
第7章 学习Studying


I m trying to decide what school to apply to.

Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?我在考虑申请哪一所学校。


I am here to tell you a good news that I ve succeeded in applying for the university.

Really? I am glad to hear that.And how did you get it?我来是要告诉你一个好消息,我已成功地申请了那所大学。


Can you tell me where to register for class?

Just come with me.请问在哪里注册?


Can you tell me the registration process?你能告诉我注册程序吗?

You should select the courses you want to take before you go to register.注册前,你要先把课选好。

How do I find out when I m supposed to register?

Just look in your class schedule and for the times and dates of registration.我怎么查我该注册的时间?


Have you applied to any universities?

Yes.But I didn t receive their reply.你是否已经向一些大学提出申请了呢?


Have you received a catalogue from that university?

Yes.But I m not sure about which major to choose.你收到该校的招生简章了吗?


I want to apply for the MBA in your university.Could you please send me some related materials?

You can register on our website.Then you will get them in two weeks.关于贵校的MBA专业,能给我邮寄一些相关资料吗?


Is this major available for Chinese students?

Yes,it is.请问中国学生是否可以学习这个专业?


May I know something about the curriculum for this major?

Sure.Just a moment.我可以了解一下这个专业的课程安排吗?


Would you please tell me what the mandatory classes and selective classes for this major are?

You can get this information from our website.请问这个专业的必修课和选修课都是什么?


Can you tell me where to register for class?

Just come with me.请问在哪里注册?


What is your major?



You want to get your Bachelor in education, is that right?

That s right.你想拿到教育学学士学位,是不是?


How many credits can I get for each course?

Three credit for each course.每个课程我能得多少学分?


Interviewing in Campus 学校面试

Tell me something about yourself.告诉我一些有关你自己的事情吧。

Why do you choose this university?你为什么选择这所大学?

What is your major in the past?你以前的专业是什么?

Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢自己的专业?

What will you study in this major? 该专业你准备学什么?

Can you give an example of your major that is applied in our living?你能举例说明你所学的专业在生活中的运用吗?

I like the environment architecture style of this campus.我喜欢这所大学的建筑风格。

I m in my last year of high school,taking the college prepare.我在念中学最后的一年,选读大学预修课程。

I am interested in your facilities.我对你们学校的设施很感兴趣。

Registration 注册入学

I missed my registration time last year.去年我错过了注册时间。

I check with the records department to make sure they have my trans on file.我到档案组去确认在档案里是否有我的成绩单。

I call the school when I have questions about registration.我打电话给学校询问有关注册的问题。

I pick out my classes and register for next semester.我为下学期选课并注册。

You should select the courses you want to take before you go to register.注册前,你要先把课选好。

My advisor told me to have second choices ready.我的指导老师告诉我要选好候补的课。

Would you like me to recommend some good teachers?你要不要我介绍一些好老师?

My teacher gave me special permission to take his class.我的老师特许我修他的课。

A:Why have you chosen to take a course in Mechanical Engineering?

B:Right now I m working in a machine shop,and I would like to move up the career ladder.

A:What kind of career do you have in mind?

B:I d like to become a draftsman and eventually a designer.

A:You ll need to be in school all day once a week,plus one evening.Can you handle that?

B:Yes,I already have permission from my boss to take time off.

A:Do you have a high school diploma?

B:Yes,I graduated in 2005.

A:Good.The course starts on September 20th.We ll send you more information before then.

B:All right.Thank you very much.











A:Jack Smith,you can come in now.Sorry to keep you waiting.Take

a seat.

B:Thank you.

A:Tell me something about yourself.

B:I m in my last year of high school,taking the college prepare.

A:Which is your favorite subject?

B:Economics—particularly group discussions and learning the differences between economic systems.

A:What would you like to do once you ve graduated from college?

B:I think I d like to go into management.But I m not sure in what area yet.

A:Okay.We will take a look at your application and let you know by mail if you have been accepted.

B:Oh,that s great.Thank you.

A:Now,if you d like to go outside.I have a student lined up who ll show you around the campus.












newcomern. 新来的人;

enrollv. 招收;

electiveadj. 选修的;

freshmann. 新生;

compulsoryadj. 必修的;

attendv. 上学;

interviewingn. 面试;

eligibilityn. 合格;

recruit students招生;

semestern. 学期;

school opening ceremony;


processn. 程序;

recommendv. 推荐,介绍;

tuitionn. 学费;

registration n. 注册,报到;

check in登记,报到;

What a Beach!

