year for it to finish a circle. According to the distance from the sun, four seasons are formed.

The surface of the Earth which is surrounded by thick atmosphere is covered by land and water. The land covers 30% and water 70% of the Earth.

For the above reasons, the Earth is the most suitable place for human being to live. So we should protect and love our homeland—the Earth.


The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games has a history of more than one hundred years. The Games are held every four years. Every country tries its best to get more medals. In 2003, the city of Sydney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries from all over the world took part in the Games. China, a major sport country, held the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. The whole country made good preparations for it. The Olympic motto is“Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among the people of different countries.


The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is called“The TenThousandLi Great Wall”in Chinese. It s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way over mountains, through valleys. It s wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall there are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. It was very difficult to build such a long wall in ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Today on both sides of it new cities have appeared, and trees and flowers may be seen everywhere. The Great Wall has become a place of interest to the Chinese people and to people from all over the world.

本文前段介绍长城的规模、外貌,用的是一般现在时,后段介绍长城的历史,因此,主要用过去时态,最后一句“Today the Great Wall has become...”介绍现状。


As we all know, the computer is a marvellous machine. It has all kinds of types. Nowadays most computers have a memory in which information can be stored and be taken out at anytime.

The oldest kind of computer is the abacus. It was used in China long ago. The first modern computer was very large and expensive, but now scientists already have been making computers smaller and cheaper, at the same time easier to use and work faster and faster now.

Computers can be used a great deal in many ways. It can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business and science research work, in some large factories, and our daily life. Even we use it to play computer games at home. Today a lot of people buy computers. Computers become more and more popular indeed.


Losing Weight

With the development of the modern living standard, more and more people are becoming fat. So losing weight has become a popular topic in people s daily lives. Many medias such as books, magazines, newspapers are talking about losing weight. Jogging and dieting are two popular ways of losing weight.

Jogging is the easiest and cheapest way of shaping the body. You can do your exercises whenever and wherever you like and you don t spend a lot of money in losing your weight.

Dieting has become a common way, too. Nowadays quite a lot of people like this method better. Dieting means you must eat very little every day. And the people who are on diet are forbidden to eat the food which contains fat. So they can t take as much nutrition as the body needs. But proper jogging and dieting attitude is very important because both jogging and dieting carried to extremes can be harmful.


About Beijing

Beijing has a history of over 3 000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it. In recent years, the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly. You can see more museums, parks and shopping centers here and there. More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up. What s more, a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel, such as CNG or LPG, are put into use, to prevent air from being polluted. Water in the rivers is clean again. Wherever you go, you can see green trees, grass and beautiful flowers. All these make life in Beijing more convenient, pleasant and colorful. Beijing is still advancing to the bright future.


The Yellow River

Seen from the map,the Yellow River is just like a flying dragon going through China.The great river played an important part in Chinese life.

Once upon a time,the first village settled down on the bank of the Yellow River.Chinese people who lived in early times got water and food from it,so the Yellow River was our mother river.

But now the mother river is crying because of serious pollution.It is no longer clean but dirty.Soil on the bank is flowing into the river,because the forests near the river have been cut down.

The yellow River is watering millions of square kilometers of fields.If it disappeared,we would have to face terrible conditions,which may lead to many tragedies such as drought,sandstorm and hunger.So we must do our best to protect the river forever.


How to Set up an English Corner in the School

Do a survey.You must estimate how many students will join the English Corner after it is established.Choose a time and a place for the English Corner.The time should be available to most of the students.

Persuade your foreign teachers and English teachers to participate in the English Corner.

Think of a slogan.The slogan must be brief,inspiring and easy to be remembered.

Publicizing.Announce your plan in the school and encourage as many students as you can to join the English Corner.

Do a survey again.See if your English Corner is welcome and ask for advice or suggestions from both the students and the teachers.

NOTE:step 3 and step 5 are extremely important.

If you have done all the steps above,then congratulations,you ve already established English Corner with your own two hands!


What Would You Like to Do as Your Future Career

A teacher is a candle that can light the way for others but burns itself out.

A teacher is a good gardener who takes good care of the flowers of our country.

