
第47章 附录三宋耀如海外书信选译(6)









7.To T.V. Soong (May 3rd, 1915)

Chinese Y.M.C.A.

Tokio, May 3rd, 1915

My dear Son,

I am very sorry to tell you that I cannot come to see you and Mayling as I expected and decided to do. I have had frequent headache and eye trouble and recently by accident I discovered that my right eye is almost totally blind. I went to see a specialist on eye disease and after examined me for fully an hour he said I had kidney trouble (Brights disease)。 I went to see a famous specialist in the Imperil University of Tokio and he too told me that I have the kidney trouble. I again went to see an English doctor at St. Lukes hospital of Tokio and he also said I have chronic kidney trouble and he said I must take good care of myself or the disease may get the upper hand of me.

Please let Mayling see this letter for I shall not write another similar letter. One will do for you both. I shall remain here two weeks longer and then leave for Kobe where I expect to spend my summer at least.

If you would like to see me you may get a return ticket and come to Japan to spend the summer with me. If Mayling wishes to come along — But you must arrange with the immigration officer at the port of either San Francisco or Seattle so that when you return to school at next the fall you will have no trouble landing on U.S. soil. I think you had better get your ticket to Kobe and back for it will not cost any more than to Yokohama and back. I think Mayling says during the Panama Exposition the passage between Japan and America is cheaper than usual and I think you ought to bring Mayling with for I do not know whether I shall able to live long enough until she graduates. The nature of my sickness is not certain. It may carry me away very quickly and I wish to see you both before I die. I shall ask mother, Rosa, John and Joseph to come over to Japan to see you both.

My cable address is “Soong Kobe”。 So please cable me if you and Mayling are coming you signify:“Coming”。 But if you are coming alone then say:“Come”, and I will understand. Rosa has been in Tokio over a month and Eling came after her and stayed with me for three weeks. I sent them both home today—They will sail for Shanghai on board French mail steamer “Vera” on the 6th and expect to be at home on the 10th. God bless you both. Dont forget the necessary papers from the America immigration officer to felicitate your relanding on America soil when you return to school.

With love to you both—

I am

Your most

Affectionate father

C. J. Soong











8.To T. V. Soong (Aug. 6th, 1951)

Chinese Club

24 Nanayamate Dinsan chome

Kobe, August 6th 1915

My dear son,

Your post card sent from Burlington came with Maylings letter by the same mail. I am glad to know you both are in good health. Take good care of it. Without a good health an education is practically as worthless to the possession as well as to others. Therefore, always keep your eye on your health above all things.

Shanghai has experienced the greatest storm in her history recently. Mother says she never saw such a storm in Shanghai before. All the trees on the Bund were blown down. All the boats and sampans in the river were blown on shore. Our high galvanized iron screen was blown down and crushed on News “feapo” tree and broke it. A coasting steamer named “Chintai” was overturned bottomup near Woosung with over 200 passengers on board and over 100 were drown on the spot. There were four girls who recently returned from American college were on board and drown among the passengers. It is so sad to think about such tragedy. They had escaped danger of the ocean and yet were made victims of their native river without ever a glimpse of their parents.

Old Uncle Changs daughter is about to be married to a man who is earning 120PER MONTH. Aunt New is the Match maker. Singdo is about to be married also to a man who earns something like 200 or 300 per month. Liu Keng is now a chief clerk of British & American tobacco company in Tientsin. He gets 195 per month and is negotiating for a wife. Kway Yung Giang is dead & his wife is a hades to his mother. Yung Giang was a dutiful son before his marriage but after marriage he was a veritable villain, and because he listened to his wife and treated his mother so badly while he was living after his death his wife treats his mother even worse. How ungrateful some people do turned out to be!