An American touring the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit.A Bedouin gazed at him in amazement.

“I m going swimming,”the tourist explained.

“But the ocean is eight hundred miles away,”the Arab informed him.

“Eight hundred miles!”the American exclaimed with a huge smile.“Boy,what a beach!”







Hey,have you previewed Chapter Two?

No,I haven t.I watched the soccer match last night.嗨,你预习第2章了吗?


Have you done the homework? The teacher will ask for it.

I haven t finished yet.你做家庭作业了吗?老师要求交上去。


Every time I attend this class,I feel very sleepy.

We may take a chess next time.每次我一来上这种课,就犯困。


Have you prepared this lesson?



Can you follow me?

I m sorry I can t quite catch you.能听懂我的话吗?


Sorry to interrupt you,sir.Would you please speak a little bit more slowly?

Yes,I will.打扰您一下,老师。您能不能说得稍慢一点?


Would you please explain it once more?

No problem.您能再讲一遍吗?


Could you give us some hints?

Think it over carefully.您能给我们提示吗?


Your answers are perfectly all right.

Thank you,I m flattered.你回答的完全对。


Is there anyone who has any different choice?

I don t think C is the right answer.有没有人有不同的意见?


What s the central idea(theme) of this passage? Wang Ping,can you give us a brief introduction in your own words?

I am sorry;I can t right now.May I listen to the others first,and then I will have a try for it?这篇文章的中心思想是什么?王平,你能用自己的话简单地讲一讲吗?


I am afraid I can t express myself in English.Can I use Chinese?

No,you can t.This is an English class,and you have to express yourself in English.恐怕我用英语难以表达,我能用汉语吗?


What have you got to know after reading the text?读完这篇文章,你们了解到了什么?

We have got a better understanding of the British people,especially their differences from the peoples of other western countries.读完这篇文章我们对英国人有了更好的了解,特别是他们与其他西方国家人之间的不同。

What do you think of his analysis?

I should say it s excellent.你们认为他分析得怎么样?


Could you please tell us how to review our lessons?

Review all the lessons in the unit and see that you can understand the main idea of each lesson.请你告诉我们如何复习功课好吗?


I m sorry,I don t quite understand some difficult points in this unit.I wonder if you could help me to solve the problems.

Well,when you review your lessons,mark the places which you are not clear on,and I ll give you some coaching.对不起,这个单元中的一些难点我还没有很好地掌握,不知你是否能帮助我解决这个问题。


When shall we have a tutorial?

How about tomorrow evening?我们什么时候能有一节辅导课?


Raising a Problem 提出疑问

Do you understand everything?全部都懂了吗?

Does anybody share Tom s opinion?有谁与汤姆持同样的意见吗?

What do you think about this?关于这个问题,你的意见如何?

Do you understand me thoroughly?你们理解得透彻吗?

Are there any points you re not sure of?还有什么要点你们没有把握吗?

Is anything not clear to you?有什么不清楚的地方吗?

I wonder if you could tell me how to improve my oral English.


I didn t understand what the first sentence meant.


It is still not clear to me what this means.我仍旧不清楚这是什么意思。

Lectures 课堂讲座

The lecture is boring.这个讲座太无聊了。

I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.我觉得他谈的都是些废话。

I dislike the lecture of this professor.我讨厌这个教授的讲座。

I like this lecture.我喜欢这个讲座。

The lecture is wonderful.这个讲座棒极了。

The teacher did a great job.这个老师讲的棒极了。

That professor speaks great English.那位教授的英语说得非常好。

A:Stand up!

B:Good morning,everyone.

All:Good morning,Miss Zhang.

B:Sit down,please.Here are some handouts to be used in class.Monitor,will you please distribute them?


B:Now let s begin our class.We ll do three things today.First,we ll review Lesson Seven by questions and answers,second,well learn the text of Lesson Eight,and third,we ll do speedreading.







A:Good afternoon,Class.Welcome to Conversation Class.I m passing out the syllabus.Take one copy and see if you have any questions.

