
第14章 Dad Is Sure That He Could Play That Mandolin父亲和曼陀林

When Dad was younger, he worked for his father on the farm. His father was a farmer and sharecroppedsharecrop v.作佃农耕种 a farm for the man who owned the property.

In 1950, our family moved from the farm. Dad had gained employment at the local limestonelimestone n.石灰石 quarryquarry n.采石场, (知识、消息等的)来源 . When the quarry closed in August of 1957, he had to seek other employment.

He worked for Owens Yacht Company in Dundalk, Maryland and for Todd Steel in Point of Rocks, Maryland.

While working at Todd Steel, he was involved in an accident. His job was to roll angle iron onto a conveyor so that the welderswelder n.焊接工 farther up the production line would have it to complete their job.





On this particular day Dad got the third index fingerindex finger n.食指 of his left hand mashed between two pieces of steel. The doctor who operated on the finger could not save it, and Dad ended up having the tip of the finger amputatedamputate vt.切除(手臂,腿等) . He didnt lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, but it did impactimpact vt.挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对……发生影响 his ability to play the mandolin.

After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. He felt that he could not play as well as he had before the accident. When I came home on leave and asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldnt play.

Eventually, we would wear him down and he would say “Okay, but remember, I cant hold down on the strings the way I used to” or “Since the accident to this finger I cant play as good”.




For the family it didnt make any difference that Dad couldnt play as well. We were just glad that he would play. When he played the old mandolin it would carry us back to a cheerful, happier time in our lives. “Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier”, would again be heard in the little town of Bakerton, West Virginia.

In August of 1993 my father was diagnoseddiagnose v.诊断 with inoperable lung cancer. He chose not to receive chemotherapychemotherapy n.化学疗法 treatments so that he could live out the rest of his life in dignitydignity n.尊严, 高贵 .

About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. He made excuses but said “okay”. He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. When I looked around, there was not a dry eye in the family.




We saw before us a quiet humblehumble adj.卑下的, 微贱的, 谦逊的, 粗陋的 man with an inner strength that comes from knowing God, and living with him in ones life. Dad would never play the mandolin for us again. We felt at the time that he wouldnt have enough strength to play, and that makes the memory of that day even stronger. Dad was doing something he had done all his life, giving. As sick as he was, he was still pleasing others. Dad is sure that he could could play that Mandolin!

