
第12章 Marriage Dont Need Scorecard为爱加油

In marriage, there is no scorecard. You do little things for each other to make the others life easier.

Marriage Dont Need Scorecard

As the movie came to an end the room filled with chatter. The warm fire, twinkling Christmas lights and laughter from family brought a contentedcontented adj.满足的, 心安的 smile to my face. The minute Mom said, “Who wants…”the room emptied quicker than the stands at a losing football game.




My boyfriend Todd and I were the only ones left. With a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened. Catching the laughter on my moms face, I said to Todd,“ We are going to go put gas in my moms car.”

He quickly replied, “Its freezing out there, and its almost 11:30 P.M.” Smiling, I said, “ Then you had better your coat and glovesglove n.手套vt.戴手套 .”

After hurriedly chipping the frost off the windshieldwindshield n.挡风玻璃 , we bundled into the car. On the way to the gas station, Todd asked me to explain why in the world we were going to get my mom gas so late at night. Chuckling, I said, “When my siblingssibling n.兄弟, 姐妹, 同胞, 同属 and I come home for the holidays, we help my dad get gas for my mom. It has turned into a game with all of us. We can tell when my mom is going to ask and the last one in the room has to go.”




“You have got to be kidding me!” Todd responded.

“There is no getting out of it,” I said.

While pumping the gas, we clappedclap v.鼓掌, 轻拍 our hands and jumped around to stay warm. “I still dont get it. Why doesnt your mom put the gas in the car herself?” Todd asked.

With mirth in my eyes, I said,“ I know it sounds insaneinsane adj. 极愚蠢的, 患精神病的, 精神病患者的 , but let me explain. My mom has not pumped gas in over two decades. My dad always pumps gas for her.”

With a confusedconfused adj.困惑的, 烦恼的 look, Todd asked if my dad was ever annoyed with having to pump gas for his wife all the time. Shaking my head, I simply said,“ No, he has never complained.”

“Thats crazy,” Todd quickly replied.







“No, not really,” I explained patiently. “When I came home for the holidays my sophomoresophomore n.大学二年级生, 有二年经验的人 year of college, I thought I knew everything. I was on this big female independence kick. One evening, my mom and I were wrapping presents, and I told her that when I got married, my husband was going to help clean, do laundry, cook, the whole bit. Then I asked her if she ever got tired of doing the laundry and dishes. She calmly told me it did not bother her. This was difficult for me to believe. I began to give her a lecture about this being the 90s, and equality between the sexes.

“Mom listened patiently. Then after setting the ribbonribbon n.缎带, 丝带, 带, 带状物, 带子 aside, she looked me square in the eyes. ‘Someday, dear, you will understand.’

“This only irritated me more. I didnt understand one bit. And so I demanded more of an explanation. Mom smiled, and began to explain:




“‘In a marriage, there are some things you like to do and some things you dont. So, together, you figure outfigure out v.合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到 what little things you are willing to do for each other. You share the responsibilities. I really dont mind doing the laundry. On the other hand, I do not like to pump gas. The smell of the fumesfume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体, 一阵愤怒(或不安) bothers me. And I dont like to stand out in the freezing cold. So, your dad always puts gas in my car. Your dad grocery shops, and I cook. Your dad mows the grass, and I clean. I could go on and on.’

“‘You see,’ my mother continued, ‘in marriage, there is no scorecard. You do little things for each other to make the others life easier. If you think of it as helping the person you love, you dont become annoyed with doing the laundry or cooking, or any task, because youre doing it out of love.’



“Over the years, I have often reflected on what my mom said. She has a great perspective on marriage. I like how my mom and dad take care of each other. And you know what? One day, when Im married, I dont want to have a scorecard either.”

Todd was unusually quiet the rest of the way home. After he shut off the engine, he turned to me and took my hands in his with a warm smile and a twinkle in his eye.

“Anytime you want,” he said in a soft voice, “ Ill pump gas for you.”