B:Professor Smith,in addition to a midterm,final,and one research paper,is there a grade for class participation?

A:Yes,there is.And since part of your grade depends on participation,I encourage you to attend class.



A:是的。 因为你们的成绩中包括课上参与活动,所以我鼓励你们来上课。

lectern n. 讲台;

brilliant adj. 有才华的;

experienced adj. 有经验的;

scholarly adj. 博学的;

specialized adj. 专业化的;

patient adj. 有耐心的;

lector n. 讲师;

professor n. 教授;

classroom n. 课堂;

emphasize v. 强调,着重;

give lessons教课;

discipline n. v. 训练;

coach v. 指导;

enlighten v. 启发;

indoctrinate v. 灌输;

edify v. 教诲;

bring up培养;

dictate v. 口授;

explain v. 讲解;

acquire v. 学到(知识);

master v. 精通;

grasp v. 掌握;

perceive v. 领悟;

comprehend v. 理解;

Where Are Our Tails?

The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours.Then he started again,and he said,“Let me ask the evolutionist a questionif we had tails like a baboon,where are they?”

“Let me have a try,”said an old lady.“We have worn them off sitting here so long.”





Good morning,sir.I heard there would be an open exam tomorrow.

Yes.Any problem?早上好,老师。我听说明天有个开卷考试。


What is an open exam?

That means you may bring textbooks or any reference material if you feel so inclined.什么是开卷考试?


No,I m afraid I m nowhere near ready.

So you d better start studying.我根本没准备好,差得远呢。


I don t think studying all night is going to do you much good if you fall asleep the next day during the test.I think you d better think about doing a little rescheduling.

Maybe you re right,John.I ll change my date to after the test and then I ll be free to study this week.我看通宵学习对你不会有什么好处。第二天考试你会昏昏入睡的。你最好考虑重新安排一下时间。


You always do quite well in the exam.Could you give me some advice on how to prepare for the exams?你考试成绩总是很好,能不能就怎样准备考试给我提点建议?

Sure.I never wait until the last minute before the exam.We must work hard during the whole course of our study.当然可以。我从来不等到临近考试了才努力,在整个学习过程中,我们都应该用功。

I like objective tests.You just put in the facts or the things you ve memorized.That s enough.

But the objective type can be very tricky and the answer sheets confusing.Sometimes I just guess what the answer may be.我喜欢客观式测验题。你只要把你记住的事实写在试卷上就行了。


Suppose you are sick and can t take the exams?

Then you must arrange with the professor to make them up,so that you get credit for the courses.如果生病不能参加考试呢?


How does a professor grade a student s work?

Well,he usually gives each student a mark or grade for each course.一个教授是怎样给学生打分的?


I ve got a final exam this Friday.

Don t be so nervous.这周五我要进行期末考试。


I m going to be up all night studying for my exam.

Do you really think that s wise?我打算通宵复习准备考试。


I have to make a plan for the general review.

You re right.I d better do that too.我得制订个整体复习计划。


Well,you needn t copy everything.Outline is the point of this exam.

Thank you very much indeed.But I still need a whole night.唔,你不用什么都抄。考试的重点是大纲。


Don t worry,the exam won t be difficult.

I hope so.别担心,考试不会很难的。


The teacher began to distribute the examination papers.

I wish me to pass the exam.老师已经开始分发考卷了。


Can I have a piece of paper for making drafts?

The blank paper is unavailable for the exam.能给我张草稿纸吗?


Even if you can t solve the problem,you shouldn t cheat.

Yes.I dare not cheat on the exam.即使做不出来,也不要作弊。


Reviewing 复习

You must make a plan for the general review,and be sure that you follow it.你们应该订一个复习计划,并且切实按计划去做。

I would like to give you some advice on how to review your lessons.关于怎样复习的问题,我想给你们一些建议。

You must use your time wisely and have proper rest.你们必须好好利用时间,并作适当的休息。

I see that you understand every lesson thoroughly and be able to tell the main

idea of each lesson.必须彻底了解每一课课文,并能说出每课的中心思想。

A careful study of the mistakes that have appeared in your written work will be helpful.仔细研究你们书面作业中出现过的错误,这对你们是有好处的。

