
第1章 Vivien Leigh:Scarlet and Beyond费雯丽:美丽永存(1)

Both Selznick, and the films director George Cukor, were impressed by her talent and beauty.

Vivien Leigh was born Vivian Mary hartley on the evening of wednesday November 5th,1913 in her parents, home in Darjeeling, India.

She moved to England With her family at the age of 6 in 1920. In January of l932,Vivien met Leigh Holman.They married.





But her destiny would not remain domestic for long however, so on August 21st, 1934 she arrived at Lime Grove Studios to begin work on her first film,Things are Looking Up.

In September, Vivien went to see a play called Theatre Royal starring a popular new stage actor, Laurence Olivier, and was intrigued by his good looks and stage presence. During this period Vivien found a new favouritefavourite adj.特别喜爱的, 中意的n.特别喜爱的(或物) novel that she reread several times Gone with the Wind.

She even asked her agent to submitsubmit v.(使)服从, (使)顺从vt.提交, 递交 her name to the widely publicized search to find an actress for Scarlett OHara. After aremarkably welltimed introduction to David O. Selznick by her HoIlvWood agent on December l0th, the first night of location shooting, Vivien did screen tests for her dream role.



当时正到处寻找饰演郝思佳的演员,她于是要求经纪人把她的名字填表寄出。12月10日她的好莱坞经纪人看准时机,把她 推荐给大卫·塞尔思尼克,第一晚在外景拍摄点,费雯丽为她梦寐以求的角色试镜。

Both Selznick, and the films director George Cukor, were impressed by her talent and beauty.

As soon as the filming was finished, Vivien did a screen test for the film, Rebecca. She didnt seem right for the part qualities which made her ideal for Scarlett now made her unsuited for such a restrainedrestrained adj.受限制的, 拘谨的, 有限的 role.

Vivien next was given the lead role in MGMs Waterloo Bridge as part of her new Hollywood counter, although she would have Preferred working on Pride and Prejudice, Olivier had the option to work with her as the leading man in Woterloo Bridge or take the lead in Pride and Prejudice.

Vivien would work on either film, as long as she could work with Olivier.Due to her contract however, she ended up signing om to Waterloo Bridge without him. Meanwhile, she prepared for the grand opening of Gone with the Wind in Atlanta.





It opened to great reviews and Vivien became the talk of the town. Right after Christmas, she begin work on Waterloo Bridge, talking ballet lessons for a scene early on in the film, and voice lessons to improve her acting technique.