
第69章 Chicken Soup

Joe was in the hospital and it was time for lunch。He looked at his lunch and said,“I don’t like chicken soup,bring something else。”The hospital worker said,“It’s good for you。The doctor said you should have it。”Regardless,the patient refused to eat it。

That night,a patient in the room with Joe had a bad stomach pain so the nurses came in to give him an enema。By mistake,they gave the enema to Joe。

The following week,when he was leaving the hospital,a new patient asked him how he liked the hospital。He told him,“Well,the hospital itself is pretty good,but they’re very strict about their food。When they bring up chicken soup you’d better eat it,or they’ll come back in the middle of the night and shove it up your behind!”






例:I protested,but she carried on regardless。我极力反对,但她仍一意孤行。



例:The people shoved to get on the bus。人们你推我挤争着上公共汽车。

Chicken Soup for the Soul(《心灵鸡汤》)



①他饭后肚子觉得胀胀的,很不舒服。He has a bloated,uncomfortable feeling after meal。

②他有一阵阵的肚痛。He has bouts of abdominal pain。

③他感到肚子胀胀的。He feels bloated in his abdominal area。

④痛是在肚子下半部。The pain is mainly in the lower right part of the abdomen。

⑤他有恶心和呕吐。He has nausea and vomiting。

⑥他吞下食物时会痛。It is difficult or painful for him to swallow。

⑦他拉肚子。He has trouble with diarrhea。