These sentences left me with a deep impression when I was a little girl.My ideal formed in my mind at that time as well.You may have guessed it,yes,I would like to be a teacher in the future.

As a child,I owned a small lovely blackboard.It was my treasure.I hung it on the door and often drew pictures or wrote words on it.The most enjoyment I had was pretending to be a teacher.Sometimes I invited my little friends to my house,asking them to sit on the bench to“teach”them,wearing a pair of toy glasses and holding a large book.So amusing!

John Milton says“The childhood shows the man,as morning shows the day.”The conviction became firmer in my heart after I really stood on the platform to explain some exercises to my classmates when I was in senior 1.It was my English teacher who gave me the important chance.

Some people consider teaching to be a tiring career,not only working from day to night but also facing a lot of naughty students.However,I love the life in school,love the special air in school even the insects and flowers.So I would love to lead a happy life in school in the future.Some of my classmates tell me that teachers become old faster than people in other careers.But do you care about this while you have students in every hook and cranny of the world?No.All the frustrations will vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds with great achievement and pride taking the place of them.As Aristotle says that the root of education is bitter,but the fruit is sweet.

This is my dream.This is my favorite career.I strongly believe that I will realize my ideal.I strongly believe that I will be standing on a platform of my own some day.I strongly believe that I can be a good gardener in the future.


Numbers in Our Lives

Numbers are always mentioned in our lives.For example,my birthday is July 16th,1990.I will be 18 years old this summer.I am in Class 1,Grade 3 in a high middle school.I go to school for 5 days every week and have 8 lessons per day.Every class lasts for 45 minutes.I usually get up at 6:30 am.But after this summer vacation,I have to get up 30 minutes earlier than usual because my school has moved to a new place a little farther away.I used to walk to school in 5 minutes at most,but now it takes me at least 10 minutes by bike.

My school opened 7 years ago.Now we have finally found a more suitable place for us to study and live.

I will study in my school for just one more year,then I will leave for university.This year I have to face many problems that I have never met before.This term will be a very important period in my life.More hard work means more harvest.I hope that I can manage to get good marks in the entrance exam this year to obtain admission to a good unviersity.


Calm People Win Success

Have you ever tried to draw a straight line,only to find it turns out all wrong?Or,wanted to show yourself off at a party and the song you d practised so many times suddenly becomes more difficult?

I ve had both these experiences.As a Senior 3 student,I have to take many exams.Each time,I enter one thinking:“I can t fail this time,”I get a low mark.

But don t be surprised—it s not because we don t try,or make enough preparations,or take it seriously.On the contrary,it is because we give it too much attention.It is thinking:“I must...”that makes us taste the terrible flavour of failure.

We often say to our friends:“Don t be too hard on yourself”.But,when we set our own goals,we many not listen to our own advice.

But,we are making our path to success increasingly difficult.

So why not throw away this crazy pursuit to achieve the best?Just face the problem lying before you with a calm mind,enjoy the hard work and you will succeed.

In my opinion,keeping a calm state of mind is a skill for life.For people who want to succeed,realizing this is a very important lesson.

So next time when you re trying to draw a straight line or put on a performance,tell yourself:“If I can just do it better than last time,it s a success.”

Keep a calm state of mind,and you will be happy whether you succeed or fail.


What Will I Be?

Everyone has his or her dream.For example,he may like to be a doctor,a scientist,an athlete or an engineer.But my dream is different.I want to be a pilot.I like flying very much.When I was a child,I liked to play with model planes and to make paper planes.My father works in an air force college,so I often ask him to take me to visit his flight simulator lab.And I also like watching aerobatic(特技飞行)flights.I often think if I could fly in the sky like a bird,how interesting it would be.Especially when I watched our Chinese stunt(惊人特技) show in Zhuhai,I thought all of the pilots were great and I strongly hoped to be a pilot.

If I am a pilot,I can do many useful things to help others.For example,if someone is hurt or in trouble in some dangerous places,I can pilot a helicopter to save them in time.Maybe it s very hard for me to be a pilot,but I will do my best to make my dream come true.I am sure I can make it.


