
第37章 “古罗马的壮丽” (1)



英文中带罗马的词儿很多,Roman Nose、Roman numerals……你慢慢都会碰到。带罗马的成语也很多,条条大路通罗马(All roads lead to Rome.)!

罗马人喜欢修路,留下的大路最有名的是Appian Way。Appian Way is the old highway to Rome from the south,lined with cypress trees. 大路通到罗马以后,就要In Rome do as the Romans do,这就是中文“过路问禁,入乡问俗”的意思,否则就变成了土包子。

到了罗马,可真好看,到处是古迹,这正是罗马不是一天造成的(Rome was not built in a day)。




古罗马圆形竞技场叫The Colosseum,是人给狮子吃的地方。Roman Holiday(罗马假期)表示看人受罪以为乐,就是这么来的。最喜欢Roman Holiday的是罗马皇帝尼禄(Nero),有人说他放火烧了罗马,还出来一句英文成语:To fiddle while Rome is burning。



罗马最有名的将军是恺撒(Julius Caesar),恺撒也是历史家,也是妇产科医生最头疼的对象——因为恺撒的妈妈生不下来他,只好开刀从肚子里取出来。这叫剖腹取子手术(Caesarian operation;Caesarian section)。


1.?to cross the Rubicon——孤注一掷;胜败一举;采取断然手段(the Rubicon是意大利中部的一条河)。

2.?Veni,vidi,vici.(I came,I saw,I conquered.——“我来了,我看到了,我征服了。”)(恺撒名言)

3.?Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s;and unto God the things that are God’s.——“恺撒的东西还给恺撒,上帝的东西还给上帝。”(这是《马太福音》中记耶稣的话。恺撒不但是指Julius Caesar,也指一般的罗马皇帝。)


恺撒打Egypt后,被埃及女皇Cleopatra迷住。恺撒被刺后,他的部下Antony又被Cleopatra迷住。所以法国哲学家Pascal说:如果Cleopatra的鼻子短一点,整个世界的脸蛋都变了(If the nose of Cleopatra had been a little shorter the whole face of the world would have been changed.)。

还有一个罗马将军叫Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus(?—290 B.C.),他拖垮了罗马大号敌人汉尼拔(Hannibal)。

罗马对面有古国迦太基(Carthage),与罗马打了Punic Wars,前后拉拉扯扯,打了一百一十八年。Hannibal是Carthage的将军,他本领真大,他带了三十七条象,越过Pyrenees大山,Rho^ne大河,从Rome背后打进来。Rome没见过象,把象叫做“像一座房子那么大的”野兽,吓都吓昏了,哪里打得过。幸亏Rome的Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus将军用了不正面作战和坚壁清野(to fortify the defense works and to leave nothing usable to the invading enemy)的法子,才在最后打败Hannibal。

这种gradually,影响到两千年后的英国的费边社(Fabian Society),影响到英国工党。

费边社的人才,爸爸跟你谈过GBS(George Bernard Shaw,萧伯纳),现在再介绍两位。1.?英国小说家:威尔斯(H. G. Wells),2.?英国社会学家:碧特莱丝?韦伯夫人(Beatrice Webb)。

罗马用的是拉丁(Latin)文。最早罗马人中的土包子说他不懂希腊文(Greek)。英文成语It is Greek to me,意思是I can’t understand it。罗马人后来什么都要Greek,最后干脆用起希腊文来,不喜欢用自己的拉丁文了。

希腊罗马因为文化混在一起,所以一般都说Greco-Roman,像Greco-Roman Civilization,Greco-Roman Wrestling等。




你弹过肖邦Frederic Francois Chopin(1810—1849)的作品吗?Chopin是波兰人。只活了三十九岁。Chopin played the piano in public when only eight years old. He began to compose soon afterward. He studied at the Warsaw Conservatory from 1826 to 1829 before leaving Poland in 1830. He settled in Paris in 1831,and,except for some travel,he lived there the rest of his life.

波兰夹在德国俄国之间,老是被侵略、被瓜分、被瓜剖豆分〔(of a country)to be divided or split like a melon or a bean;to be partitioned〕。


The Poles also have an insatiable appetite for translations of Moliere and Shaw and for their own 19th-century dramatists who wrote from exile,when their country was partitioned among three neighboring empires.

The plays,novels,and music of this period helped keep the Poles’ sense of nationhood alive. One composer,in particular,has stirred Polish pride through the dark years. He,of course,is Chopin,whose birthplace at Zelazowa Wola,28 miles west of Warsaw,is a national shrine. Here,every Sunday in the spring and summer,the public is invited to a Chopin concert.

波兰在1772、1793、1795、1939年前后被瓜分四次。1914年被瓜分了以后,地图上没有波兰了。1945年苏联(Russia/U.S.S.R.)分了波兰东边,却把德国东边补给波兰。所以波兰“失之东隅,收之桑榆”(to suffer a loss in one place but make a gain somewhere else)。

苏联这种作风,叫“慷他人之慨”(to show generosity or unselfishness by another’s wealth;to be generous at the expense of others)。爸爸在四、六信中跟你谈过,英文叫Rob Peter to pay Paul(抢彼得赔保罗)。


格但斯克(Gdaa'sk)在德文叫但泽(Danzig),是造船中心,这个城和波兰走廊(Polish Corridor)过去都是世界大新闻,因为它们老是和德国扯不清。

POLISH CORRIDOR is a historic strip of land that was once the ancient polish province of Pomorze. Poland lost the province to Prussia in 1772. When Prussia became a German state in 1871,the area fell into German control.