
第6章 张志扬序(2)

Unreservedly, such education, in the final analysis, is surely intended to attain quick success and instant satisfaction, lacking the best quality of “power” itself, which, of course, implies that “merely on a white bottom first, can beautiful painting be done,” and that “carrying forward perfect morality can influence others mentality and traits.”

But such education doesnt have anything to do with “Charlie Jones Soong” or “modern people” anymore; simonpure education should be reevaluated.

Haidian, Haikou

June 23, 2011

A poem added:

Giving an Answer Again for the Riddle of the SphinxThis is not the cliff where the Sphinx was buried,but why is the viewing stand of the Sphinx located here?

Does one look at the destiny of the Sphinx, who was killed,or observe the eternal incantation he left for human beings?

Leaving with heedfulness, I go along the same way;I come here for Jungfrau.

The moment at which I set off is the beginning of counting down,and I just fear that each sound, dida, will cease.

The Sphinx is chilly, like frost and ice.

As a feeblebodied man with three feet,

how can you cross the summit

like a blade?

O Sphinx,

You can bear the sight of a threemillenniadense fog,chuckling to yourself, for one believes that the idolum you made is true.

You regard the weakness of man as immorality.

Since then, power has served as offerings on altarsIn order to make people always uneasy in deprival.

You conceal the creep and compatibility

produced by your four feet treading in mud;you conceal the sky

supported by the wisdom scepter—one of your three feet.

Oedipus is blind.

His offspring are getting more and more lecherous,killing their fathers and marrying their mothers.

They murdered God.

Nature has been ravaged too seriously to come back any longer.

Power is still running amuck in the sunshine of knowledge.

The Jungfrau keeps silent.

It bathes in the immense clouds of ocean

as it lies on the glacier stretching for thousands of miles.

Let the cloud ocean deposit the old complaintand the glacier unseal the childhood.


The four feet of the Sphinx are crawling on the ground;the third one, the bright scepter, is the guide through the maze.

All gods, including strong and weak ones, are retreating in different directions.

Only the Tao is preceding.

Time is coming—

I shall carry my son away

from Jungfrau.


Feb, 2011


1. Notes on the title: During the Spring Festival of 2011, all the members of my family travelled to four countries (Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) in Central Europe. Geneva was our first stop; from there we followed along Lake Geneva to Interlaken Town. Early the next morning we climbed Jungfrau (4358 meters high), the summit of the Alps, delighting in the prospect from the Viewing Stand of the Sphinx.

2. “Jungfrau,” in German, should be translated into Chinese as “少妇峰,” but why does the Chinese translation conceal the condition of sex? And why would the “Sphinx,” a Theban lionbodied beast with a mans face, go to Interlaken to protect “ Jungfrau ?”

(These two doubtful points caused me to write this poem, but my ultimate purpose is to disclose the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx in order to free one from its incantation and recover genuine human nature—“the kindness like water,” not “mightiness.”)3. The Riddle of the Sphinx: “It has four feet in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening. What is the thing that has more feet and seems weaker?” To shake off his weakness, man relies on power more and more, and with every step depending on power to “help him be the king.” This shows the feature of the “incantation” in the riddle: when man thinks that he has killed the “incantation,” it begins to be effective.

Translated by Zhang Jingqun

Proofread by Gale Acuff

