
第84章 The Way to Chase away Chickens

A man had a beautiful garden and flower beds,and all kinds of nice things that he planted in his garden。But there was one problem。His neighbor always let his chickens loose,and they ran over to reach the garden to dig out the roots and eat the flowers and make a mess everywhere。And he told his neighbor to keep the hens within his fence。But the neighbor said,“I don’t believe in this kind of restriction,imprisonment。I believe chickens are also the creation of God,and they have the right to go wherever they want。”And so he just let his chickens run all over。And the chickens loved the flowers and the corn and all the things that the neighbor planted。And so they would visit his garden often。

But then one day one of his friends came back,and saw that the man had all the flowers and everything that he planted still in order!So the friend was very surprised,“How did you do that?How did you convince the neighbor to keep the chickens out of your yard?”He said,“Oh,that’s easy。I just hid a dozen eggs in my flower bed,and one day I let my neighbor see that I was collecting them。”After that the neighbor kept his chickens to himself。





例:My dog likes chasing rabbits。我的狗喜欢追兔子。


例:The horse is loose in the field。马自由自在地在田野里。

make a mess〈口〉拉屎;大便(尤指婴儿,动物)

make a mess of把……弄糟[搞坏];把……搞得一塌糊涂


鸡是一种很小的家禽,它的胃当然也很小,吃不了太多东西。chicken feed这一俗语就是来自这种现象。feed在这儿的意思是喂鸡的饲料,chicken feed意为“很小数量的钱,少得像喂鸡的饲料一样”。如:I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant。They only pay chicken feed-not even enough money to pay my rent。(我没有接受那个汉堡包店的工作。他们付的工资实在太少,还不够我付房租呢。)


chicken head笨蛋,蠢人

chicken hearted和chicken livered都为“胆怯的”,“软弱的”意思。

to chicken out临阵逃脱



a cock of the school学生中的小霸王(专门欺负小同学)

a cock of the loft草料棚中的公鸡(颇有点汉语中“山中无老虎,猴子称霸王”的味儿)

at full cock一触即发

to cock his nose翘起鼻子,一副看不起人的样子

to cock his hat歪戴帽子