
第2章 革命史·快感·现代主义











































但是,这不是方案被抛弃的原因—实际上类似思路的黄花塘、茅山,甚至粗糙不堪的大悟纪念馆都被具体落实。这里我们需要重新审视大他者的欲望(地区的)的具体状况。它和“红色旅游”这一主流的大他者欲望(国家的)并非完全吻合。2005年,溧阳市委市政府全局铺开“绿色 红色”的旅游计划,实施“两山一湖,南北联动”的大旅游开发。南部以天目湖和南山竹海自然景区为主,北部则以水西村和瓦屋山的红色纪念为主,“串珠成链”以形成一个联合旅游品牌。正如我们所见,目前,旅游业已成为溧阳的主导产业。或者说,这个身处茅山与太湖之间的被称为“绿色明珠”、“江南仙境”的城市已经被彻底旅游化了。整体而言,现在的开发重点基本上在北部的天目山与天目湖等自然景区(它们都是4A级的标准)和南部的瓦屋山(这里有李白的登临处和宝藏禅寺)。红色旅游在此只是结构上的需要(与“绿色名片”相对应),并非重点—新馆2800万的建设资金只是中等投入。这和其他红色旅游的项目有着细微的差异—革命纪念馆与风景区并非共生关系,结合得没有那么紧密。






















12.溧阳新馆完成之后出现了一个略显滑稽的情况,作为建筑物标志(或名称)的N4A三个大字应该放于何处似乎成了一个不大不小的问题。在其他的纪念馆中,这三个字都毋庸置疑地放在建筑正脸的中心。但在这里显然不可能,因为它没有一个同类建筑必须有的对称的正立面。所以三个字母的摆放被反复调整。首先放在入口上方,然后移到右上角,然后把下端的“New 4THAMRY”一行字去掉,再就是将白底蓝框蓝字的标准Logo换成普通的黑体字母,然后又嫌字体过大,将之缩小,再在建筑的背面左上角放了硕大的三个字母……几番折腾下来,这个建筑不像庄严的纪念馆,反而像个挂牌出售的商品。究其原因,我们可以发现,这个建筑完全不需要这三个字母。因为该标记已经彻底转化为建筑的身体,建筑自身已经是一个自足的个体。换句话说,建筑应该有的寓意已经内化为建筑身体的组成部分,快感的统一体上不需要重复的名称指示。













History of Revolution,Enjoyment,Modernism

Hu Heng

Behind the various attitudes of modernism to the historical issues,there exists the same background,the structure of the history as some kernel of enjoyment that drives forward the modern movements. Although it is cruelly concealed in the ethics of the western modern architecture,where the history is deemed as the original sin,upturns always come up at somewhere unpredictable. During the process that modernism got transplanted overseas(for example,China),the kernel of enjoyment of the history found an opportunity to show up。It seems that those primarily-developed areas were containing some capability,which crossed with modernism and enabled the inner structure of modernism to reform arbitrarily. Subsequently,the history,as the kernel of enjoyment,lifted up its veil as well。Certainly,we are not adopting the strange locations to interpret the mysterious connection between modernism and the history。In stead,our purpose is to analyze the mode in which modernism combined with the reality in China,since,for many times,the existing history has been the combination of them both。Besides,it is not its original material and given meaning that function here,but its structure as the kernel of enjoyment。Used to be haunting here like a ghost,it now made a grand debut(strange locations).

The New 4th Army Jiangnan Headquarters Memorial(“the N4A Memorial”in short)was completed in November 2007 at Liyang City。It set a good example for the smooth dock of modernism and the reality of China with the history as the pivot. As a Memorial for the history of CPC,which is located at some Chinese tourist destination and in the global web age,it indicates something special. With these layers intersecting with each other,the results therebyarising are quite thought-provoking and give us an opportunity to survey the ever-changeable encounter forms between modernism and the reality of China. Apparently,our analysis should start from the history。It is no longer the vestige of the past as it usually is.Exactly speaking,it starts as a necessary excuse and a virtual motivation,which strengthens repetitively the symbolic order of the reality。However,as the reality revolves,it gradually turns to an active structure,which,despite abstract framework,pushes the process of symbolization in reality forward to a material destination.At here,we may find that a scaled memorial project(architecture of the CPC history)is launched at a small city(at the county level)and attempts to incorporate a“sublime object”into a decomposed modernism form system.

