
第39章 牧师买鹦鹉

A preacher is buying a parrot。“Are you sure it doesn't scream,yell,or swear?”asks the preacher。“Oh absolutely。It's a religious parrot。”the storekeeper assures him。“Do you see those strings on his legs?When you pull the right one,he recites the lord's prayer,and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm。”

“Wonderful!”says the preacher,“But what happens if you pull both strings?”“I fall off my perch,you stupid fool!”screeches the parrot。



1.preacher n。传教士,牧师,鼓吹者

The preacher preached to the teacher's teacup。(传教士对着老师的茶杯说教。)

2.swear v。发誓,咒骂,诅咒

They refused to swear on the Bible。(他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。)

3.perch n。杆,栖木,高位

An eagle found a perch on the rock。(一只老鹰在岩石高处落脚。)

1.fall off 跌落,减少,下降

Hold on to the handle,or you might fall off。(抓紧把手,不然你可能会掉下去。)