
第6章 On Learning Foreign Languages外语学习(3)



And if you employ your power with delicacydelicacy n.微妙 as I have advised, so that she does not either run away from you in fright as from an intellectual monster, or in a fit of mad pride buy a grammar and learn her own language, you can retain this position of loftylofty adj.高高的, 崇高的, 高傲的, 高级的 helplessnesshelpless adj.无助的, 无能的, 没用的 throughout the duration of the romance.

For at every stage of the proceeding your mind will know more about the language than hers; her knowledge is in her tongue.There are only two forces in this world, love and pride, and upon these two I base my linguisticlinguistic adj.语言上的, 语言学上的 system. I do not assaultassault v.袭击 you with rules of syntax, with paradigms, with conjugationsconjugation n.结合, declensions, and other things appealing purely to the intellect, and to that weakly.




I go straight to the heart. I put you in the position of a child, for whom life itself—this is, love and pride—demands a learning of his language. And I put your wind and the waves and the stars and the sunshine, and all the forces of nature, run to help you when you have made yourself a child.

You will read your grammar in the intervalsinterval n.间隔, 距离, 幕间休息 of study. It will rest and relax you from the thrillingthrilling adj.毛骨悚然的, 颤动的, 发抖的 excitement of your lessons. You will find its pages colored with the same emotion, but in a milder tone.

And if you do not overdo it—if you do not get all the most passionate words in the language whirling through your brain at a rate fatal to the tissuetissue n.薄的纱织品, 薄纸, 棉纸, [生]组织, 连篇—I guarantee that inside of two weeks you will have communicated some of the most profound and dangerous thoughts in our soul.




Inside of a month you will have said enough in that language to keep you busy regretting in English as it begins to get loose in a foreign language.

Those words mean what they say, but they do not mean it seriously. They are play words. They are exercises of agilityagility n.敏捷, 活泼. They are not yet firmly gearedgear v.调整, (使)适合 in with the real world, arising out of causes and attached to consequences. They are laughing in spacein space 片刻就, 一会儿就. Prudence would be an affectation. You say wild things and you say them with enormous and sincere enthusiasm—enthusiasm about your ability to say them.

It is not only learning a language when you learn it according to my system—it is taking a little breath of the free.



