
第13章 A Wonderful Arguing Competition精彩辩论赛(2)

She went on arguing.“ Can it be easy for our old parents to have endured all kinds of hardships hardship n.困苦, 艰难, 辛苦 to bring us up? What will they think about now that they are old, no longer helpful to their children and, therefore, should be sent into the home for the aged?”





Her wonderful arguments evoked evoke vt.唤起, 引起, 博得 the sympathy of the audience. Consequently, she won stormy applause from the audience.

The No. Ⅰ contestant on the affirmative side was a very smart boy. He was not willing to be caught in the snare of his opponent. He knew that the opponent intended to win the competition by evoking the sympathy of the judges and the audience to the old.

So he reminded his opponent to pay attention to the fact that the majority of the old lived in the home for the aged out of their own will instead of being forced by their sons or daughters, which indicated indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 简要地说明 that old peoples ideas in ethic would change, too, with the development of society.




“If an old man is unwilling to live in the home for the aged ,no one could force him to, nor could his son or daughter.” He added,“Many of them are willing to live in the home for the aged because they hope to lessen lessen v.减少, 减轻 the heavy load on their sons or daughters shoulders.”

He illustratedillustrate vt.举例说明, 图解, 加插图于, 阐明 the policy of family birth control being carried out in our country to support his argument. He said that according to the policy of “One couple, one child”, a young couple would have to take the responsibility of looking after two couples of old people and a child without the home for the aged in the near future.

He ended his speech by the following: “How can young people manage to do their own work well with so heavy a family load on their shoulders? To say nothing of making contributionscontribution n.捐献, 贡献, 投稿 to the motherland.”




That was a very powerful illustration. The contestants on the negative side found themselves in a disadvantageousdisadvantageous adj.不利的, 诽谤的, 不便的 position at once, but they didnt give it up. They persisted in giving tit for tatgive tit for tat 针锋相对 in the competition. The No.Ⅲ contestant on the negative side did his utmostutmost n.极限, 最大可能, 极力 to argue that old people didnt genuinely feel happy in the home for the aged.

He citedcite vt.引用, 引证, 提名表扬 a number of facts in supporting of his statement. But he was argued back by the No.Ⅲ contestant on the affirmative side. The latter said that the formers statement could only show the incomplete of the social welfare service in our country. It made no sense in illustrating that the home for the aged is more harm than good.



He came to the following conclusion:“What we should do at present is to improve the social welfare service of our country including the home for the aged in order that they could live a real happy life in their later years.”

As the title of the arguing competition was obviously in favor ofin favor of adv.赞同, 有利于 the contestants on the affirmative side, they finally won the competition. However, in justice to both sides, they all performed excellently in the competition. They did have made very good preparations before the competition and the competition itself was well organized.

Oh, what a wonderful arguing competition it was! The scene of the competition is still fresh in my mind.



