
第13章 Nobel Prize Winner:Bloembergen 诺贝尔大师:布洛姆伯根(2)


I had always harbored plans to do some research for a Ph.D. thesis outside the Netherlands, to broaden my perspective. After the devastationdevastation n.毁坏 of Europe, the only suitable place in 1945 appeared to be the United States. Three applicationsapplication n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用, 施用, 敷用,应用,应用程序,应用软件 netted an acceptance in the graduate school at Harvard University.

My father financed the trip and the Dutch government obliged by issuing a valutavaluta n.币值, 可使用的外汇总值 permit for the purchase of US$ 1,850. As my good fortune would have it, my arrival at Harvard occurred six weeks after Purcell, Torrey and Pound had detected nuclearnuclear adj.核子的, 原子能的, 核的, 中心的 magnetic resonance (NMR) in condensed matter.



Since they were busy writing volumes for the M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory series on microwavemicrowave n.微波 techniques, I was accepted as a graduate assistant to develop the early NMR apparatus. My thorough Dutch educational background enabled me to quickly profit from lectures by professors there.

During a vacation trip of a Physics Club I met Deli in the summer of 1948. She had spent the war years in a Japanese concentration camp in Indonesia, where she was born. She was about to start her premedpremed n.医学院预科 studies.

When I returned to Harvard in 1949, she managed to get on a student hospitality exchange program and traveled after me to the United States on an immigrant ship. I proposed to her the day she arrived and we got married in Amsterdam in 1950.




Ever since, she has been a source of light in my life. Her enduringenduring adj.持久的, 不朽的 encouragement has contributed immenselyimmensely adv.无限地, 广大地, 庞大地, 非常 to the successes in my further career.

After the difficult years as an immigrant wife, raising three children on the modest income, she has found the time and energy to develop her considerable talents as a pianist and artist. We became U.S. citizens in 1958.

Our children are now independent. The older daughter, Antonia, holds M.A. degrees in political science and demography, and works in the Boston area. Our son, Brink, has an M.B.A. degree and is an industrial planner in Oregon. Our younger daughter, Juliana, envisages a career in the financial world. She has interrupted her banking job to obtain an M.B.A. in Philadelphi.



