
第5章 Standing for Freedom:Madeleine Albright为了自由的玛德琳·奥尔

“I spent huge portions of my life in airraid shelters, singing ‘A Hundred Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall,” Albright said.

President Clintons keykey n.钥匙, 关键, 解答,要害 advisers could hardly believe their ears when Madeleine K. Albright put it straight to tough guy Russian Foreign Minister Primakov.

“我一生中很大的一部分是在防空洞中度过的,并常会吟唱起‘挂在墙上的一百个绿瓶子’。” 奥尔布赖特说。



Tense negotiations were under way in the State Department conference room. Primakov was insisting that Moscow could not accept a NATO committed to the defense of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic—the very states forced into the Soviet empire 50 years ago.

Fixing her eyes on his, Albright said firmly, “Neither the President nor I will allow the securitysecurity n.安全 or the rights of the Eastern European states to be bargained away. ”Primakov, the former chief of the Russian foreign intelligence service, had no answer for such simple yet resoluteresolute adj.坚决的 words that left no diplomatic wiggle room.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright may look like a pleasantly rumbled housewife, eyes round and bright as full moons. But being an aide and security agent, she tools across the globe with the zeal of a supersaleswoman.




Her consuming wok is to explain to Americans the puzzles of postCold War foreign policy when, as she told Readers Digest, we confront “not an enemy with a face,” but huge problems such as international terrorismterrorism n.恐怖主义, 恐怖统治, 恐怖行动 and nuclear proliferation. Albright is particularly wellsuited to the job.

Certainly on American Secretary of State in history could approach her personal experiences: a family run out of Prague, Czechoslovakia, first by Adolf Hitler, then by Joseph Stalin. Those dreadful events set her far apart from the rest of Clintons national security staffers—many of them postwar baby boomers whose views of the world were formed during the counterculture protests of the Vietnam War.

Albrights own life has taught her the meaning of freedom, the importance of national security—and the vital role the United States plays in restoring the world to order.




She was born on May 15, 1937, in Prague to Jewish parents. Shortly after Hitler arrived in Prague in March 1939, her father, Josef Korbel, a Czech diplomatdiplomat n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人, escaped with his wife and twoyearold daughter to a basement apartment in London, The city was soon in the middle of the Nazi blitz.

“I spent huge portionsportion n.一部分, 一分 of my life in airraid sheltersshelter n.掩蔽处, 掩蔽, 保护, 掩体 v.掩蔽, 躲避, singing ‘A Hundred Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall,” Albright said.

Soon the family moved to WaltononThames, where “they had just invented some kind of steel table” Albright says. “If your house was bombedbomb n.炸弹 vt.投弹于, 轰炸 and you were under the table, you would survive. We ate on the table, slept under the table and played around the table.”


“我一生中很大的一部分是在防空洞中度过的,并常会吟唱起‘挂在墙上的一百个绿瓶子’。” 奥尔布赖特说。


While her father worked against Hitler in Czechoslovakias governmentinexile, sixyearold Madeleine went to school. A 1943 report card described her as a “quick and lively” student who “learns easily and remembers well.” Her grades were solid—except for one surprisingly low grade in geography.

Albright was baptized and raised a Roman Catholic. She insists she was unaware of her Jewish background until recently, when Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs disclosed the truth of her heritage. Albright learned that her grandparents and several other relatives had perished in the Holocaust.

How could she not have known? “Perhaps, when the truth about her family began to appear,” wrote Philip Taubman in the New York Times, “Albright thought it too late and too painful to dismantledismantle v.拆除 the world her parents had constructed and she had preserved for herself and her children.”



