
第5章 A Mad Man of Not Mad:Salvador Dali没有发疯的疯子:萨尔瓦多·达利3




The other important event was that Dali decided to formally join the Paris Surrealists in this same year.

In January, he met with Luis Bunuel in Figueras to work on a scriptscript n.手稿, 手迹, 剧本, 考生的笔试卷, 原本 for the film which would eventually be known as Un chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog). He also had his first one man show in Paris at Goemans Gallery, and was soon on his way to the top.

However, there was a price to pay for all this success. Disapproving of his relationship with Gala, Dalis father threw him out of the house, starting an estrangement that would last almost 30 years before being healed.

With no income to support them, Gala and Dali moved into a small shackshack n.小室 in a small village called Port ligate, to the north. There they spent many secluded hours together, as Dali churnedchurn v.粗制,搅拌, 搅动 n.搅乳器 out paintings which could be sold to support them.





In 1937 Dali visited Italy and adopted a more traditionaltraditional adj.传统的, 惯例的, 口传的, 传说的 style; this together with his political views(he was a supporter of General Franco) made Dali expelled from the Surrealist Group of Paris.

Of all the Surrealism achievements, there is one that stands out above all the others. The Paranoiac Critical Method was a sensibility, or way of perceiving reality that was developed by Salvador Dali. It was defined by Dali himself as“irrational knowledge”based on a “deli rium of interpretation.”

More simply put, it was a process by which the artist found new and unique ways to view the world around him. It is the ability of the artist or the viewer to perceiveperceive vt.察觉v.感知, 感到, 认识到 multiple images within the same configuration. The concept can be compared to Max Ernsts frottagefrottage 擦, 摩擦 or Leonardo da Vincis scribbling and drawings.




As a matter of fact, all of us have practiced the Paranoiac Critical Method when gazing at stucco on a wall, or clouds in the sky, and seeing different shapes therein. Dali elevated this uniquely human characteristic into his own artform.

Dali, though not a true paranoid, was able to simulate a paranoid state, without the use of drugs, and upon his return to “normal perspective” he would paint what he saw and envisioned therein.

Dali was able to create what he called “hand painted dream photographs” which were physical, painted representations of the hallucinationshallucination n.幻觉, 幻想 and images he would see while in his paranoid state.

Although he certainly had his own load of mental problems to bear, it can be said that Dalis delusionsdelusion n.错觉 and paranoid hallucinations did not totally dominate his mind, as he was able to convey them to canvas with his miraculous skill.





It is in this context that one of Dalis most famous statements takes on a whole newmeaning and understanding. “The only difference between myself and a madman, is that I am not mad!”

Indeed, Dali used his very Paranoiac Critical Method to enter alternatealternate adj.交替的, 轮流的, 预备的 v.交替, 轮流, 改变 levels of reality, in which his perceptionsperception n.理解感知,感觉 were markedlymarkedly adv.显著地, 明显地 different from everyday reality.

His surreal training had served him well, but paintings like Slave Market with Disappearing Bust of Voltaire1940, showed that he was quickly outgrowingoutgrowth n.长出, 派出, 结果, 副产物 even their influence. He was developing a style totally unique that would become a watershedwatershed n.分水岭 event in art, that of integrating the surreal with the everyday, so as to offer it to everyone.




Dali moved to the U.S. in 1940, where he remained until 1948. His later paintings, often on religious themestheme n.(谈话, 写作等的)题目, 主题, 学生的作文, 作文题, 主题, 主题曲, 主旋律, are more classical in style.

Salvador Dali died on January 23, 1989.


