
第17章 Is He Living orIs He Dead?(2)

“For a little over two years this went on. At last, one day, Claude said: ‘Boys, weve come to the end. Do you understand that?—absolutely to the end. Everybody has struck—theres a league formed against us. Ive been all around the village and its just as I tell you. They refuse to credit us for another centime until all the odds and ends are paid up.’”


“This struck us as cold. Every face was blank with dismaydismay n.沮丧, 惊慌 v.使沮丧, 使惊慌。 We realised that our circumstances were desperate, now. There was a long silence. Finally Millet said with a sigh: ‘Nothing occurs to me—nothing. Suggest something, lads.’”


“There was no response, unless a mournful silence may be called a response. Carl got up, and walked nervously up and down a while, then said: ‘Its a shame! Look at these canvasescanvas v.彻底讨论探究 n.帆布: stacks and stacks of as good pictures as anybody in Europe paints—I dont care who he is. Yes, and plenty of lounging strangers have said the same—or nearly that, anyway.’”


“ ‘But didnt buy。’ Millet said.”


“ ‘No matter, they said it, and its true, too. Look at your ‘Angelus’ there! Will anybody tell me—’”


“ ‘Pah, Carl—My ‘Angelus!’ I was offered five francs for it.’”


“ ‘When?’”


“ ‘Who offered it?’”


“ ‘Where is he?’”


“ ‘Why didnt you take it?’”


“‘come—dont all speak at once. I thought he would give more—I was sure of it—he looked it—so I asked him eight.’”


“ ‘Well—and then?’”


“ ‘He said he would call again.’”


“ ‘Thunder and lightning! Why, Francois—’”


“ ‘Oh, I know—I know! It was a mistake, and I was a fool. Boys, I meant for the best. Youll grant me that, and I—’”


“ ‘Why, certainly, we know that, bless your dear heart, but dont you be a fool again.’”


“‘ I wish somebody would come along and offer us a cabbage for it—youd see!’”


“ ‘A cabbage! Oh, dont name it—it makes my mouth water. Talk of things less trying.’”


“ ‘Boys,’ said Carl, ‘do these pictures lack merit? Answer me that.’”


“ ‘No!’”


“ ‘Arent they of very great and high merit? Answer me that.’”


“ ‘Yes.’”


“ ‘Of such great and high merit that, if an illustriousillustrious adj.杰出的 name were attached to them they would sell at splendid prices. Isnt it so?’”


“ ‘Certainly it is. Nobody doubts that.’”


“ ‘But—Im not joking—isnt it so?”


“ ‘Why, of course its so—and we are not joking. But what of it. What of it? How does that concern us?’”


“ ‘In this way, comrades—well attach an illustrious name to them!’”


“The lively conversation stopped. The faces were turned inquiringly upon Carl. What sort of riddle might this be? Where was an illustrious name to be borrowed? And who was to borrow it?”


“Carl sat down, and said: ‘Now, I have a perfectly serious thing to propose. I think it is the only way to keep us out of the almshousealmshouse n.私立济贫院或养老院, 公立救济院, and I believe it to be a perfectly sure way. I base this opinion upon certain multitudinousmultitudinous adj.大量的, 群集的, 多种多样的 and longestablished facts in human history. I believe my project will make us all rich.’”


“ ‘Rich! Youve lost your mind.’”


“ ‘No, I havent.’”


“ ‘Yes, you have—youve lost your mind. What do you call rich?’”


“ ‘A hundred thousand francs apiece.’”


“ ‘He has lost his mind. I knew it.’”


“ ‘Yes, he has. Carl, privationprivation n.缺乏, 穷困, 丧失, 被剥夺了某物的状态 has been too much for you, and—’”


“‘Carl, you want to take a pill and get right to bed.’”


“‘Bandage him first—bandage his head, and then—’”


“ ‘No, bandage his heels, his brains have been settling for weeks—Ive noticed it.’”


“‘Shut up!’ said Millet, with ostensibleostensible adj.可公开得, (指理由等)表面的, 虚假的 severity, ‘And let the boy have his say. Now, then—come out with your project, Carl. What is it?’”


“ ‘Well, then, by way of preamble I will ask you to note this fact in human history that the merit of many a great artist has never been acknowledged until after he was starved and dead. This has happened so often that I make bold to found a law upon it. This law that the merit of every great unknown and neglected artist must and will be recognised and his pictures climb to high prices after his death. My project is this, we must cast lots—one of us must die.’”
