
第82章 刘若愚著作目录


1.T he Art o f Chinese Poetr y,London,Routledge&Kegan Paul and Chicago,T he University of Chicago Press,1962;paper-back ed。,T he University of Chicago Press,1966.(《中国诗学》,佐藤保日文译本,东京,大修馆书店,1972;李章佑韩文译本,汉城,《檀国大学学报》第1-2期,1975.杜国清译本,台北,幼狮文化公司,1977;赵执声译本,郑州,河南人民出版社,1990;韩铁桩、蒋小雯译本,武汉,长江文艺出版社,1991)

2.T he Chinese K night Errant,London,Routledge&Kegan Paul and Chicago,T he university of Chicago Press,1967.(《中国的游侠》,周清霖、唐发铙译本,名《中国之侠》,上海,三联书店,1991;罗立群译本,名《中国游侠与西方骑士》,北京,中国和平出版社,1994)

3.T he Poetr y o f L i Shang-yin,The University of Chicago Press,1969.(《李商隐的诗》,詹杭伦、陈尧译本)

4.M ajor Ly ricists o f the Northern Sung,Princeton,Prince-ton University Press,1974.(《北宋主要词家》,王贵苓译本,名《北宋六大词家》,台北,幼狮文化公司,1986)

5.Chinese T heories o f L iterature,Chicago,T he University of Chicago Press,1975;paper back ed。,1979.(《中国文学理论》,李章佑韩文译本,名《中国纯文学理论》,汉城,同和出版社,1984.赖春燕译本,名《中国人的文学观念》,台北,成文出版社,1977;杜国清译本,名《中国文学理论》,台北,联经出版事业公司,1981;赵执声译本,名《中国的文学理论》,郑州,中州古籍出版社,1986.田守真、饶暑光译本,名《中国的文学理论》,成都,四川人民出版社,1987)

6.Essentials o f Chinese Literature Art,North Scituate,Mass。,Duxbu ry Press,1979.(《中国文学艺术精华》,王镇远译本,名《中国文学艺术精华》,合肥,黄山书社,1989)

7.T he I nterl ingual Critic:I nterpreting Chinese Poetry,Bloomington,Indiana University Press,1982.(《语际批评家》,王周若、周领顺译本,名《中国古诗评析》,开封,河南大学出版社,1989;詹杭伦、曹丽萍译本,名《语际批评家:中国诗学阐释》)

8.Language-P aradox-Poetics:A Chinese Persp ective,Prin-ceton,New Jersey,Princeton U niversity Press,1988.(《语言·悖论·诗学:一种中国观》,詹杭伦、曹丽萍译本)


1.“Entries on 17th centur y English authors”(《十七世纪的英国作者》)in Cassel l s E ncyclopaed ia o f l iterature,London,Cassel l&Co。,1953.

2.“Elizabethan and Yuan,A b rief comparison of some con-ventions in poetic drama”(《伊丽莎白时代与元代某些戏剧程式的简要比较》)in China Society Occasional papers No。8,1955.

3.“T h ree Worlds Chinese Poetry”(《中国诗之三境界》)in Journal o f Oriental Studies,H ong Kong University,Vol。Ⅲ,No。2,1956.

4.《西班牙藏明版〈风月锦囊〉考》,载香港大学《东方文化》,1957—1958.“T he Feng-Yueh Chin-nang:a Collection of Yuan and Ming Plays and Ly rics preserved in the Royal Library of San L orenzo,Escorial,Spain”(《风月锦囊:一个西班牙王室图书馆保存的元代和明代剧本》)in J ournal o f Oriental Studies,Vol。Ⅳ,Nos。1-2,1975—1976.Chinese translation,T aibei,Chung Wai Wen-hsueh,Vol。5,No。6,1976.

5.“Some T heories of Poetry of the Ch ing Period”(《清朝的某些诗学理论》)in A kten des X X V I internat ionalen Oreientalis-ten-Kongresse,Wisbaden,Franz s tiener Verlag,1957.




9.“T he Knigh t Errant in Chinese Literatu re”(《中国文学中的游侠》)in Journal o f the H ong Kong Branch o f the Royal Asi-at ic Society,No。1,1961.

10.“Review:T he Poet Kao Ch i。 By F。W。Mote”(《书评:〈诗人高启〉》)in Journal o f American Oriental Society,Vol。82,No。4,1962(附刘若愚道歉声明)。

11.“Main T heories of Poetry of the Ch ing Period”(《清代诗说论要》)in S ym posium Commemorating the Golden J ubilee o f the University o f H ong Kong,Vol。1,1961.

12.“T he ideological a f f inities and antipathies o f the knights-errant in ancient China”(《古代中国游侠的爱憎观》),美国亚洲学会第十五届年会论文,宾州费城,1963年3月。

13.“L i Shang-yin s Poem‘T he Memorial Inscrip tion by H an Yu'”(《李商隐的〈韩碑〉诗》),E ast-west culture Review,Vol。1 No。1,Harvard,1964.

