
第37章 参考文献(3)

Data on the costs of the bailouts of Bank of America,Citigroup,J.P.Morgan Chase,and Wells Fargo are from pages 78and 79of the February 16,2009issue of "entire,in an article titled “The World According to TARR“Senator Christopher Dodd’s statements that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were ”fundamentally strong”are quoted from page A10of the July 12——13,2008issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the headline “Fannie Mae Ugly.”The editorial critical of Senator Christopher Dodd appears on page A12of the July 21,2008issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the tide “Fannie and Freddie’s Enablers.”Congressman Barney Frank’s claim that the subprime crisis resulted from too little regulation is from page 11of the August 20,2007issue of the Fiiiiiiiciiz/Z’imei of London,under the title “A (Sub)Prime Argument for More Regulation.”Congressman Frank’s statements that bad decisions in the private sector and a conservative philosophy are what led to the financial crisis are from page D9of the September 28,2008issue of the BostonSeptember 14,2007issue of the Boston Globe,under the title “Lessons of the Subprime Crisis.”Senator Charles Schumer’s statement that deregulation led to the financial crisis is from page 58991of the September 18,2008Congressional Record.-Senate.The exchange between Maria Bartiromo and Congressman Barney Frank is from page 20of the December 22,2008issue o?Business Weeli,under the title “Facetime:Barney Frank on Detroit,Housing,and Executive Pay.”

Congressman Barney Frank’s assertion that he opposed giving mortgages to unqualified borrowers was quoted from his op-ed statement,“Is There an Antidote to the Republican Amnesia?”posted to the Huffington Post on March 18,2009.The remark from Congressman Barney Frank’s letter to the heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac criticizing the companies’lending standards to condominium buyers as “too onerous”is quoted from an editorial tided “Barney the Underwriter”on page A14of the June 24,2009issue of the Wall Street ]ouimal.Senator Kit Bond’s comments are from page 58970of the September 18,2008Coiigreiiioun/Rrr?rd were.The newspaper account detailing Senator Kit Bond’s past efforts to obstruct the OFHEO can be found on the front page of the October 5,2008issue of the St.Loud Post-D ’uj?atch,under the headline "

Bond’s Tough Talk on Fannie,Freddie Rings Hohow to Some.”Senator Barbara Boxer’s statement about judges modifying the loans on principal residences is from page 52259of the April 1,2008Congressional Record.-Senate.The legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers and Senator Richard Durbin which would allow bankruptcy judges to modify home mortgages is mentioned on page A13of the February 13,2009issue of the Wall Street journal,under the title ”Don’t Let Judges Tear Up Mortgage Contracts.”Senator Harry Reid’s remarks about amending the Bankruptcy Code to allow judges to modify mortgage terms are from page 51218of the February 27,2008Congressional Record.-Senate.Republican Senator Mitch McConnell’s proposalof granting “government-backed,40/fixed mortgages”to credit-worthy borrowers,and Professor Edward Glaeser’s criticisms of that proposal are from page A13of the February 5,2009issue of the Wall Street journal,under the title “The GOP Has a Dumb Mortgage Idea.”Senator Christopher Dodd’s discussions of foreclosureencourage more funding for affordable housing is from page A2of the May 13,2008issue of the Washington Post in an article tided “Senate Talks Collapse on a Housing Bill.”Congressman Barney Frank’s housing-rescue proposal is discussed on page 8of the May 2008issue oY Mortgage Banking,in an article titled “Congress,Administration Each Propose FHA Mortgage Relief.”That 43percent of modified loans were again delinquent within eight months was reported on page 32of the February 21,2009issue of The Economist,under the title “Can’t Pay or Won"t Pay?”

The information about the various government programsto increase iiomeownership rates in the United States since 1922,and the increased rates of foreclosures that followed those government interventions,is from pages 15to 18of an article tided “Obsessive Housing Disorder”in the Spring 2009issue of CU journal.That there were 30state examiners to watch over thousands of consumer finance companies in California,and that as a result mortgage companies were inspected only about once every four years,is from pages 154and 155of Jiii?incis/SZion by Mark Zandi.The political pressures imposed on these regulators were mentioned on page 155of the same book.Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s comments about the level of bank capital/asset ratios in the era before the Civil War are quoted from page 6of an article tided ”