The“N4A Memorial”is part of a memorial series.So far,nearly 10 memorials named after the New 4th Army have been established,respectively located at Yancheng,Maoshan,Changxing,Taizhou,Nanchang,etc.Despite the different locations,their contents remain the same,the war history of the New 4th Army.It is a special kind of history.On the strength of close and vivid characteristics,it breaks successfully away from the neutral grand history but erects as an independent realm of absolute value。Certainly,it is the“sublime object”(the officers and soldiers of the New 4th Army)that supports it。That's why it is widely addressed“the Iron Army”.

The New 4th Army Memorials previous to the N4A Memorial and its precursor are built for the education of revolution traditions and patriotism。They represent the characteristic of the symbolic reality of that age(China in the early 1980s).In terms of design,this retrospect to the self-history is expressed in quite a plain manner—to reconstruct the narration about the past through the most direct demonstration.Firstly,it involves protecting the place where the historical events take place and solidifying it.To follow it,such media as the relics,photos and written words are adopted for the classical narration of ditheism.In addition,necessary theme memorials are added(sculptures,inions,etc.)It is quite a mature set of narration mode。The spatial imaging participates in it cooperatively instead of proposing independent ideas(especially conceptual ideas).The old N4A Memorial,which was restored and opened in 1979,set a good model.

The old Memorial is located at an ancestral temple of Shuixi Village in the northwest of Qianma Town,the old site of Liyang New 4th Army Headquarters.2460 square meters in land area,3560 square meters in constructed area,it is divided into 4 parts,namely the Memorial Hall,the Marshal Hall,the Hexagonal Pavilion and the Tablet Corridor。The Memorial Hall contains an exhibition room and a wing.In the exhibition room the bronze statues of Chen Yi and Su Yu are displayed.At the back of the statues,inions by Li Yimeng,the former Secretary-General of the New 4th Army,are displayed along with other exhibits,such as photos,real objects,diagrams and electronic models。In the wing,the offices and bedrooms of Chen and Su's are reserved respectively。In honor of the marshal,part of Su's ashes has been scattered in the patio of the exhibition room.The life stories of Chen Yi and other 76 New 4th Army Marshals and Generals are displayed in the Marshal Hall。On the 1st floor,over 80 precious photos are displayed,while the introductions to the lives of 4 Admirals,8 vice Admirals and 62 Rear Admirals can be found on the 2nd floor。The exhibits are telescopes,handguns and other articles once used by the generals.On the tablets along the Tablet Corridor the inions and calligraphy works by old New 4th Army soldiers are embedded.

From here,we can see clearly two characteristics of the old Memorial.Firstly,the revolutionary subject is taken as the only exhibition object。It is shown by the two statues at the entrance of the Memorial。By contrast,the architecture itself doesn't offer any space for expression。It only provides an original atmosphere,restores the real looks of the historical events and at the same time emphasizes the ultra-objective value of the revolutionary subjects,through which the revolution goes in front of us。Secondly,the metalanguagesin the revolutionary process are encoded into the materials for narration。Most exhibits are old articles of Chen Yi or Su Yu,such as the soundly reserved offices and bedrooms。As real evidences for the history and metalanguages free from any symbolic treatment,they combine perfectly with the architectural space。Radiating from them,other secondary languages(photos,written words,and various articles of other officers and soldiers)align in turn by degree of importance。Not far from the old Memorial,the Tablet Corridor offers marginal supplements with calligraphy works and inions。

