
第44章 被哈佛大学及芝加哥大学等校录取

进入2007年,各个学校的通知或录取信就陆陆续续地来了。马凯大学、三一学院、图兰大学的录取通知最先来;其中,图兰大学给了洁良大约3万美元的奖学金。紧接着,芝加哥大学的录取通知也来了,奖学金是35000美元。洁良很高兴,因为芝加哥大学是她非常喜欢的一所学校。再下来,威斯康星大学的录取通知也到了。威斯康星大学是一所很好的公立大学,因为我们住在威斯康星州,所以如果上该校可以享受到免州外学费的待遇。因此,上这所大学也是我们当时的一个考虑。其间,洁良还接到了康奈尔和华盛顿大学的信,通知她被列在了“候补名单”(Waiting List)上。候补名单的意思是:没有被拒,也没有直接录取。如果已经被录取的其他考生决定不来了,在这个名单上的人将依次补上。据洁良考虑,被康奈尔列为候补的原因可能主要是面试不太理想。




March 29,2007


I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard Class of 2011.Following an old Harvard tradition,a certificate of admission is enclosed。Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements。

This year nearly twenty-three thousand students,a record number,applied for admission to the entering class。Faced with many more talented and highly qualified candidates than it had room to admit,the Admissions Committee took great care to choose individuals with exceptional character as well as unusual academic and extracurricular strengths。The Committee is convinced that you will make important contributions during your college years and beyond。

Our faculty and students extend a special invitation for you to visit Cambridge over the next few weeks。If you feel a visit would be helpful in making your final college choice,we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity。An invitation is enclosed。

We need to know by May 1 whether or not you plan to accept our offer of admission。You may fill out and return the enclosed postcard or you may respond online。If you accept admission for this coming September,further information will be sent to you over the summer by the Freshman Dean’s Office。

Each year some admitted students choose to defer entrance for a year and find their many and varied experiences extremely rewarding。If you would like to defer,please tell us about your alternative plans。More information about deferring admission can be found online。

Among the enclosed materials you will find a final School Report Form,which must be completed by your school counselor and returned to us at the end of this academic year。The Committee on Admissions reserves the right to withdraw its offer of admission under certain conditions described on the postcard enclosed for your response。

We have a longstanding commitment to meet the financial needs of our admitted students。No limit has been set on the financial resources devoted to making the College fully accessible to all students of promise,and we have a firm policy of making supportive offers of need-based financial aid。We encourage you to contact us now or at any time during your years here if you have questions or concerns about financial aid or if you have additional information that might be helpful to us in understanding your family’s financial circumstances。

I very much hope that you will decide to join us at Harvard。We have enclosed a statement about Harvard’s opportunities which might be helpful to you in making your college choice。Whatever your decision may be,you have my best wishes for every future success。


William R。Fitzsimmons

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

Harvard College



不久哈佛的第二封电子邮件来了。这封电子邮件通知我们,洁良在哈佛的头一年将获得约45000美元的奖学金。这意味着我们头一年只需要自己付大约4000美元,而且这4000美元还可以由洁良在学校的兼职工作支付;也就是说,在洁良上大学的头一年,我们不需要花一分钱。我们到那时才真正地明白了:在美国,因为名校相对来说比较有钱(截至2007年8月,哈佛获得捐赠累计达349亿美元),反而更可能获得较多的奖学金。这笔资助是校方根据上一年家庭收入和支付能力而确定的“因需资助”(Need Based Financial Aid),和学生的表现完全无关(有时大家看到宣传某某同学因为太优秀而获得美国名校×万美元全额奖学金云云,当属臆断或误会)。2006年是我攻读博士学位的最后一年,虽然妻子工作但家庭收入仍在哈佛全额资助的范围之内。所以洁良头一年获得了较高资助。第二年以后,因为我开始正式工作了,洁良的资助就下降了。





我们全家都出席了不久后在Shorewood 高中举行的高中毕业典礼大会,下午洁良和同学们在他们的校园里照了许多相,我们全家还参加了学校的毕业晚餐舞会。洁良和同学们恋恋不舍地道别,也告别了她紧张学习了4年的Shorewood High School。