
第3章 Go Home 回家的感觉(2)

What am I, the Lens Crafters of social engagementsengagement n.约会, 婚约, 诺言, 交战, 接站, 雇佣, [机]接合 ?

As it happens, his new girlfriend wasnt too keen on my homecoming. We had a quick drink and he dropped me back off at my motel where I scroungedscrounge vt.占有, 行乞, 搜寻, 搜集vi.东张西望, 搜寻, 搜集, 乞讨, 偷东西 up my change to buy some Whopperswhopper n.汉堡包(在此意) ,特大物, 弥天大谎 from the vending machine for dinner. I settled in for the evening to watch Three to Tango on HBO.

“You had to watch a movie with a Friends cast member,” said my brother, noddingnodding adj.点头的, 低垂的,昏昏欲睡的 empathetically empathetically adv.移情作用地, 感情移入地 . “Thats sad.”





My brother and I met up at our old house, like homing pigeons. We walked down the street for some coffee and I filled him in on my trip. He convinced convinced adj.确信的, 深信的 me to stay my last night at his new place in San Bruno, just outside the city. Ill gladly pay 98 a night just for the privilege privilege n.特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权力, 特免 vt.给与……特权, 特免 of not inconveniencing anyone, but he actually seemed to want me.

“I love having guests,” he insisted. So I went.

Its surprising how late in life you still get that “I cant believe Im a grownup feeling,” like when your big brother, the guy who used to force you to watch Gomer Pyle reruns, owns his own place. It was small and sparse and he had just moved in but it was his. The refrigerator had nothing but mustard mustard n.芥菜, 芥末, 芥末色, 芥子气 , a few cheese slices and fourteen cans of Diet 7Up.




We picked up some Taco Bell, rented a movie, popped some popcorn and I fell asleep on his couch.

Insomniacs insomniac n.失眠症患者 rarely fall asleep on peoples couches, I assure you. I dont know why I slept so well after agonizing all weekend over the question of home, if I had one anymore, where it was. I only know that curled up under an old sleeping bag, the sound of some secondrate guy movie playing in the background, my brother in a chair next to me, I felt safe and comfortable and maybe thats part of what home is.

As much as Id like to buy the cliches cliche n.陈词滥调, 铅版adj.陈腐的 about home being where the heart is, or as Robert Frost put it, “The place where when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”

Ill probably be casing that joint from time to time for the rest of my life. Ill sit outside, like a child watching someone take away a favorite toy, and silently scream, “MINE!”