If I Were Headmaster

If I were a headmaster,I should know that a headmaster does not necessarily mean that I m the king of the school,nor does it mean that I can dominate everything.I m just a friend of my boys and girls.

In my opinion,the most important thing for a headmaster to do is to educate the students to love our country.I can not imagine how one can serve our society sincerely if he or she does not love his own country.To achieve this goal?I will organize a series of activities to let our students know the historic and cultural achievements of our country to make them feel proud to be Chinese.I will tell them,yes,we do have some problems and disadvantages today,but these are not the fault of the reform and opening policy.It is because the unique situation of China that obstructs us most.We can and we will overcome all these difficulties in the near future.

Secondly,I will make my students understand one thing,that is,to be a good student you have to be a good person first.You should have enthusiasm,diligence,determination and devotion to your business.Also you should have the capability of dealing with problems of all kids.

Needless to say,the basic job for a headmaster is to make the students study well.But,what is more,I should have them study voluntarily,by making classes lively and interesting.

Besides,I will introduce some western education methods to my schcool.

In short,I shall try my best to make our school the best in our country,and the best in the world.




注意英语说明文所涉及的范围比汉语说明文的范围更大,有些内容在汉语看来属于议论文范围,英语却列入说明文之中,比如:the importance of health(健康的重要性),the happiness of exercising handwriting(练习书法之乐)。英语说明文的含义远比我们汉语“说明文”所接受的含义要广泛得多。在英语中,天文地理、人情世故、客观事物、主观意识、宇宙间的一切都可以通过说明文加以阐述;另一方面,由于英语中的议论文(argumentation 或argumentative writing)并不完全对应于汉语中的“议论文”,因此,我们正确理解英语说明文的写作范围对于写好、运用好英语说明文是十分重要的。




介绍事物,一定要抓住事物的特征。所谓特征,就是这一事物区别于其他事物的标志。只有抓住了事物的特征,才能将其状貌、性质、成因、功用和意义等说得明白清楚。任何事物都有其特征。比方说,我们拿起一枝铅笔,仔细地观察它,就会注意到它的颜色、形状、长度、锐利程度以及硬度等。也许你的作文以“This pencil is of normal size and shape.”开头,接着你就应描写这枝铅笔所具有的与众不同的特点。这种写作方法尤其适用于描写大家所熟悉的而又具有新的、与众不同的特征的事物。再比如下面一段文字:“去年,妈妈从北京给我带回一套西服,质地上乘,做工考究,可棒了。”“质地上乘,做工考究”的服装很多,这几个字并未把这套西服的特征说清楚,因此不会给我们留下什么印象。总之,介绍一件事物,要考虑从哪方面着手才可抓住事物的具有代表性的特征。




1. 时间顺序。即按事物的发生、发展的先后顺序进行说明。这种说明方式多用于对某一事物的历史进行介绍。

2. 空间顺序。即按照空间位置的顺序,或由上而下,或由外而内,或由左而右,或由前而后等。对地点进行说明的文章通常采用这种说明方式。

3. 逻辑顺序。即按人们认识事物的规律来进行说明,如由概括到具体,由整体到部分,由现象到本质,由表及里,由原因到结果,由主要到次要,由特点到用途等。




1. 下定义。就是用最简明扼要的语言,概要说明对象的性质与特点,以达到描述事物本质属性的目的,它有一种比较常见的格式:“什么是什么”或“什么叫做什么”。


2. 分类别。就是根据事物的特征,将事物分成若干不同的部分。使用这种方法可以让读者对被说明的对象有一个大致的了解,可以管中窥豹。还可以使文章的头绪清楚,层次分明,容易被读者所接受。

3. 举例子。这种方法能把抽象、复杂的事物说得具体而通俗易懂,是写说明文时最常用的一种说明方法。

4. 作比较。这种方法的运用不外乎三点:一是比较优劣,突出某个对象的特点;二是比较差异,显示各个对象的各自特点;三是用两个相似的事物相比较,通过其中比较熟悉的事物,推知另一事物的特征。但是运用这种方法需注意两点:一必须是可以用来比较的事物,二是明确比较点,拿什么东西去比。


