
第11章 A Chance of a Lifetime生命的机遇(1)

Our dream come true. Our chance of a lifetime.

A Chance of a Lifetime

“This is a chance of a life time,” I declareddeclare vt.断言,宣布, 宣告 to my friend Stacy as I locked the door of my office and left the restaurant I managed.

Its every twentysevenyearold womans dream to live in New York City, and in a few months Ill know if I get the transfer.





I watched the moonlight glistenglisten v.闪光 on the waters of Laguna Beach. “Ill miss it here, but living in the Big Apple is everything Ive ever wanted—a dream come true.”

We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. Laughter eruptederupt vt.喷出vi.爆发 from a nearby table.

I watched as a handsome man captured the attention of his friends with his engaging story. His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trancetrance n.恍惚, 出神, 着迷vt.使恍惚, 使发呆. Stacy nudged me. “Youre staring, Michelle, and about to drool.

“Wow,” I whispered. I watched the gorgeousgorgeous adj.华丽的, 灿烂的 guy push up the sleeves of his bulky sweater. Everyone at his table had their eyes fixed on him. “Thats the man I want to marry.”



应声望去,我看到了一个英俊的男人,他正在向朋友们讲一个好听的故事。他那坦率、温暖的笑容和自信的模样让我不由得发怔。 斯泰西轻轻地捅了我一下,说道:“嘿,米歇尔,你发什么呆,好像着魔了一样。”


“Yeah, right,” Stacy droned. “Tell us more about where youd like to live in New York, because we all plan to visit you there when you land this job.” As I spoke my gaze drifted back to the debonairdebonair adj.殷勤的, 高兴的, 快活的, 温文尔雅的 man.

Three months later my friends and I gathered at the same restaurant. “To life in the Big Apple!” they cheered as we tapped our glasses together. “My chance of a lifetime!” We talked for hours. I told them of my plan to save money by moving out of my beach cottage and renting a room for the few remaining months.

Our friend offered, “I have a fellow South African friend who is considering renting one of the four bedrooms in his house. His name is Barry. A great guy.” He scribbledscribble v.潦草地写, 乱写, 滥写 on a napkin. “This is his number. Hes a fortytwoyearold confirmed bachelor. Says hes much too busy being a single dad to be a husband.”




I made an appointment to see the room the same day. I approachedapproach vt.接近, 动手处理 vi.靠近 the entrance of the spaciousspacious adj.广大的, 大规模的 house, and the door opened. “You must be Michelle,” he said. He pushed up the sleeves of his bulkybulky adj.大的, 容量大的, 体积大的 sweater and flashed his handsome smile. It was the man from the restaurant months before—the man I wanted to marry.

I stood staring, my mouth gaping, hoping I wasnt drooling.

“You are Michelle, arent you?” he said, coaxingcoaxing adj.哄骗(的) me out of my trance. “Would you like to see the room?”

I followed him through a tour of the house, then accepted when he offered me a cup of tea. Barry had a sophisticatedsophisticated adj.久经世故的 kindness about him and listened attentively as I chattered nervously about myself.





His silverrimmed glasses accented a few gray streaks in his dark hair. Soon, his warm, inviting smile put me at ease, and we spent the next two hours talking casually. Ultimatelyultimately adv.最后, 终于 , I decided not to take the room and reluctantly bade him goodbye.

The months went by quickly while I busied myself with preparation for the move. I thought of Barry often, but couldnt consider calling him.

“Im moving to New York in three weeks,” I said to Stacy as we walked out of my office and into the dining area. “As much as Id like to see him again, it would only complicatecomplicate v.(使)变复杂 my life.”

“Well, brace yourself for complicationscomplication n.复杂化 ,” Stacy muttered, then nodded toward the door. Barry, with his big blue eyes and engaging smile, walked into my restaurant.