Go over your exercise once again,try to find your chief weakness and in that way you can best avoid them.把你们做过的练习再从头到尾看一遍,设法找出自己主要的弱点,这样才能最有效地加以克服。

In reviewing,mutual help is necessary, I still expect independent work from you.复习时,相互帮助是需要的,但我更希望你们自己努力。

In reviewing,memorizing work should be combined with a good understanding.复习时记忆工作必须与正确的理解结合起来。

When you review your lessons,please mark the places which you don t understand,and I will give you some coaching.复习功课时,请把不懂的地方用符号标出来,我给你们辅导。

You are bad at grammar,you must spend more time on it.你语法不行,你得在这方面多花些时间。

Examination 考试

I did very poorly on my English test this morning.今天上午的英语考试我考得糟透了。

The examination schedule is posted up.考试日程贴在墙上。

The examination papers have all been distributed.考卷都分发了。

Don t worry.You have plenty of time to do your work.不要急。你们有充分的时间来答题。

Put your name on your examination paper.Write in ink,not in pencil.把名字写在试卷上。用钢笔,不能用铅笔。

Go over your papers carefully before you hand them in.交卷前仔细地把试卷从头到尾看一遍。

I hope all of you will successfully pass the term exam.我希望你们都能通过学期考试。

I shouldn t have waited until the night before the examination to study.我真不该到考试前夕才临时抱佛脚。

I didn t read through all of the questions before starting.我还没把所有的题目都看清楚就开始做题了。

I didn t pass the examination.It s because I didn t work hard enough.我没有通过考试,因为我不够用功。

How did you do on the test?你考得如何?

I feel really good about my test.我对这次考试感到十分满意。

I flunked my test.我这次考试没及格。

A:It s the ninth week now,isn t it?

B:Yes,it is.

A:Oh,the midterm exam is coming soon.

B:There is one more week left before the exam begins.Have you prepared well for it?

A:No,I haven t begun my preparations.

B:Then,let s make our preparations together.

A:We re going to be examined in six subjects.We d better make a plan for the review.

B:Let s fix one day for reviewing politics and Chinese.Is that all right?

A:All right.But I m very poor in maths.Would you like to help me with my maths?

B:No problem.Let s begin our reviewing.











A:I m going to give you an endofthE-unit test this Friday.Please be prepared for it.

B:Would you please tell us how to review our lessons?

A:Review all the lessons in this unit and see if you can understand the main idea of each lesson.

B:Any other requirements?

A:Phrases and sentence patterns are also very important.You should know how to use them.

B:Should we remember all the new words and expressions?


B:Sorry,I don t quite understand some difficult points in this unit.I wonder if you could help us to solve the problems.

A:Well,when you review your lessons,mark the places which you are

not understand then I ll give you some coaching.

B:When shall we have a coaching period?

A:How about the day after tomorrow?














difficult points 难点;

general review 总复习;

individual coaching 个别辅导;

midterm examination 期中考试;

final examination 期末考试,学年考试;

set an examination paper 出考题;

oral test 口试;

written test 笔试;

mark n. 分数;

makE-up examination 补考;

more often than not时常;

open book exam开卷考;

mess up搞糟,陷入困境a fail mark不及格分数;

cheatingn. 作弊;

distribute papers分发考卷;

essay question问答题;

examination paper试卷;

examination system考试制度;

full mark满分;

gradev. & n. 打分,成绩;

multiple choice选择题;

pop test抽考;

quizn. 小测验;

set the papers出题;

trann. 成绩单;

You Get Zero

During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was: “What causes a depression?”One of the students wrote:“God knows! I don t,Merry Christmas!”

The exam paper came back with the prof s notation:“God gets 100! You get zero! Happy New year!”





This is a beautiful campus,isn t it?

It sure is.这个校园真美,不是吗?


Where is the campus cafeteria?

When you get to the lake,go north.校园的食堂在哪里?


Do you know where the library is?

Just follow the signs.你知道图书馆在哪儿吗?


Is there a drugstore nearby?

Stay to your left.这附近有药店吗?


Do you live on or off campus?

On campus.你住在校内还是校外。


Who are you rooming with?

Mary is my roommate.你和谁住在一起?


Are all the classes within walking distance?

No,they aren t.You d better buy a bicycle.所有的教室都在步行范围之内吗?


