
第5章 My Miraculous Family生命的奇迹(2)

My hallucinations, coupled with my physical problems, made my prognosis still very bleak. However, as time passed my mind began to clear and approximatelyapproximately adv.近似地, 大约 six weeks later my right leg began to move ever so slightly. Within seven weeks my right arm slowly began to move and at eight weeks I utteredutter vt.发出, 作声, 发表, 发射 my first few words.

My speech was extremely difficult and slow in the beginning, but at least it was a beginning. I was starting to look forward to each new day to see how far I would progressprogress vi.前进, 进步, 进行.

But just as I thought my life was finally looking brighter I was tested by the hospital europsychologist. She explained to me that judging from my test results she believed that I should not focusfocus vi.聚焦, 注视 on returning to college but that it would be better to set more “realistic goals.”




Upon hearing her evaluation I became furious for I thought, “Who is she to tell me what I can or cannot do. She does not even know me. I am a very determined and stubbornstubborn adj.顽固的, 固执的, 坚定的, 坚决的 person!” I believe it was at that very moment that I decided I would somehow, someday return to college.

It took me a long time and a lot of hard work but I finally returned to the University of Texas in the fall of 1983—a year and a half after almost dying.

The next few years in Austin were very difficult for me, but I truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantnessunpleasantness n.煞风景的事,不愉快的事. Maybe I have experienced too much unpleasantness, but I believe in living each day to the fullest, and doing the very best I can.




And each new day was very busy and very full, for besides attending classes at the University I underwent therapytherapy n.治疗 three to five days each week at Brackenridge Hospital.

If this were not enough I flew to Houston every other weekend to work with Tom Williams, a trainer and executiveexecutive n.执行者, 经理主管人员 who had worked for many colleges and professional teams and also had helped many injured athletes, such as Earl Campbell and Eric Dickerson. Through Tom I learned: “Nothing is impossible and never, never give up or quit.”

Early, during my therapytherapy n.治疗 , my father kept repeating to me one of his favorite sayings. I have repeated it almost every day since being hurt: “Mile by mile its a trial; yard by yard its hard; but inch by inch its a cinch.”


如果不是很忙的话,每隔两周我还会和汤姆·威廉斯飞到奥斯汀工作。汤姆是一个教练兼主管,他曾效力于许多大学校队和职业联队,并帮助过许多受伤的运动员,如:厄尔·坎贝尔 和 艾立克·迪克森。从汤姆的身上我学到“一切皆有可能,永不放弃,永不停止。”


I thought of those words, and I thought of Tom, my family and Sharon who believed so strongly in me as I climbed the steps to receive my diploma from the Dean of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas on that bright sunny afternoon in June of 1986.