
第14章 附录参考书目


Adolf Michaelis: A Century of Archaeological Discoveries(英译本)。

J. Baikie: The Life of Ancient East.

David Masters: The Romance of Excavations.


Prof. G. Maspero: Egyptian Archaeology(英译本)。

Petrie: Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty.

Petrie: Abydos.

Petrie: TellelAmarna.

Belzoni: Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries.

Eliot Smith: Tutankhansen and the Discovery of his Tomb.


De Sarzec and Henzey: Découvertes en Chaldée.

Koldewey: The Excavations at Babylon.

Layard: Nineveh and its Remains.

Layard: Fresh Discoveries at Nineveh and Babylon.


H. Schliemann: Troy and its Remains.

H. Schliemann: Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans.

H. Schliemann: Troja; Results of Researches, etc.

Leaf: Troy.

H. Schliemann: Mycenae and Tiryns: Narrative of Researches and Discoveries.

H. Schliemann: The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings.

A. Evans: The Palace of Minos at Knossos.


Macalister: The Excavation of Gezer.