I find the building in the campus a bit oldfashioned.我发现校园里的建筑都很古老陈旧。

Right,everything except the students here is very old.不错。这儿除了学生,其他的一切都是老古董。

Could you show me Dormitory 102.

Hey!Welcome to our room.I m David.请问102宿舍在哪里?


Glad to meet you.What s your major?

My major is Computer Science.很高兴见到你。你是学什么专业的?


Shall we go to the dining room for lunch?



What s on the menu today?

Fish,beef,pork,chicken,vegetables and beancurd.For staple food we have rice,steamed bread,stuffed buns and noodles.今天的菜单上有什么?


Mary,which dorm do you live in?

I live on the 3rd floor.玛丽,你住在哪个宿舍?


Wow,your roommate is so nice.

Yes,we get along together very well.喔,你的室友真是太好了。


Will your roommate mind if I come over to your room to study?假如我去你们宿舍学习,你的室友会介意吗?

She is having some friends over tonight,so let s go to the library.她今晚和一些朋友要熬通宵,所以我们还是去图书馆吧。

Hi,Jane,what are you doing?

I m just looking at these club notices.I m thinking of joining one.你好,简,你在干什么呢?


Why did you fail the exam?

There re so many activities lately that I have no time to study.为什么这次考试没通过?


Oh,I feel like a limp noodle.

Look,our room has taken on a new look.噢,我都要累趴下了。


Hey,if you don t enjoy that at a sensible volume,please use earphones.I m trying to study.

Oh,I m sorry,I didn t realize it was bothering you.嘿,如果你不喜欢轻一点的音量,请你用耳机听。我要学习了。


Jointing a Club 社团活动

I m thinking of joining a club.我想参加一个社团。

Belonging to an Aerobic Club must be tough.参加健美操社团的人一定得能吃苦。

The Movie Club is one of our major clubs.电影社团是我们主要的社团之一。

I wonder whether I ll meet a girl if I join in the club.如果我参加这个社团的话,不知道会不会遇上一位姑娘。

This club is for hicks.这个社团真老土。

That club parties all the time.Must be nice.那个社团总是举行聚会,一定棒极了。

How did you like English Club today?现在你怎么喜欢英语俱乐部了?

I m afraid it will take up much of my time.我担心参加社团会耽误许多时间。

At the English Corner 在英语角

How about going to English corner with me Thursday evening?星期四晚上和我一起去英语角如何?

Many students talk to each other in English there.在那儿有很多学生用英语交谈。

All these activities will make our oral English more fluent.这些活动能使我们的英语口语更流利。

English corner is beneficial to improving our oral English.英语角对提高英语口语很有帮助。

How often do you come to the English corner?你常来英语角吗?

This is my first time to come to the English corner.这是我第一次来英语角。

I feel nervous to speak English in class, not to speak at English corner.我在英语课上都紧张得说不好,更不用说在英语角了。

What do you usually talk about in English corner?在英语角你们通常谈什么?

I m not sure if I can keep up with their speed.我没有把握能赶上他们的谈话速度。

It must be very embarrassing if I can t catch them.如果我听不懂他们的话,那一定会很尴尬。

Do you think English corner plays an important role in English studying?


Do you make friends in English corner?你在英语角交朋友了吗?

Is there any foreign teacher to join you in English corner?有外教参加你们的英语角吗?

Do you feel nervous when speaking to strangers in English corner?在英语角里与陌生人说话,你觉得紧张吗?

A:How did you like English Club today?

B:I enjoyed it very much.There were English games,short plays and threE-minute speech.And I met several foreign friends there.

A:Really? Did you talk to them?

B:Yes.It was very difficult for me to speak English with them at first,but I did try hard.To my happiness,they could understand me.

A:Oh,I m pleased to hear that.Everything is hard at the beginning.Keep on practising and you will make great progress.

B:Thank you for your encouragement.







A:Hi.Good to see you again.Do you come here every week?

B:Not really,just when I have free time.I am usually rather busy.

A:Are you into any hobbies?

B:Well,I am fond of many things.Travelling may be my favorite hobby.Last summer I traveled around the west where I enjoyed the sights to my heart s content.

A:You must have taken a lot of pictures,did you?

B:I did.A lot in Xinjiang,Tibet and Xi an.They are treasured memories.