14.“Li Shang-yin s Poem‘T he Ornamented Zither'”(《李商隐的〈锦瑟〉诗》),in Journal o f the A merican Oriental Society,Vol。85,No。2,1965.

15.“Reviews:Su Tung-p o:Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet。 By Burton Watson”(《书评:〈苏东坡:选自宋朝的诗〉》),in Journal o f American Oriental Society,1966.

16.“Towards a Chinese Theory of Poetry”(《中国诗观的探索》),in Supplement to Yearbook o f Comparative and General Litera-ture,Bloomington,Indiana University Press,No。15,1966.

17.“Review s:Poems of the Late T ang。 T ranslated by A。C。Graham”(《书评:〈晚唐诗〉》),in Journal o f the A meri-can Oriental Society,1966.

18.“Ambiguities in Li Shang-yin s Poetry”(《李商隐诗的多义性》),in Chow Tse-tsung,ed。,Wen-L in:Studies in the Chi-nese H umanities,Madison,University of Wisconsin Press,1968.


20.“Entry on Li Yu”(《李煜词条》),in E ncyclopaedia Bri-tannica,1969(此乃为《大英百科全书》写的李煜的词条)。

21.“The Ly rics o f L iu Yung”(《柳永的词》)in T amkang Review,Taipai,Vol。Ⅰ,No。2,1970.

22.“Prolegomena to a Study of T raditional Chinese T heories of Literature”(《中国传统文学理论研究前言》)in L iterature E ast and West,Vol。ⅹ ⅵ,No。3,1972.

23.“World and Language:T he Chinese Literature T radi-tion”(《境界与语言:中国文学的传统》),in Ar nold Toynbee,ed。,H al f o f the World:The H istory and Culture o f China and J apan,London,T hames&H udson,1973.

24.“Some Literatu re Qualities of the Lyric”(《词的某些文学特性》),in Cyril Birch,ed,Stud ies in chinese L iterary Genres,Berkeley,U niversity of California press,1974.

25.“Entries on Po Chu-yi,Li Shang-yin,and Yuan Mei”(《〈东方文学辞典〉中白居易、李商隐、袁枚词条》)in Jaroslay Prusek,ed。,Dictionar y o f Oriental L iterature,New Yor k,Bas-ic Books,1974.

26.“T he Study of Chinese Literature in West:Recent De-velopments,Current T rends,Future Prospects”(《近来西方中国文学研究的发展、趋势和前景》),in Journal o f Asian Stui dies,Vol。ⅹⅹⅹ ⅴ,No。1,1975.Chinese translation,H sin-chia-p o Wen-yi(Singapore),No。7(1977)。

27.“Biographies o f Sung K e and Shao T s an”in L。 C。Goodrich and Fang Chao-ying,ed。,Dictionar y o f Ming Biogra-ph y(《〈明代传记辞典〉中宋客和邵璨的传记》),New York,Co-lumbia U niversity Press,1976.

28.“Reviews:T he Poetry of Meng Chiao and Han Yu by Stephen Owen”(《书评:斯蒂芬·欧文〈孟郊和韩愈的诗〉》)in H ar vard Journal o f Asiatic Studies,1976.

29.“Language-Literatu re-Translation:a bifocal appr oach in a tetradic framewor k”(《语言·文学·翻译:在四维框架中的双重焦点方法》)in T。C。Lai,ed。,T he art and Pro f ession o f T ranslat ion,Hong Kong T ranslation Society,n。d。

30.“Reviews:Chinese poetry:Major Modes and Genres。 E dited and Translated by WAI-LIM YIP”(《书评:〈中国诗:主要的模式和类型〉》)in J ournal o f Chinese Linguistics,Vol。4 No。3/2,1976.

31.“T radition and Creativity in Early Ch ing Poetics”(《早期清诗的继承与创新》),in Ch ristian F。M urck,ed。,Art ists and T radi tion:T he P ast in Chinese Culture,Princeton,Princeton U-niversity Press,1976.

32.“Review:T he Poetry of the Early T ang。 By Stephen Owen”(《书评:斯蒂芬·欧文〈初唐诗〉》)in Journal o f AsianStudies,Yale U niversity Press,1977.

33.“T owar ds a Synthesis of Chinese and Wester n T heories of Literatu re”(《中西文学理论的综合》)in Journal o f Chinese philosophy,Vol。4,1977(已收入杜国清译本《中国文学理论》附录,名《中西文学理论综合初探》)。

34.“‘T wo entries'in A Sung Bibliography”(《〈宋代文献〉中的两页书目》),H ong Kong,T he Chinese U niversity Press,1978.

35.“Time,Space,and Self in Chinese Poetry”(《中国诗中的时、空与自我》)in Chinese L iterature:Essay s,articles,Re-views,Vol。1,No。2,1979.