What is more,in the old Memorial is also set a symbol,small-sized tablets。Both the gate sides(entrance)and the ash-scattered patio(the climax of the exhibition),two of the most important places,have their presences。On the one hand,this closely-structured narration makes the historical events comprehensive and readable。The reproduction of the recoded characters and plots complies with the normal mode of understanding:the primary and middle school students may admire the bronze statues,read photos,written words and graphs along the screen wall,feel such war memorials as the military maps,handguns and telescopes and then view and emulate the calligraphy works in the corridor by the riverside。On the other hand,it offers something basic,the ashes of Su Yu's scattered in the Patio。Without doubt,it reveals directly the Thing and brings about the viewers irresistible impact。We are standing on part of the body of a great historical figure!As a result,the past historical events upgrade to some supreme and splendid existence(death),where no physical evidences are needed,and the sublime object also finds the right form,which is invisible but right in front of us。It is real but inspires imagination。What's more,it is also the only physical counterpart to the eternal spirit。Just like a cornerstone buried deep underground,it determines the direction of consciousness and basic structure of the old Memorial。

This is how the reality of China is expressed in the early 1980s。It has explicit target:to conduct the education of patriotism and revolutionarytraditions,and adopts plain methods of classical narration and Thing shock。The demands from the reality at that time were quite linear,requiring neither the overlap of many other layers nor more meaning possibilities。The revolutionary history represents nothing but itself。

28 years later,Zhang Lei designed the new N4A Memorial。3650 square meters in architectural area(equaling that of the old memorial),the new N4A memorial looks like a rectangular block,56 meters long,28 meters wide,15 meters high and made up of 3 floors。Seen from outside,the new N4A Memorial adopts a completely different spatial creation mode from the old。Firstly,it is part of the planning of a gigantic comprehensive memorial square and a standard artificiality。The new N4A Memorial sits on a platform in the midst of Zhong Bei River in the west of the old Memorial。Between the two Memorials lies a 200-meter-or so wide space。Both Memorials are decorated with memorials,either small or medium-sized,by the two sides,such as the Martyr Pavilion,the Tablet Corridor,outdoors statues,etc。Compared with the old Memorial,the square is more of a themed park for leisure and entertainment。Secondly,the new N4A Memorial adopts the handling method of inward special-shape cutting of hard-edged geometry,where there is an 8*8 square-meter column grid,a regular framework system and a 100-degree double-broken line,which divides the internal space into two parts,for research and display respectively。In them,the architect dug two holes,either transparent or semi-transparent in bottom,and then linked them with several irregular and inclined surfaces。

Jointly,they function as the yard。As Zhang Lei intends to reverse the traditional inward style(pattern of the old Memorial)to the outward movement,at first sight,the new Memorial looks like a rectangular granite with several irregular pits,or a cheese riddled by food-worms。Thirdly,the visual elements of the new Memorial are completely symbolic。The parental geometry represents that the architecture itself is a memorial,while the stone-plate coating symbolizes the classical connotation of the tablet。The surface,whose inner barrel is made ofred aluminum plate,signifies the blood scattered on the rocks during the war-time and meanwhile conveys the image of rocks inscribed with the history。What's more,with several pits in the east,the figures of“N4A”is illustrated in the front。Fourthly,the display space is theme-based。The exhibition room on the 3rd floor falls into 5 themes,namely the Strategy Workshop,Beacon Fire,Stand Together,Nation's Souls and China's Backbone。Multi-media approaches such as the sound,light,electricity,scene simulation and fiber dynamic sand-tray are adopted to restore the historical scenery in a vivid manner。

In Zhang Lei's design,both the letter and the yard act as the starting points。The letters are taken as the preconditions for the design,while the yard space is reversed。In fact,the designer has been considering and testing the two themes for quite a long time。In his view,both the letters and the yard are atoms of the architecture,irresolvable basic materials and representatives of some beginning。It is a typical modernism thinking:the development and reality representation of an architecture are out of the control of the ideology,but take root in its own meta-elements,either technical materials,spatial types,abstract concepts or basic components of some special latitude of the world(such as the letters)。As the results suggest,the yard space has exerted all its impact。The inner space not only adds more layers to the exhibition space but also changes the continuous but hard outline of the architecture geometry artfully。Although they are not the only archetypes for the architecture,but stay in the front,the letters combine very subtly with the two forward yards。

