
第15章 On Miracle论奇迹

We couldn t conceive of a miracle if none had ever happened.

On Miracle

In Sunday school, the minister was trying to illustrateillustrate vt.举例说明,阐明 the word miraclemiracle n.奇迹, 奇事. “Boys and girls,” he said, “suppose I stood on the roof of a tenstory building, lost my balance and fell off. Then all of a sudden in midairmidair n.半空中, a whirlwind swept me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now what word would you use to describe this?”




After a long silence a boy raised his hand and said, “Luck?”

“True, ture,” replied the minister. “It could be luck—but thats not the word I wanted. Ill repeat the story. There I am on top of the tenstory building again, and I fall. A whirlwind catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground. Think now—what word would describe the situation?”

“Accident,” cried out one girl.

“No, no,” answered the minister. “Listen carefully for the third time. Im on the same building; I fall and am swept to safety by a sudden whirlwind. What word could account for my safely reaching the ground?”

The boys and girls shouted in unison: “Practice!”