36.“Review s:T he T ransformation of the Chinese Lyrical T radition:Chiang K uei and Southern Sung Tz u Poetr y by Shuen-fu Lin”(《书评:林顺夫〈从姜夔和南宋诸词家看中国词传统之变化〉》)in H ar vard J ournal o f Asiatic Studies,1979.6.

37.“Reviews:Chinese and West:Comparative Literature Studies”(《书评:〈中西比较文学研究〉》),H ong Kong,T he Chi-nese U niversity Press,1980.

38.“A Note on Hyperbaton in Chinese Poetry”(《中国诗倒装法札记》)in Journal o f Chinese L inguist ics,Vol。8,1980,pp173-177.

39.“Reviews:T he Evolution of Chinese Tz u Poetry:From Late T ang to Northern Sung by Kang-I Sun Chang”(《书评:孙康宜〈晚唐迄北宋词体演进与词人风格〉》)in H arv ard Journal o f Asiatic S tudies,Vol。41 No。2,1981.

40.A note on Po chu-yi s“T u L ao T zu”(《白居易〈读老子〉札记》),《中国文学》第四卷,1982,7,pp243-244.

41.“Reviews:T he Great Age of Chinese Poetry:T he High T ang,by S tephen Owen”(《书评:斯蒂芬·欧文〈盛唐诗〉》)in Chinese L iterature Essay s Articles Revie ws,1982.

42.“T he poet and his audience in classical Chinese poetry”(《中国古典诗歌的作者与受众》)in I nternat ional Cul tural Socie-ty o f Korea,1983.

43.L iterature,Art,and the T ao in Pre-T ang Wri tings(《先唐著作中文学、艺术和道》,此文似未发表过)。

44.Poetr y as contemp lation(《沈思的诗》)(A Magazine of Discover in the Art s and Sciences,Number13,T he University of Chicago Press)

45.Is the“L yr ic”necessari ly Personal?((《抒情诗必然是个人的吗?》),for the Comparative Literature symposium to be held in Beijing,August 1983.(此文似未刊载过)

46.Reviews:Chinese Poet ic W riting(《书评:〈中国诗的写作〉》),by Frangois Cheng,Bloomington:Indiana University Press。(此文似未发表过)

47.“T he paradox of Poetics and the Poetics of paradox”(《诗学悖论与悖论诗学》),in T he Vi tali ty o f the L y ric Voice:Shih Poetr y f rom the Late H an to T ang。Edited by Shuen-fu Lin and Stephen Owen,pp49-70.Princeton UP,1986.

48.“Rejoinder to Gunther Debon s of Review of The Are of Chinese Poetry”(《对〈中国诗学〉批评意见的答辩》)in J ournal o f the American Oriental Society,Vol。84,No。2,1964.

49.Rejoinder to J。D。Schmi dt o f Revie w o f Chinese T heories o f L iterature。(《对〈中国文学理论〉批评意见的答辩》,打印稿,不知是否发表过)

50.“A Introduction to Sung Poetry”(《对〈宋诗概说〉译本的介绍》),Translated by Bu rton Watson。Cambridge:H arvar d University Press,(1967)from T he T sing H ua Journal o f Chi-nese S tud ies。

51.James J。Y。Liu,“tr。T hree poems:Without title;High noon;Chamber music”(《李商隐的〈无题〉等诗翻诗》),inMinford,John;Lau,Joseph S。M。,eds。Classical Chinese L it-erature:an antholog y o f translations。Vol。1,from antiquity to the Tang dynasty。New Yock:Columbia University Press;H ong Kong:Chinese University Press,2000.

52.James J。Y。Liu,“tr。Mas ter Chia”(《李商隐的〈贾生〉翻译》)In Mair,Victor H。,ed。T he Colu mbia antholog y o f tradit ional Chinese literature,New Yock:Columbia University Press,1994.

53.James J。Y。Liu,“tr。Boasting of my son[Li Shang-yin(ca。813-ca。858)]”(《李商隐的〈骄儿诗〉翻译》)In Mair,Vic-tor H。,ed。T he Columbia anthology o f traditional Chinese l it-erature,New York:Columbia University Press,1944.

54.James J。Y。Liu,“T he pat temed lute:poets of the late Tang:introduction”(《琵琶模式:晚唐诗介绍》)in Minford,John;Lau,Joseph S。M。,eds。Classical Chinese L iterature:an antholog y o f translat ions,Vol。1:from antiquity to the T ang dynasty,New Yor k:Columbia U niversity Press;H ong Kong:Chinese U niversity Press,2000.

55.James J。Y。Liu,“tr。Chiang K uei s poetics”(《姜夔的诗翻译》),in H ong Kong,Rendit ions 21-22(Spr-Fall),1984.

56.James J。Y。Liu,“tr。T une:‘Eight beats of a Kan-chou Song'[Liu Yung(987?-1053)]”(《柳永的〈八声甘州〉翻译》),in Mair,Victor H。,ed。T he Columbia antholog y o f tra-d itional Chinese literature,New York:Columbia University Press,1994.