Whether from the comprehensive memorial square,or the overall design thought,or the form system engraved with metaphors and symbols,the new Memorial conveys such an implication that the self-elaboration of the architecture has become the main line to commemorate the history。In the first Memorial,the historical event manifests its own authenticity only by freezing the historical flashes。In stead of delivering ethical sermons with the derivative meanings,it imposes objects of traumas such as ashes and handguns upon theviewers to shock them both mentally and physically。The architecture has not an independent visual architecture but stands merely as a shell of a traditional architecture and comes across the revolutionary war by accident。However,in the second Memorial,things are reversed。736 as many,most of the historical relics are collected claptraps,with few related directly the history of Shuixi Village。

Thus it is the display system rather than the revolutionary subject that plays the leading role。Lacking the plain sense of ceremony that the old memorial has,the N4A Memorial emphasizes the sense of game and interactivity。In other words,all of the metalanguages in the revolutionary process transform to the secondary form of reproduction here,i。e。the scenery restoration and E-books。On the other hand,the architecture expresses strong self-consciousness。The whole set of modernism visual languages,namely the abstract force of the geometry,metaphor of materials,twisted movement of the organisms in the internal space,even the grid and deformed screen wall,all enter on the stage。Whether the self-construction of the architecture is successful or not has become a core task for the project and the architect。That's why the architect chose to break away from the history of the relics but seek for its form from the architecture itself,or the symbolism determined by multiple factors。In this way the external visual performance of the architectural languages combines with the historical symbols。We can also find it in the new Jew's Memorial that Daniel Libeskind designed in Berlin。

As the final result to the combination,200 meters or so away from the old Memorial,which enjoys bricked roof,white walls and pleasing size,stands a fashionable and expressive modern architecture(against the clear and unblocked background)。

Compared with the early 1980s,the reality in China has changed a lot in 2007.Although it is but a small city(a county-level city at the juncture of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces),similar to many other big cities,Liyang also faces such problems as the requirements for development and relevant plans。Buildingnational patriotism education base and making featured brand of red tourism in East China,so does the headline of“Knowing Liyang”,an official newspaper,read when introducing the new Memorial。Therefore,the new Memorial is no only a pure place for exhibition but part of the tourism industry。Along with the local natural scenery Tianmu Lake(“Green Business-card”),it has become a window to the tourism industry in the city,or the“red business-card”。So far,the revolutionary history has been closely connected with the economic development。

As the age changes,the history is also changing inevitably。The worshiped sublime object(revolutionary subject)has turned into an object of consumption and a red resource awaiting development。Despite the cornerstone of the old Memorial,the traumatic core has to be sacrificed here,since it has no truck with the economic growth,and it is hard to imagine what economic value it can bring about。Along with it,the material carriers(Thing)have been sealed up at the old Memorial and in the memory as well。To review the New Memorial,apart from those media for the reproduction,such as the paintings,moulds and e-books,the new Memorial is almost empty。Even the uniform of General Zhong Qiguang and the blanket donated by General Zhang Zhixiu,which are addressed the most precious collections in the Memorial,are more dramatic than memorial and are dimmed by even the common collections in the old Memorial。Without the traumatic core,without the thing basis and the empirical materials,what else remains in the history?

Its symbolic capability and the kernel of the enjoyment that pushes forward the capability do remain!In substance,the kernel of the enjoyment of the history is just another face of its traumatic core。Their difference lies in that the trauma is both the results of the impact of Thing(blood and death)and its motivation,while enjoyment is always degrading holy things(emotion and morality)and attempts to build new real world in the symbolic game。In the old Memorial,the impact of Thing is so direct and intense that the meaning and symbolic systemcan do nothing about it。In the new Memorial,due to the absence of the Thing,the kernel of the enjoyment of the history gets an opportunity to perform。Just like an intangible hand,it transforms the modernism form system,the existing ideology,the shabby technical conditions,the history of the revolutionary war and the featured civil residence traditions into participators of the symbolic game and equal symbolic components。As is mentioned above,at the very beginning,it(the history)is a necessary excuse and a virtual motivation that intensifies repetitively the symbolic order of reality。However,as the reality changes,it gradually transforms to an active structure,which,with nothing but abstract framework,pushes forward the process of symbolization in reality to the material destination。

