
第3章 Bend It Like Beckham 万人迷:贝克汉姆(2)



His transfer to Real Madrid has proven very fruitful for both Beckham and the club. Beckham scored five times in his first 16 matches (including Reals 600th goal in the European Cup/Champions League, against Olympique Marseille on 26 November 2003), a higher scoring rate than his last year at Manchester United (11 goals in 52 games).

He has become a favourite of the notoriously ficklefickle adj.(在感情等方面)变幻无常的, 浮躁的, 薄情的 Real Madrid crowd, and established an excellent playing relationship with Ronaldo.

During the summer of 2004, Real also signed Englishmen Michael Owen and Jonathan Woodgate.

England career

By 1998, Beckham was a regular international, and travelled with the England squad to the World Cup . In the second round of that competition, he received a red card for retaliation, following a foul challenge by the Argentine Diego Simeone.






This act arguablyarguably adv.可论证地,正如可提出证据加以证明的那样 cost England the game (which they lost on penalties ) and the chance of advancing in the tournament.

On returning home, Beckham became the target of criticism, sometimes justified (the accusation of petulance, for example), and his performance was negatively contrasted with that of Michael Owen, but much merely gratuitous including being burnt in effigyeffigy n.(被憎恨或蔑视的人的)肖像, 雕像. Piers Morgan, the then editor of the Daily Mirror later apologized for some of the harsher criticism.

Most commentators were mollified when it became public that the then England Manager Glen Hoddle supported a number of new age beliefs and practices that had created some conflict in the England team camp.

He received a similar vilification following his dismissal for a dangerous challenge in the World Club Championships the next year.





Following Englands poor performance in Euro 2000 and later poor performances, the departure of Kevin Keegan as manager saw Beckham promoted to captain, initially under caretakercaretaker n.管理者, 看管者, 看守者 manager Peter Taylor and maintained by SvenG ran Eriksson.

His leadership, mainly by example due to his fitness and workrate helped England to qualify for the 2002 World Cup Finals and the 15 defeat of Germany in Munich during a qualifier.

The final step in Beckhams conversion from villainvillain n.坏人, 恶棍 to hero happened in Englands 22 draw against Greece. Needing only one point from the match in order to qualify for the World Cup, Beckham dragged an otherwise poor England side to qualification with sheer determination and a perfectly executed , lastminute free kick. Meanwhile, taking the role of captain seems to have helped mature him, in both skill and temperament.



2:2战平希腊队在最后时刻晋级使得贝克汉姆由国家罪人成为民族英雄。 为了进军世界杯,那场比赛英格兰至少需要1分,贝克汉姆不仅很好地完成了防守任务,而且积极策动进攻、鼓励队友,最后1分钟时进了一个任意球。英格兰国家队队长的角色似乎帮助他在技术和情绪方面都成熟很多。

Two months before the start of the 2002 World Cup Finals, Beckham was injured during a Championschampion n.冠军, 拥护者, 战士 vt.拥护, 支持 League match breaking the metatarsalmetatarsal adj.[解]跖骨的 n.跖骨 bones of his left foot.

It was a cause of some controversy as the player that caused the injury was Argentinian and as England had already been drawn against them in the group stage the British Press speculated the injury was deliberate to hobble Englands star player.

After the miracle of the win in Munich expectations for the England squad were high but even though Beckham was declared match fit for the first match against Sweden he had only had limited training.