
第34章 参考文献(3)

“The concerns expressed by the Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)about problem loans and higher-risk loans are from page 13o?Hearing Before the Committee on Banking,Housing,and UrbanAffairs.-United States Smate,One Hundred Seventh Congress,first session,June 20,2001.Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s testimony about the housing market is quoted from pages 5and 6of Hearing Before the ]oint Economic Committee.-Congress of the United States,One Hundred Ninth Congress,first session,June 9,2005.Greenspan’s concerns about the risks posed by the growth of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were reported on pages19and 31of .Hearing Before the Committee on Financial Services.-U.S.House of Rej?resentatives,One Hundred Ninth Congress,first session,February 17,2005.His comment about turmoil in the financial markets is from page 1of the September 17,2007issue of the Financial Times (London),in an article titled “Greenspan Alert on Homes,”and his statements about the prevalence of subprime loans are from page B1of the September 14,2007issue of US?4Today,under the headline ”Greenspan Slow to See Subprime Danger.”Congressman Barney Frank’sSeptember 10,2003.His comments about subsidized housing are from pages 97and 98of Hearing Before the Committee on Financial Services.-U.S.House of Re]?resentatives,One Hundred Eighth Congress,first session,September 25,2003.Congressman Barney Frank’s fears that concerns about the soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might reduce affordable housing can be found on page 3of Hearing Before the Committee on Finan?:rat Services.-U.S.House ofRef?resentatives One Hundred Eighth Congress,first session,September 10,2003.His statements that there was no government bailout guaranteed if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed are from the same page.Details on the costs of the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can be found on page A14of the January 29,2009issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the headline “Fan and Fred’s Lunch Tab,”and also page 11of The Budget and Economic Outlook.-F i?aI Years 2009to 2019,released by the Congressional Budget Office on January 8,2009.Senator Christopher Dodd’s comments on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are from page 454of I:Metering fleJore i6e Committee on Banking,Housing,and Urban Iffairs.-United States Senate,One Hundred Eighth Congress,first and second sessions,February 25,2004.Senator?odd’s characterization of President Bush’s calls for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to undergo reform as “ill-advised”is from pages Cl and C4of the August 11,2007issue of the 7Veui Work 7’imei,under the headline “Fannie Mae’s Offer to Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected,as Critics Complain of Opportunism.”Senator Dodd’s remarks from July 2008,that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were on “a sound footing”are from page 56594of the July 11,2008Congressional Record.-Senate.Details of the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are from pages A1and A15of the September 8,2008issue of the Wall Street fouimal,under the headline “U.S.Seizes Mortgage Giants.’The remarks of Congresswoman Maxine Waters are from page 9oY Hearing Before the Cornmill:ee on Financial Services.

U.S.House ofRef?resentatives,One Hundred Eighth Congress,first session,September 25,2003.Congressman Joe Baca’s statement that debates on the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could restrict access to minority homeownership is from page 86of Hearing Before the Committee on Finan?:rat Senses.-U.S.House of Re/?reieiirntirei,One Hundred Eighth Congress,first session,September 10,2003.

Services at http://financialservices.house.gov/LtrBushGSEs.pdf.Testimony fromthe representative of the National Association of Homebuilders is from pages 83and 84of Hearing Before the Committee on Finani:rat Services.-U.S.House of Re]?resentatives One Hundred Eighth Congress,first session,September 25,2003.Testimony from an official of the National Urban League calling for increased affordable housing for minorities is from pages 90and 91of the same hearing.The testimony from the Director of Freddie Mac is from pages 42and 44,while the comments of Fannie Mae’s CEO Franklin Raines are from pages 45and 46of the same hearing.Details of the accounting irregularities uncovered at Fannie Mae in 2004by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)and the subsequent investigation of OFHEO at the request of Republican Senator Kit Bond are from pages 13and 14of the September 27,2004issue o?Barrows,under the tide “Fannie Whacked”;pages E1and E2of the November 20,2004issue of the Washington Post under the headline “Freddie Mac Problems Led to Tougher OFHEO”;and page C2of the November 23,2004issue of the New York Times,in an article titled “Congress Urges Ouster of 2Regulators.”Congressman Frank’s statement calling for a change of leadership at OFHEO was quoted on page E2of the November 20,2004issue of the Washington Post “in the previously mentioned article “Freddie Mac Problems Led to Tougher OFHEO.”

The donations made to members of Congress by the employees and political action committees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were reported on page A10of a story beginning on the front page of the October 5,2008issue of the St.Louis Post-D ]?atch,under the headline ”Bond’s Tough Talk on Fannie,Freddie Rings Hollow to Some.”The statement by Rep.Chris Shays on the power and influence wielded by Fannie Mae was quoted on page A2of the November 22,2004issue of the Wall Street ]ouimal,in an article titled “Fannie,Freddie Regulator Is Split Over Moves to Toughen Oversight.”The political protection enjoyed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,including the limitations imposed on their regulator,the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO),and the less strict capital requirements placed on these government-sponsored enterprises were discussed on pages Al and A12of the September 14,2008issue of the Washington Post under the headline ‘HowThe favorable terms on loans that Senator Christopher Dodd received fromCountrywide Financial Corporation were mentioned on page All of the June 13,2008issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the tide ”Dodd Tied to Countrywide Loans,”and page A14of the February 3,2009issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the tide “Dodd’s Peek-A-Boo Disclosure.”

The relationship of Countrywide Financial Corporation and politically well-connected individuals was mentioned on page 99of Architects of Ruin by Peter Schweizer.Senator Bob Bennett’s ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were reported in the Politics section of the September 12,2008issue of the Salt Ocite 7r"i6×ite,under the headline “Background on Big Mortgage Takeover Targets."The statement that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hired ex-politicians is from page 80of the July 19,2008issue oY The Economist in an article titled “A Brief Family History:Toxic Fudge.”The many prominent political figures from both parties appointed to lucrative positions at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are mentioned on pages 106and 114of zfrr6iiecti oJ t×iii by Peter Schweizer.The granting of 12million of TARP funds to Boston’s OneUnited Bank after Congressman Barney Frank’s intervention was reported on page A1of the January 22,2009issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the headline “Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions.”Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ties to OneUnited Bank were reported on the front page of the March 13,2009issue of the /Vesii Won:Z’imei,under the headline ”A Representative,Her Ties and a Bank Meeting.”Congressman Barney Frank’s intervention to prevent the closure of a GM distribution center in his home state of Massachusetts was reported on page A14of the June 5,2009issue of the Wall Street formal,under the tide “Barney Frank,Car Czar.”Gerald P.O’Driscol1’s comments on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are from the September 9,2008issue of the her VonPost,under the headline “Fannie/Freddie Bailout Baloney.’