A:Wow! I have been longing to see these magic cities.But I don t have the sponsorship.Would you share with me your other amazing trips next time we meet.

B:Sure thing.









club n. 社团,俱乐部;

requirement n. 要求;

absent v. 缺席,不在;

roll n. 名单;

activity n. 活动;

proprietor n. 社长;

join v. 参加,加入;

converse v. 交谈;

topic n. 话题;


congenial adj. 情趣相投的;

department n. 系;

topicn. 主题;

hobbyn. 业余爱好;

fluentadj. 流利的;

exchangev. 交流;

share v. 分享;

atmospheren. 氛围;

The Secret of Attentive Listening

At the University of California at Berkeley,as with other colleges,students complain about 8:00 a.m.classes.During one course I noticed a young woman who was always widE-awake and attentive.

Wondering what her secret might be,I finally asked:“How do you do it?”

“It s easy,”she replied,“I keep my contact lenses in the refrigerator at night and put them in just before class each morning.”






Morning. Can I help you?

Yes, I d like to know how to use the library. You know, I m a new student here.早上好,我能帮你什么忙吗?


By the way, how many books am I allowed to check out?

You can check out two books at a time.顺便问一下,我一次可以借出多少本书?


How long can I keep the books?

For two weeks.After that you must renew the books if you wish to keep them longer.我可以借多长时间?


Can I help you?

Yes, I just like to borrow these books.我能帮您什么忙吗?


Can you show me how to find books in the stacks here?

Sure.Wait for a while,please.你能告诉我怎样在这些书架上找书吗?


I d like to borrow a book on computer technology.

Sorry,we don t have any books on computer technology.我想借一本有关计算机技术方面的书。


I d like to return these two books and renew the rest.

No problem.我想把这两本书还了,其余的全部续借。


Do I have any overdue books?

Let me see.Oh,you have two overdue books.我有过期未还的书吗?


Have you got your library card?

Yes,right here.你带借书证了吗?


You ve already had four books out,so you can only take out one more.

Then I ll just take out this one.你已借了四本,所以你只能再借一本。


How long may I keep a book?

A month.But then,it is possible to renew it.我能借多长时间?


Could you suggest something?

Well,here is a novel.The book is well written.你能给我提些建议吗?


Excuse me.could you direct me to the catalogue card?

Our catalogue card is electronic.You can access it with that computer in the corner.对不起,请问目录卡在哪里?


I was wondering if you could help me find this book.

Yes,we should have that.不知你能否帮我找到这本书。


What if I don t know the title of the book?

Then you can look under the author s name.如果我不知道书名怎么办?


If the card is out of the date,how can I make a new one?

It s very easy.Hand in fifty yuan and you can get a new one.如果借书证过期了,怎么能办个新的呢?


Can I borrow these magazines?

Fill in the slip,then take it to the circulation desk.我能借阅这些杂志吗?


Are we allowed to go into the stacks to look for books?

Sorry,you are not allowed.我们可以自己到书架上去找书吗?


Can I help you?

Yes,I d like to borrow a book about Mark Twain s novels.你借书吗?


Library Regulations 借阅规则

I d like to apply for a library card.我想申请一张借书证。

How many books can I borrow at a time?我一次可以借多少本书。

How long can I keep it?我可以借多久?

When do I need to return this book?这本书应该什么时候还?

You have to check in the book within two weeks.您必须在2周内还书。

Please don t forget to return them by the due date.请别忘了按期还书。

You can come in and renew the book if you haven t finished reading it.如果还没有读完这本书您可以来续借。

Must I bring the book back for that?续借时我必须把书带来吗?

You ll have to pay fines if you can t return the book on time.如果您不能按时还书您得付罚款。

Finding a Book 查找图书

How can I get some help in finding a particular book?我怎样才能得到帮助找到某一本书呢?

I couldn t find that book in the stacks.我在书架上找不到那本书。

Can you tell me where the biology books are?你能告诉我在哪儿有生物学的书吗?

Can I find this book in the card catalogue?我可以在卡片目录中找到这本书吗?

If you don t know the title of the book,you can look under the author s name.如果您不知道书名,可以在作者名下找。

If you know the author only,just look it up in the Author Catalogue.如果你只知道作者,那就查著者目录。

Borrowing a Book 借阅图书

I want a detective story,please.我想借侦探小说。

I d like to borrow a book on computer technology.我想借计算机技术方面的书。

Can I have the titles?请告诉我书名好吗?