Of course,modernism is involved in the game mainly due to the modernism architectural concept of the designer,Zhang Lei。However,what's more important,it is because under the temptation from the historical elements of the reality,the kernel of the enjoyment of the history,which is deemed as the original sin by modernism,was exposed。It came across that intangible hand and then overlapped with the latter。Upon its influence,the supremely good,transparent and integrated ethics of modernism,which the designer has been reflecting on seriously,was destroyed。The form system was broken and packed into different meaning packages。The letters“N4A”curved the front face of the architecture。The outline of the broken line signified the complexity of the revolutionary war。The spatial type of the yard transformed and overlapped with such mainstream signals as“blood scattered on rocks”and“exploit inscribed”。The geometry,wide walls and deep holes were form abstraction to the walls of the ancestral temple of Shuixi Village。The eternal stone image was covered by a fragment-spliced surface(the workers pasted an effect of clouds with the stone plates in 3 different grey scales),with the idea from the interlocked grains of the lattice windows of the civil residences in Southern Yangtze River。The whole architecture looks like a monument,lying across the Southern Yangtze River andgoing through the ages。

Jumbled,the cross-breeding produces an undergrowth of meaning。Since modern tourism economy got involved in the revolutionary history,the meaning of the Memorial has been deviating from the given linear mode(education of the juveniles),and awaiting reconstruction and diversified combination。As it were,the new Memorial offers a new opportunity。Aren't these holes,either dented or projected,the lapidification results of the meaning combination?It seems that it is only in this superficial visual indulgence and meaning overflow and the totally eternalized undergrowth of enjoyment that the sublime object contained by the new Memorial is likely to dwell freely in those entertainment forms,such as the sand-plates,macro-landscapes and paintings,and give out some new holy meaning after it is unable to find substance in the Thing:as the entertainment value replaces gradually its absolute value,it takes off the holy overcoat,becoming part of our daily life and the neutral history in general。

That's why another plan of Zhang Lei failed。Similar to the new Memorial,that plan also focuses on the combination mode of modernism and the reality of China。The external coating continues the style of the old Memorial。The wide white walls,dark cyan edges,small windows and big entrances and the interlocked 8 single pitch roofs hidden behind the walls implies evidently the flavor of traditional civil residences。What the internal design follows is pure modernism。In general,there is a square grid,42.8 meters in width and length respectively。Within the grid,the orthometric method of addition or deduction is adopted for functional classifications。The 5 inward yards thereby arising bring about subtle changes to the even internal space。When satisfying the exhibition demands as the key elements for the spatial classification,the roofs produce unity in the spatial space as well。It is a hybrid that combines completely different internal and external treatments。It attempts to enclose the space rhythm,which is endemic to modernism,precisely controlled and change frequently,with reserved Chinese coating,and at the same time keep the rhythmcompletely contained and prevent any signs of it from showing on the coating of the architecture。This low-keyed treatment(in my view it is excellent)is diametrically opposite to the symbolic game of the new Memorial。

In this plan,the design links successfully the general image of China(civil residences)to the general spatial language of modernism,which empowers the plan to act as a model for the abstract combination between the Chinese traditional architectures and modernism。However,forced to ignore the initial atmosphere upon the existing reality,for instance,the revolutionary history,the pacing factor through and across the whole site,it had to stay in a vacuum state of conceptual model,unable to provide us a symbolic necessity to understand the new connotation of the given history(the revolutionary history)just like the new Memorial。

On the contrary,in the new Memorial we have seen the link between the symbolic activities and the architectural contents,or the broken modernism and the existing reality of China。What's more,we also have seen the independent revolutionary history,which possesses absolute value,pure connotation,and one-dimensioned direction,gradually stepping toward even wider history of the human beings。So far,the retrospect to the self-history is no longer purely the memorial to the primary trauma and the solidification of the order of the reality,just like the old Memorial in the 1980s,but is shouldering new responsibilities to participate in the general overall circulation of the human beings。And yet,in here it expresses a stodgy purpose:to become a motivation and stimulate the development of the local tourism industry。