
第8章 April Fools Day愚人节

April 1st in the 21st Century looks like it will continue to be a day on which we fools must be wary!

April Fools Day

This is a festival that has become infamous infamous adj.声名狼籍的 everywhere. With no religious religious adj.信奉宗教的, 虔诚的, 宗教上的, 修道的, 严谨的 content this festival is purely about fun, at other peoples expense. The source of this days antics antics n.滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态 is not certain.




However, it is usually explained as that in France in the 16th Century Charles IX switched the calendar to the Gregorian Gregorian adj.罗马教皇 Gregory 的 form. By doing this January 1st became New Years Day rather than April 1st.

However, communicationscommunications [计] 通信 being what they were at the time news of this change never reached some while others chose to ignore this reform. Such people were labeled fools and became generally the butt of many jokes.

The British, with their acute acute adj.敏锐的, [医]急性的, 剧烈 appreciation of a good prank prank n.胡闹, 开玩笑, 恶作剧 vt.装饰, 打扮 , soon picked up on the tradition. When America was colonized the French and British carried the festival with them.

April 1st in the 21st Century looks like it will continue to be a day on which we fools must be wary!