Do you know the author s name or the title of the book?您知道作者的姓名或书名吗?

Can I borrow these books?我可以借这些书吗?

Here s the latest one.这是最近的一期。

I want to check this book out of the library.我想把这本书借出图书馆。

You can t check them out,but you can xerox a particular article you want.你不可以把书借出去,只能把你想要的文章复印下来。

A:Are you reading the newspaper now?

B:Yes.I am.

A:Which section are you looking at?

B:The economy section.

A:Let me have the second section.(several minutes later)Did you see this article about the schools?

B:Yes,I did.It s very interesting.

A:I didn t know there were so many problems in the schools.

B:There was an article about the schools yesterday,too.

A:Oh,yes,I read it.It was about the new methods of teaching.

B:Do you like these new methods?

A:I don t know.












A:I d like to return this book,please.

B:It s overdue.It should have been returned last Friday.

A:I m sorry! Do I have to pay a fine?

B:You sure do.It s been overdue for nine days,so that s 9jiao.

A:Here you are.

B:Thanks.Here s your change.







anthology n. 文集,文选,诗选;

best seller畅销书;

bibliographyn. 书目,图书目录;

book slip索书单;

bookshelfn. 书架;

call number 索书号;

card catalogue卡片目录;

classicsn. 经典著作;

classifyv. 分类;

collection n. 丛书,丛刊;

(the) complete works全集;

dictionary n. 字典,辞书;

guiden. 指南;

indexn. 索引;

reader s card借书证,借书卡;;

noveln. 小说;;

on loan借出,借书;;

poemn. 诗,诗歌;;

precious edition珍藏版;;

reading room阅览室;;

reeln. 一卷,一本;;

reference book参考书;;

reference material参考资料;;

stack room书库;;

scarce book珍本;;


Borrowed Book;

A blonde walked up to the front desk of the library and said:“I borrowed a book last week,but it was the most boring I ve ever read.There was no story whatsoever,and there were far too many characters!”;

The librarian replied:“Oh,you must be the person who took our phone book.”;





You may hunt parttime job on the Internet.;

Good idea! Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.你可以去网上找兼职工作。;


I guess it s time for me to look for a job.;

Well,the first thing you should do is to get a newspaper.That s how I found my job.我想是该找份工作的时候了。;


How are you doing in your parttime job? ;

It s OK,only a bit boring.你的兼职工作干得怎么样?;


What about tutoring high school kids?;

No,that d be a drag.做高中生的家教怎么样?;

不,那太没劲了。 ;

I got five jobs of tutor in this semester. ;

You re cool.我这学期做了五份家教。;


Why do you want to hunt for a parttime job? ;

I have a parttime job to support myself.为什么你需要找份兼职工作?;


My parttime job has nothing to do with my major. ;

Don t complain.It s difficult to find a suitable one.我做的兼职工作跟我的专业毫无关系。;

别抱怨。很难找到合适的。 ;

Do you want to give up your parttime job?;

No way.If I quit,who will pay for the clothes and cosmetics I buy for my girlfriend?你打算辞去兼职吗?;

不可能。如果辞了,谁会为我女朋友的衣服和化妆品付钱呢? ;

I hear manual labor pays the best. ;

But I d like to work somewhere where I actually have to think.我听说做体力活挣的钱最多。;

但是,我想去那些用脑思考的地方工作。 ;

Thinking about joining some clubs this year?;

No,this year s going to be busy.I am eager to take a parttime job.今年要参加什么组织吗?;


What kind of job did you have in mind? ;

I m not picky.A job that ll feed me is OK.你想找什么工作呢?;


I think manual labor pays the best. ;

Just like handing out leaflets and stuff?我想体力劳动的报酬应该不错。;


We student laborers are just oppressed by the modern colonists.我们学生劳力就是要受“现代殖民者”的压迫。;

We are “slaves” of the time.我们可真是当代的“奴隶”啊。;

Hello,I m John.I read in the poster that you re looking for a student to work as a language assistant.;

Yes,we are.Are you interested in the job?你好,我叫约翰。我看了你们要找学生作语言助手的海报。;


