
第13章 Pascal Lamy Chosen as WTO Chief帕斯卡尔·拉米:WTO新掌门(2)



The choice of directorgeneral proved so contentious the last time the WTO sought a new chief in 1999 that its members split the job into two threeyear terms, shared between former New Zealand Prime Minister Mike Moore and Supachai Panitchpakdi,a former deputy prime minister of Thailand.

Talks Near Crisis: Supachai, confirmed May 11 as the next head of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,told negotiators negotiator n.谈判代表 last month that the WTOs Doha Round of global talks are“close to a crisis.”

“This round isnt going to be concluded without difficult political decisions by people in capitals,”said John Weekes, senior trade adviser at law firm Sidley Austin Brown & Wood in Geneva and a former Canadian ambassador to the WTO.“Lamy has moved in those circles,has access to them and knows how to deal with them.”


几近危机的谈判: 素帕猜已于5月11日被批准出任联合国贸易和发展大会的下一任秘书长,他曾在上月告诉各位谈判代表,世界贸易组织的多哈回合全球谈判已经“接近一场危机”。

位于日内瓦的法律咨询公司Sidley Austin Brown & Wood高级贸易顾问、加拿大前驻世界贸易组织大使约翰·威克斯说:“如果各国政要不做出艰难的政治决策,这一轮谈判将不会有什么结果。拉米已经进入那些圈子,接触了这些人并知道如何跟他们打交道。”

Talks on agriculture remain the biggest obstacle to reaching a global trade agreement that would pump as much as 500 billion into the worlds economy.Developing countries including India, China and Brazil have for wealthy economies such as the EU and U.S. to slash marketdistorting distort vt.弄歪(嘴脸等), 扭曲, 歪曲(真理、事实等), 误报 agriculture subsidies before poor nations open their markets to foreign goods,services and investment.

Mauritian Foreign Minister Jaya Krishna Cuttaree and Brazils WTO ambassador,Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa,the other two candidates,were both eliminated after consultationsconsultation n.请教, 咨询, 磋商, 会诊 among the WTOs members.

Castillo,Uruguays senior trade negotiator and former chairman of the WTOs governing council,said he withdrew his candidacy candidacy n.候选人的地位, 候选资格 today.




Marathon Runner: Lamy was born on April 8,1947,in the Paris suburb of LavalloisPernet.An avid jogger and marathon runner,he graduated from Frances leading business school,the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, and has a masters degree in business from the Institut dEtudes Politiques in Paris.He is married and has three sons.

His career stretches back to 1975,when he worked for the French government,and includes a stint as chef de cabinet to Jacques Delors,then president of the EuroDean Commission,from 19851994.He was once a member of the executive committee of the French Socialist Party.

“As commissioner,Lamy sought to accommodate significant antiglobalization causes such as labor and the environment in a way that could damage the core mission of the WTO,”said Alan Oxley.Australias ambassador to the WTOs predecessor from 1985-89. “Unless we see a different Pascal Lamy.one would have to assume hell continue to do the same.”

酷爱马拉松长跑: 1947年4月8日,拉米出生于巴黎郊区的LavalloisPerret镇。他是个酷爱慢跑和马拉松运动的人,毕业于法国一流的商科学校——法国高等商学院,并且拥有巴黎政治学院颁发的商务硕士学位。拉米已婚,有3个儿子。



Since leaving the commission in November,Lamy has been president of the association association n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想 “Notre Europe” and an associate professor at the Institute dEtudes Politiques.

He served as a lieutenant lieutenant n.陆军中尉, 海军上尉, 副职官员 commander in the navy and has been decorated seven times,including by the Legion d Honneur.

“Hes extremely experienced and highly professional who has great drive,”Leon Brittan,EU trade commissioner from 1993 to 1999 and now a vice chairman of UBS Ltd.,said in atelephone interview from London.“He has all the qualitiesquality n.质量, 品质, 性质 required to make the chances of success as high as they can be.”


他曾经是 法国海军少校,而且7次因功授勋,其中包括荣誉勋位勋章。

