
第7章 A Life in Two Worlds: Yao我的世界我的梦:姚明

This is my philosophy about everything: the most important thing is to live your life the way you want it.

A Life in Two Worlds: Yao

The Chinese Capitalist

This is my philosophyphilosophy n.哲学, 哲学体系, 达观, 冷静 about everything: the most important thing is to live your life the way you want it. I dont believe in a certain way of thinking for everybody.





As long asas long as 只要, 在……的时候 youre comfortable with the way you live and dont feel that something has been taken from you, your life should be OK. Of course, I still feel the differences between how I grew upgrow up v.长大, 成人, 崛起 thinking and living and the life I have now.

Theres an expression in Chinese that says when you go somewhere, you must adoptadopt vt.采用, 收养 the customs.

If you have money, youre a capitalist—thats the way some people think. So, OK, Im a capitalist. But I still feel as though whatever money I have in my pocket—the money I can see and use is what I have. And its definitely all I need.

The money I cant see, the money in the bank or the numbers on a check, just gives me a feeling of success. I think most people with a lot of money are like that. No one making millions can say he really needs that money to live. Thats not what it means.





It is a way to measure your worth in your job. If my next contract with the Rockets is for more money that what Im making now, its because Im worth more to them.

I still think of myself as a bluecollar worker. I sweat for my paycheckpaycheck n.付薪水的支票, 薪水. If that makes me the bestknown capitalist in China today, I dont have a problem with that.

The Dream

My dream is to have a home in Hawaii for when Im not playing. Ive never been to Hawaii, but I like the way it sounds. My house would have two floors, and all the furniture would be Scandinavian. I like the color of it.

It makes me feel at peace and comfortable. The house would have a swimming pool, too. It would be a place where I can always feel quiet. I cant remember the last time I felt like that, completely quiet, other than in my dreams.






My dream is to go to the South Sea of China on vacationvacation n.假期, 休假, (房屋等的)腾出 v.<美>度假, 休假. I went there once as a boy. Its so beautiful. I had no money then lots of time. Now I have money but no time to go. Thats life.

