
第3章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(3)

“A month! Oh, this is awful! Give me some sort of idea of how to get a word to them. Its of the last importance.”


“I cant, indeed. Ive no idea where theyve gone, sir.”


“Then I must see some member of the family.”


“Familys away, too, been abroad months—in Egypt and India, I think.”


“Man, theres been an immenseimmense adj.极广大的, 无边的, <口>非常好的 mistake made. Theyll be back before night. Will you tell them Ive been here, and that I will keep coming till its all made right, and they neednt be afraid?”


“Ill tell them, if they come back, but I am not expecting them. They said you would be here in an hour to make inquiries, but I must tell you its all right, theyll be here on time and expect you.”


So I had to give it up and go away. What a riddleriddle n.谜, 谜语, 神秘人物 v.解谜, 出谜, 迷惑 it all was! I was like to lose my mind. They would be here “on time”。 What could that mean? Oh, the letter would explain, maybe. I had forgotten the letter, I got it out and read it. This is what it said:我只好打住,走开了。搞的什么鬼!我真是摸不着头脑。“等时候一到”他们会在这儿。这是什么意思?哦,没准那封信上说了。我把刚才忘了的那封信抽出来一看,信上是这样说的:“You are an intelligent and honest man, as one may see by your face. We conceiveconceive vt.构思, 以为, 持有 vi.怀孕, 考虑, 设想 you to be poor and a stranger. Enclosed you will find a sum of money. It is lent to you for thirty days, without interest. Report at this house at the end of that time. I have a bet on you. If I win it you shall have any situation that is in my giftany, that is, that you shall be able to prove yourself familiar with and competent to fill.”


No signaturesignature n.签名, 署名, 信号, no address, no date.


Well, here was a coil to be in! You are posted on what had preceded all this, but I was not. It was just a deep, dark puzzle to me. I hadnt the least idea what the game was, nor whether harm was meant me or a kindness. I went into a park, and sat down to try to think it out, and to consider what I had best do.


At the end of an hour my reasonings had crystallizedcrystallize v.明确 into this verdictverdict n.[律](陪审团的)裁决, 判决, 判断, 定论, 结论。


Maybe those men mean me well, maybe they mean me ill, no way to decide that—let it go. Theyve got a game, or a scheme, or an experiment, of some kind on hand, no way to determine what it is—let it go. Theres a bet on me, no way to find out what it is—let it go. That disposesdispose v.处理, 处置, 部署 vt.布置, 安排, 除去, 使愿意 of the indeterminable quantities, the remainder of the matter is tangibletangible adj.切实的, solid, and may be classed and labeled with certainty. If I ask the Bank of England to place this bill to the credit of the man it belongs to, theyll do it, for they know him, although I dont, but they will ask me how I came in possession of it, and if I tell the truth, theyll put me in the asylumasylum n.庇护, 收容所, 救济院, 精神病院, naturally, and a lie will land me in jail. The same result would follow if I tried to bank the bill anywhere or to borrow money on it. I have got to carry this immense burden around until those men come back, whether I want to or not. It is useless to me, as useless as a handful of ashesashes n.灰烬, 骨灰, 尸体, 文化遗址, and yet I must take care of it, and watch over it, while I beg my living. I couldnt give it away, if I should try, for neither honest citizen nor highwayman would accept it or meddle with it for anything. Those brothers are safe. Even if I lose their bill, or burn it, they are still safe, because they can stop paymentpayment n.付款, 支付, 报酬, 偿还, 报应, 惩罚, and the Bank will make them whole, but meantime Ive got to do a months suffering without wages or profit—unless I help win that bet, whatever it may be, and get that situation that I am promised. I should like to get that, men of their sort have situations in their gift that are worth having.


I got to thinking a good deal about that situation. My hopes began to rise high. Without doubt the salary would be large. It would begin in a month, after that I should be all right. Pretty soon I was feeling firstrate. By this time I was tramping the streets again. The sight of a tailorshop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe myself decently once more. Could I afford it? No, I had nothing in the world but a million pounds. So I forced myself to go on by. But soon I was drifting back again. The temptationtemptation n.诱惑, 诱惑物 persecutedpersecute v.迫害 me cruelly. I must have passed that shop back and forth six times during that manful struggle. At last I gave in, I had to. I asked if they had a misfitmisfit n.不称职的人, 不适合的东西 vt.与……不相称vi.不适合, 不相称 suit that had been thrown on their hands. The fellow I spoke to nodded his head towards another fellow, and gave me no answer. I went to the indicated fellow, and he indicated another fellow with his head, and no words. I went to him, and he said: “ Tend to you presently.”