Have you ever worked with tape recorders before?;

I used cassette recorders a lot when I studied English in junior middle school.你以前做过磁带录音工作吗?;


Why do you want to work here as a parttime?;

First,I want to get some money to suport my study.Second,I can also practise my spoken English with the foreign tourists.你何你想在这儿打工?;


Applying for a Parttime Job 申请兼职工作;

He applies for a parttime job during the summer vacation.他在暑期申请一份兼职的工作。;

Have you found a parttime job yet?你找到兼职工作了吗?;

Are you interested in the job?你对这份工作感兴趣吗?;

You have the job now.你已经得到这份工作了。;

Sorry,the two vacancies were filled yesterday.真不好意思,昨天已经有人填补这两个空位了。;

We intended to hire a bell captain.But that s a fulltime job.我们打算聘用一名领班,但那是一份全职工作。;

I need a parttime job in a restaurant.I m willing to do anything.我想找一份餐厅的兼职工作,干什么都行。;

I d like to know whether you need any interpreter during the fair?在交易会上你们需要口译人员吗?;

I think you are exactly the person for the job.我想你正是我们要找的人选。;

Opinion on Parttime Job 对兼职的看法;

Parttime job usually don t pay much.兼职工作薪水一般情况下都不高。;

God,I ve had it with this job.天啊!这份工作我真是受够了。;

Finding a decent job is becoming more and more difficult now.如今找一份像样的工作太难了。;

If it weren t for money,I would quit immediately.假如不是为了钱,我会立即辞掉。;

I can never think clearly enough to allocate my time properly.我总是不能很好地分配时间。;

It seems too much work is dragging me behind the class.太多的工作好像使我的成绩落下很多。;

I like this parttime job very much,the salary is good,but the hours are not too long.我很喜欢这份兼职工作,工资不低工作时间又不太长。;

The hours are too long.Sometimes I feel like I m working all the time.工作时间太长了,有时我觉得我总在工作。;

I can get experience from parttime job.我能够从兼职工作中得到经验。;

A:Sit down,please.Welcome to our hotel.;

B:Thank you very much.;

A:First of all,tell me a little bit about yourself.;

B:My name is Li Lei.I m a sophomore.;

A:Why do you want to work here as a parttime?;

B:First,I want to get some money to support my study.Second,I can also practise my spoken English with the foreign tourists.;

A:Are you sure you can do the job well?;

B:Yes,I m sure I can be a good waiter and I will offer my best service to people.;

A:Good,I m impressed.;

B:Thank you very much for giving me such a chance.;











A:I can t wait till winter vacation.My friend is going to let me borrow his car,and I m going to the north.What s your plan?;

B:Well,I have a couple of plans.I just haven t decided which one to pursue.;

A:Will you still stay in Beijing work rather than go home for the Spring Festival?;

B:I was offered a job by a tourist agency to be an acting guide.But my professor offered me a position as an assistant researcher.I m not sure which one I want to do.;





qualified adj. 合格的,有资格的;;

resume n. 个人简历;;

engage v. 使忙着,使从事于;;

employment n. 就业,雇用;职业;;

interviewer n. 面谈者,接见者;;

interviewee n. 被接见者;;

vacancy n. 空缺;;

qualification n. 资格,合格证明;;

vacationn. 假期,休假;;

dealv. 交易;;

payn. 薪水,工资;;

on one s own独自地;;

make a deal成交,做交易;;

parttimen. 兼职;;

deliverern. 递送员;;

waitern. 服务生;;

tutorn. 家教;;

eagerv. 渴望;;

boundadj. 必定的;;

manual labor体力劳动;;

leaflets and stuff传单;;

talent fair人才市场;;

position n. 工作岗位 ;;

capabilityn. 能力;;

competencen. 本事;;

team spirit团队精神;;

agreementn. 协议;;

contractn. 合同;;

recruitmentn. 招聘;;

Parttime Job;

When my son was a highschool sophomore,he got a parttime job sacking groceries at a supermarket.He came home all smiles.;

“How was your first day?”I asked.;

“It was great,Dad,”he replied,“I got to talk to some goodlooking girls.”;

Since Stephen is not very talkative,I asked:“What did you say to them?”;

“Do you prefer paper or plastic?”;





