
第11章 On Doors神秘的门(2)

Doors are the symbol of privacy, of retreat, of the minds escape into blissful blissful adj.有福的 quietude quietude n.平静, 寂静 or sad secret struggle. A room without doors is not a room, but a hallway. No matter where he is, a man can make himself at home behind a closed door.

The mind works best behind closed doors. Men are not horses to be herded together. Dogs know the meaning and anguish anguish n.痛苦, 苦恼 of doors. Have you ever noticed a puppy puppy n.(常指未满一岁的)小狗, 小动物, 自负的青年 yearning at a shut portal portal n.入口 ? It is a symbol of human life.

The opening of doors is a mystic act: it has in it some flavor of the unknown, some sense of moving into a new moment, a new pattern of the human rigmarole rigmarole n.冗长的废话, 胡言乱语 .




It includes the highest glimpses glimpse n.一瞥, 一看 of mortal gladness gladness n.欢乐, 喜悦, 欢喜 ; reunions, reconciliations reconciliation n.和解, 调和, 顺从 , the bliss of lovers long parted.

Even in sadness, the opening of a door may bring relief: it changes and redistributes redistribute vt.重新分配, 再区分, 重新分布 human forces.

But the closing of doors is far more terrible. It is a confession of finality finality n.结尾, 定局, 终结, 最后的事物, 最后的言行 . Every door closed brings something to an end. And there are degrees of sadness in the closing of doors.

A door slammed slam v.砰地关上, 砰地放下, 猛力抨击, 冲击 is a confessionconfession n.供认, 承认, 招供 of weakness. A door gently shut is often the most tragic gesture in life.





Every one knows the seizure seizure n.抓, 捉, 没收, 查封, 夺取 of anguish that comes just after the closing of a door, when the loved one is still near, within sound of voice, and yet already far away.

The opening and closing of doors is a part of the stern fluency of life. Life will not stay still and let us alone. We are continually opening doors with hope, closing them with despair. Life lasts not much longer than a pipe of tobacco, and destiny destiny n.命运, 定数 knocks us out like the ashes.

The closing of a door is irrevocable irrevocable adj.不能取消的 . It snapssnap v.猛地吸住, 突然折断, 使劈啪地晌, 猛咬 the packthread of the heart. It is no avail avail n.效用, 利益 to reopen, to go back.




Pinero spoke nonsense when he made Paula Tanqueray say, “The future is only the past entered through another gate.” Alas, there is no other gate. When the door is shut, it is shut forever. There is no other entrance to that vanished pulse pulse n.脉搏, 脉冲 of time. “The moving finger writes, and having written…”

There is a certain kind of doorshutting that will come to us all. The kind of doorshutting that is done very quietly, with the sharp click of the latch to break the stillness stillness n.静止, 沉静 . They will think then, one hopes, of our unfulfilled decencies decency n.庄重 rather than of our pluperfected misdemeanoursmisdemeanour n.行为不端 . Then they will go out and close the door.


