
第1章 Sock Burning Welcomes Spring“烧袜子仪式”迎春天

In sailingcrazy Annapolis, boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial—burning of the Socks.

Sock Burning Welcomes Spring

In sailingcrazy Annapolis, boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial ceremonial n.仪式adj.正式的 —burning of the Sockssock n.短袜, 鞋内衬底, 轻软鞋, 一击, 零食, signifyingsignify vt.表示, 意味vi.要紧, 有重要 it will soon be warm enough to wear shoes without socks.




The tradition began in the mid1980s, when an employee employee n.职工, 雇员, 店员 at Annapolis Yacht Yard tired of his winter days doing engine maintenance maintenance n.维护, 保持, 生活费用, 扶养 on yachts and power boats. He stripped off his stinky socks, put them in a paint can with some lighter fluidfluid n.流动性,流度 adj.流动的,不固定的,可改变的,可另派用场的,流畅的 and drank a beer while looking forward to warmer days ahead.

“Theres a whole industry industry n.工业, 产业, 行业, 勤奋 of people who work all winter long on peoples boats so that theyll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer,” said Jeff Holland, director of the Annapolis Maritime Museum.

But the sockburning ritualritual n.典礼, (宗教)仪式, 礼节adj.典礼的, (宗教)仪式的 now draws more than boatyardboatyard n.船坞,造船厂,修船厂. workers.




Even wealthy sailboat owners delight in throwing tube socks and panty panty (=panties)童裤 女裤 hose on the flames in this town, whose residents have a special disdain disdain n.轻蔑, 以高傲的态度对待vt.蔑视, 鄙弃 for socks. Waterfront restaurants that serve big crab feasts draw men wearing leather loafers sans socks.

Annapolis resident Michael Busch, the speaker of the Maryland House, joked that socks constitute formal wear around here. The most hardcore sock haters refuse to wear them from the spring equinox equinox n.昼夜平分点, 春分或秋分 until the first day of winter.

“The uniform uniform n.制服adj.统一的, 相同的, 一致的, 始终如一的, 均衡的vt.使成一样, 使穿制服 is deck shoes and khaki khaki adj.黄褐色n.卡其布 pants in winter. The uniform is deck shoes and khaki shorts in summer,” Holland said with a laugh.




The sock bonfire, he said, is a way of remembering Annapolis bygone days of workingclass watermen who brought in crabs crab n.螃蟹, 类似螃蟹的动物, 脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵vi.捕蟹, 偏航, 发牢骚vt.使偏航, 发脾气, 破坏 in the summer and scraped the paint off wooden vessels vessel n.船, 容器, 器皿, 脉管, 导管 in the winter.

These days, the bonfire bonfire n.大篝火, 营火 revelers retire for crab cakes and oysters oyster n.[动]牡蛎, 蚝, 沉默者 after burning their socks.


